Safe in my arms

Beautiful eyes

Daehyun is stunned, his head struggling to warp around Youngjae’s words.


“You mean,” he says, finally, with much difficulty, fiddling with a bit of feather and trying out his new fingers, “That was you?”


“Yes,” Youngjae smiles, though this time his expression is tinged with regret, “I’m so sorry, Daehyun-- I’m so sorry


Daehyun-- because of you, I was able to be reincarnated into another person-- though a tiny part of my soul still remains here, in heaven-- because of my only regret in life; I wanted to thank you. And so during all those years-- I walked beside you as what you would call a guardian angel-- watching as you slowly weaken-- but I couldn’t do a single thing to help. I shared your every bit of emotion-- I know your anguish, your pain-- and oh, Daehyun-- It’s all my fault, I’m so sorry--”


Somewhere in the middle of his passionate speech, Daehyun had reached for his hands-- and the flashes of memories come back again; of the former pianist's gradual spiral into depression. Only this time, Daehyun notices something different-- it isn't a large change, really, but wherever the youth goes-- a ghostly image of Youngjae follows, his eyes a brilliant mixture molten violet and gold, the only illumination coming from his pale shadow. He's quite literally everywhere-- lingering and slinking behind Daehyun's former self, and Daehyun watches as the guardian angel tries again and again, futilely, to attract his attention-- though failing miserably, until the pianist is in the bathtub, submerging slowly into the blood red water-- and Youngjae grabs hold of him and pulls, strong wings propelling them straight into the skies high above, taking with him a shimmering substance which Daehyun barely registers is a mirrored image of himself.


Oh, he realizes, it's my soul.


Youngjae stops in surprise as he sees fresh tears b in Daehyun’s eyes. “Oh- Youngjae- I’m so glad-- I thought that I sacrificed myself for nothing-- but I saved you-- and that,” Daehyun grins, though his tears still spill onto his cheeks, “that is worth more than a thousand fingers and more.”


The two of them are silent for a second, save for the sound of tears dripping onto snowy feathers, the couple embracing each other tightly for shared warmth and comfort.


Daehyun breaks off in shock as Youngjae’s wings suddenly crumble into tiny splinters, vanishing and blown into the thick mist of snow and wind.


“Youngjae--?” he gasps, holding on to the angel’s hands, only to realise that they aren’t there anymore-- Youngjae’s form is flickering, fading, slowly vanishing into nothingness. He's moving on, Daehyun realizes with a pang.


“Daehyun,” Youngjae is definitely fading now, his form flickering faintly in the icy light. “What I want to say is that-- Daehyun, you're different from me. You have everything that I've never had in my life-- a family, someone to rely on, hope. Unlike me, you have a choice in your life-- and right now I'm telling you this. Do not waste this second chance you have. It might have been too late for me, but it is certainly far from your time to go.”


Daehyun opens his mouth to protest, but he is silenced by a finger held up by the angel.


“Daehyun-- it takes less than a few minutes for a person to go unconscious and die from blood loss if they slit their wrists-- not to mention that it would have taken even less time for you, seeing that you took pills with blood-thinning effects. So why-- why did your family have time to save you?


“That’s right. Dae-- you didn’t aim for your wrists-- not the arteries. You were about to, but some part of you resisted, and you severed the veins just a little to the left of your arteries. Thus your family was able to find you in time-- and send you to the hospital. Do you know what this means, Daehyun?


It means that you still haven’t given up all the hope in life,” Youngjae smiles. “Deep inside-- there’s a voice calling out for help, for attention. For love. For the fame you once had-- for the approval of your parents-- and that some part of your body still believes that you can be saved-- that no matter how small, there’s still hope in the world to keep holding on for, and there will always be-- and you wanted to stay alive because of that. That’s why you missed deliberately-- isn’t it?


“And now I’m telling you this, Daehyun--


“You still have a second chance- to go back home, to your life and make things right again. So go, return to your family, where you belong-- and this time, be brave. There are thousands of challenges in this world, some larger than the others-- but remember. You’re Jung Daehyun-- the pride and joy of your family. You have your parents-- who will always be supporting you, and loving you-- whether they show it or not. And if all is lost, even if you lose everything, remember--” the voice stops for a second.


Daehyun’s eyes widen as he feels the faintest touch of lips on his own, soft and tender-- and startlingly cold, like one of the snowflakes tumbling from the sky of no beginning.


“Daehyun--- I give you my love. I give you my heart-- the wondrous light you have restored in me so many years ago. You’re never alone, Daehyun-- my love will always be with you, wherever you go, no matter how lost you might be. I love you.”


And with that, there is a great gust of wind, and it nearly blows Daehyun off his feet-- and the last remaining, comforting presence of the angel is gone-- replaced by the swirling of crystal droplets, falling silently all around him.


Youngjae--” Daehyun cries desperately, hands groping blindly in the blizzard for one last touch, one last fleeting embrace. “Will we meet again?”


This time, he hears no reply-- but Youngjae’s voice echoes in his mind, filling him with warmth and hope.


Yes, he chants, Yes, Daehyun.


Sooner than you think.




The blizzard stops, miraculously, mere seconds after the angel's departure. Daehyun stands in the middle of nowhere-- everything is white, oddly bleached white-- and the suddenly the sky comes crumbling down.

The ground trembles and Daehyun struggles to keep his footing, before landing on the hard snow capped pavement in an ungrateful heap.


Everything makes sense now, Daehyun reflects. No-- it wasn’t death that he wanted. It was the feeling of approval, of affection, of being accepted. And now he knows-- all isn’t lost. My parents love me. Youngjae loves me.


Now, I just have to love myself as well-- and save myself.


Be brave, he remembers Youngjae's voice, chiding him in his head, his brilliant amethyst and gold eyes glinting in the dying light.


I am, Daehyun thinks, and with that, the former pianist closes his eyes one last time, relaxing his arms and spreading them akin to the wings of an angel, preparing for flight.


I am brave.


The ground heaves one last, mighty shovel-- before everything hollows out, bursts of fire and light and snow flying everywhere in the mass of destruction. Daehyun feels himself being oddly airborne-- and then everything is gone, save for the howling of the wind--


And the world









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Chapter 13: O.M.G. youre story is so touching and your note really hit me hard. I suffer from depression and to read this was really eye opening and helpful. Thank you so much for entering your story to my contest, I am afraid I never would have read such an amazing piece otherwise.
pssst don't forget to add the link to the Happiness Contest ;)
This was all so beautiful that I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much for writing this story and that beautiful note at the end. Really.
authornim, I'm glad that I found this beautiful fic of yours. I don't know how to describe it but well, but it feels real. You talked about life and it's lingering among us all. Some of us didn't understand how does it feels like to be underpressure, it's really, but you elaborates it in beautiful way.
This story should get more attention from people out there and I hope you'll writes more story like this in the future! Good luck.
p/s; trust me, you have such a beautiful big heart.
Chapter 13: This was absolutely beautiful! It made me realize that you should never give in to those doubts and evil voice at the back of you head. That you need to be brave and love yourself flaws and all. Thank you so much for writing this amazing story that spoke to me on so many levels. :)
Chapter 13: Oh wow. Is it strange to say that this heightened my belief in God? The world is such a cruel place to live, but God has given us a sense of morality which can prove that there is hope for humanity, even at the most difficult times. I love how Daehyun portrayed that spec of decency in Youngjae's miserable life, that made me have a total emotional break down. My teacher stole a quote from a movie and it went somewhere along the lines of "Look at how the world ought to be looked out- not for how it really is"- and I felt as though this story really related well to that. I cried like a baby in a lot of the chapters because it was just so touching. Youngjae's character was so incredible, his demeanour made me feel all warm and tingly, I love it so much <3 your writing is so unique, I've never read anything like it before. And the purpose of this was even more enthralling, thank you for writing such a beautiful piece :) upvoted!
Chapter 13: I have said before that I'm not really good in leaving comments but,

This story is truly beautiful. I enjoyed every chapter and I have to admit the last part had me in tears.

Thank you for writing!! ♥
Chapter 1: I just really want to say that this is breathtakingly beautiful. Really, it truly is. I am quite speechless and to be honest I'm still a little teary eyed from the ending. This is a masterpiece and I really want to thank you for writing it. I feel like I can really relate to the raw emotions in this story and it made me tear up quite a bit, yet smile like a complete fool by the end. So thank you for writing something so inspirational and heartwarming. :)
Chapter 7: *cries the han river* absolutely beautiful..