
Hushed Attraction


"OK CUT!" yelled the director as the staff hustled about trying to wrap up the shoot for a new perfume commerical set to launch next month. The lights, cameras, directors, and hair/makeup artists were part of your daily life as a actress and model. 

It was 1am and you have gone nearly 20 hours without sleep after working 2 back to back schedules. You were busy these days after your successful drama production last year boosted your popularity and expanded many new opportunities abroad. 

"Kwangmin-ah, get the car ready and pass me my green smoothie. I'm so exhausted from the shoot" you called out to your manager. You excused yourself from your co-workers and hurriedly entered your minivan to be escorted home. 

"Please tell me that I can sleep in tomorrow" 

"You're in luck, you've got the whole day to yourself except a movie premiere appearance starting at 5pm and an after-party till 2am" Kwangmin replied as he pulled out from the studio onto the empty road. 

"Thank God, I don't think I could force a smile on my face if I had another event at 5am. By the way, who's movie premiere am going to? I can't keep track anymore..."

"Don't worry about, just rest, I'll fill you in with all the details tomorrow. Just be ready for me to pick you up at 2pm tomorrow for wardrobe, hair, and makeup. It takes an hour or so to drive back down to Seoul, I'll wake you up when we arrive at your house" he said. 

Due to the clear weather and minimal traffic, you arrived back to your luxurious Seoul mansion in less than an hour. You tiredly entered and walked up the stairs to your room before crashing on your bed. 



You shouldn't be out this late on a Wednesday night but you didn't care. There were no rules in your household, or at least, they weren't enforced. Your mom was home once every few days and you didn't see her 50% of the time because you were either at school & out with your friends or she was sleeping or working. You looked at your phone, *12am Already?* you thought to yourself. You were out at a karaoke bar with some of your "friends" including your best friend, Jimin, whom you've known since middle school. 

"Alright guys, I'm gonna leave. I can't run on 5 hours of sleep before tomorrow's History test" you said 

"Whaa? Already? It's not that late yet! Let's go one more round!"

"Nah, I'm out. I'm too tired to stay any longer, plus, I'll probably be in bed at 1am. I need my sleep" you replied. 

"Wait for me! I'm coming too, we can split the cab fare since our houses are relatively nearby" called out Jimin as he took the last sip of his beer. 

"Comon moron, I'm not gonna stand here forever"

"Ahjusshi, Please take us to Cheongdam-dong" said Jimin as he rushed into the cab, closing the passenger door behind him. 

The car ride was about 30 mins and you waved goodbye to your friend before entering your home. *She's back* you thought to yourself as you saw her heels carelessly kicked off by the entrance while leaving the lights on. 

The next morning, you tried to wake up, but ended up sleeping in for an extra 20 minutes which meant who had to really rush to get ready. You were usually barely on time, often late but you were determined to make it on time today as another detention after school this week didn't sound too appealing. 

"AHJUMMA! I'M LATEEEEE!" you yelled from the top of the staircase. 

"Aigoo, I tried to wake you up 3 times already since you told me to call you earlier so you could get to school on time." "Your uniform is inside your closet, don't go out to drink so late at night Youngmi-ah! Your uniform from yesterday reaked of alcohol" 

You scrambled to put on your uniform and didn't even bother brushing your hair before tying it messily into a high ponytail. You shoved everything into your backpack and remembered to bring your History textbook so you could review it in the car. You ran downstairs and tried to shovel some food into your mouth before running out the door with your shoes in hand. 

"At least have some rice Youngmi, you know you can't focus when you're hungry" called Ahjumma, your nanny since birth. *This child never learns does she?*

"Driver Kwon, we're gonna have to really hustle to make it happen today" you said from the backseat while opening your textbook. 

"Today is no different from any other day Miss, but I'll try my best" 

Seoul was congested during the early hours and even more so during the 5pm rush hour. There was about a 5 car traffic jam into your school's entrance. You rolled down your window, agitated by the sight. 

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" you yelled 

"Driver Kwon, start honking!" 

"But Miss, please have some patience, we're right outside..." 

"GO MOVE IT!" you continued yelling out the window, ingoring his plea. 

After the 8 minute commute, you could see students at the school entrance starting to run into the building. *Dammit, I'm gonna have to sprint* You rushed out of the car and made a quick dash into the building. *bells ringing* You saw Mr. Lee from the other side of the hallway making his way into your homeroom class. You ran to make it there before him, but he saw you and picked up his pace. 

"Miss Ahn! Stop right there!" he yelled out. 

You laughed as you saw him closing in, about 1 metre away from the door. Out of desperation, you slid your history textbook on the floor towards his feet making him jump at the unexpected attack. 

"MADE IT!" you said as you stepped into the classroom out of breath. 

"MISS AHN! Don't use your textbook as a weapon against me!" 

"meeeeh~" you said as you stuck out your tongue to mock him for his failed attempt to catch you late. 

You attended an elite high school filled with smart students and rich kids. You happened to be the latter. Without your mother's connections, you would have never been admitted. No one knows of your relationship to your mom, Sohyun Ahn. It would not only disturb your school life, but it would cause a frenzy in the entertainment world, not to mention your mom's career. Ahjumma has always filled in to parent-teacher interviews as your "guardian". Not even Jimin knew of your family background. You always brushed him off saying your mom often worked overseas (which is technically true).   

"Wow, you actually made it Youngmi" said Jimin from the seat across from you. 

"You're definitely not a normal's scary" he teased as you glared at him.

"Don't underestimate me Jimin-ah....I bite" you joked  



You saw the sunlight peaking through the curtains of your room. *'s time already? Just a little longer....* you thought to yourself, as you tried to snuggle back into your blanket. That thought was soon interrupted by the sound of your cellphone ringing. 

"I'm awake Kwangmin." you said as you've answered the phone 

"I'll be there in half an hour so pull yourself together. It's a movie premiere for Ha Jiwon, so there will be a lot of press and attendees there. Your stylist has put together 2 outfits so you can choose which one you want to wear." 

"Ugh that means I gotta really work hard on the red carpet. And there's an after-party afterwards? Ring the doorbell when you're here" 

Kwangmin picked you up and drove you to the beauty salon to get ready. Hair and makeup takes most female celebrities between 1h to 1.5h but since you liked to wear heavier and smokier makeup looks, it could take you up to 2h. After the beauty makeover, you chose a short white cocktail dress to fit the occasion and to show off your lean body. At the event, there was a photowall in which over 50 cameras were flashing. You put on your best face and smiled for the journalists. After the 4h event, you chatted with some friends and saw some past co-workers. 

"Oh my! Sohyun, you look great. Did you do anything special to your skin, it looks so bright and fresh." said a fellow female actress

"Stop it, you are making me blush. I'm well over 35 years old, some beauty work is obviously needed to maintain my image" you replied 

"Even so, you're body is looking hotter than ever!" "Are you on any special diet?" 

"I'm always dieting to keep in shape. Just stick to fruits and vegetables and do some light exercise with a trainer twice a week and you should be able to slim down" 

"As expected, you're like a goddess for us 30+ actresses. I'm gonna look at your photos for fitness inspiration" 

It was approaching 9pm and guests were escorted in a shuttle bus to another reception area for drinks and h'orderves. There were a lot of people as attendees could bring guests along. You sat at one of many couched areas near the pool and chatted with some friends. Among the crowd, you saw a tall guy dressed in black leather, looking clearly different from the rest of the guests in suits. You couldn't recognize his face but he was good-looking, and young. You stared at him for maybe a bit too long as he looked up, and his eyes met yours. 

You didn't look away, it was never your style to become nervous or flustered in a situation like this. You continued to maintain eye contact with him while sipping on your champagne and crossing your legs, exposing him to one of your best assets. After about 5 minutes of a game of push/pull, you stood up and walked towards him. He was attractive, tall, and had a sense of mystery to him-all of which seemed like a good time. 

"Enjoying yourself?" you asked as you grabbed another glass of champagne from the waiter. 

"Not sure" he responded in a cool, deep voice.  

"What's your name? I don't think I've seen you around before." you asked while leaning in towards him. 

"Park Chanyeol, I'm a model. I've never really been to one of these events. A friend invited me" 

"Ahn Sohyun, nice to meet you. How about we get out of here and go someplace else..." you asked with a y smirk. 

He nodded and you grabbed his hand and led him towards an exit at the back. 

"I'll call my manager for my car" you said. 

"..Or we could take my motorbike if you didn't mind" 

*And he has a motorbike...? He's getting interesting* you thought to yourself as you raised an eyebrow.  

"Impressive, coming to a celebrity event with a motorbike. I like that" you responded 

He asked you to wait for him as he went to a back alleyway of the event to pick up his ride. He arrived with a shiny black bike and a dark helmet. 

"Lend me your jacket and your helmet" you asked as you couldn't afford to get caught up with the press. He took both of them off and tossed it to you. You got on behind him and wrapped your arms around his firm waist. 

"Where to?" he asked. 

"My house" you suggested. 


NOTE: HEY YA'LL! LONG TIME NO SEE! I'm back with my first y/scandalous story. I hope you all enjoy and please comment on what you think! 






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