Date (Part Two)

Sorry ! I Cant...


When Hara's brother , Parkwan saw Haeji tiptoe towards Hara , Parkwan seems like want to admonish them , but
coincidently Hara turn back then she saw Haeji then she stand up , then...
[Haeji's POV]
"hey Minyoung , go from here , i will call you later , if yo hungry you message me , okay?"
said Haeji to Minyoung
[Hara's POV]
"hey Parkwan , you accompanied Minyoung , she is Haeji's cousin , if you hungry message me also , okay?"
"okay sis"
[Haeji's POV]
(Haeji Hara)
"hye Hara"
"hye Haeji ,  why you came late?"
"err , sorry because..."
"nah~ nevermind"
"okay , did you feel hungry?"
"erm , a bit , why?"
"want me to treat you?"
"err , if you got enough money , treat me if not , nevermind , i got money"
"eh ! nevermind i can treat you"
"by the way , i was first time came here , i dont know where to eat at , do you?"
"nevermind , i show my favourite restaurant"
"wow~ okay , show me show me"
"okay , follow me"
suddenly Haeji bring out his handkerchief then he tie into Hara's eye , he want Hara close her eyes
"err , why you closed my eyes?"
"nothing , just wait and follow me"
Haeji hold Hara's hand to the restaurant
after that , when they both already arrived front of the restaurant
suddenly Haeji open his handkerchief into Hara's eyes , suddenly...
"is this your favourite restaurant!?"
"yeah , why?"
"this restaurant like high-class food , must have expensive , is it ok you treat me?"
"nevermind , its not really expensive , by the way , shall we eat at the roof? there was nice place"
"ouh~ nevermind , i follow you only"
"okay , i send you at there , then i order the food , okay?"
when they already at the roof , Hara go take a seat , then Haeji go to downstair to order some food"
[Minyoung's POV]
(Minyoung Parkwan)
"did your sister and Haeji was good couple?"
"what!? they both already couple , when?"
"you dont know about it?"
"yeah! my sister never said about that"
"haha , pity you , i ask you 'did your sister and Haeji was like good couple' "
"hurm , i dont know yet , first time saw him"
Minyoung heard icecream's ring
"you want eat icecream? i treat you"
"yeah sure , thanks by the way"
they both go buy icecream then eat at side of the lake
[Haeji's POV]
"later send the food at the roof okay?"
after that , Haeji go through to the roof
(Haeji Hara)
"later the waiter will send the food"
"ouh~ okay , i love this place , so silence , got birds singing and can make me not really excited"
"yeah , same like me , i always came here if i eat with my family"
"wow , its good"
"err , can you wait for a while , i want go buy something"
Haeji go to the shop to buy couple necklace
"hurm , can you show me couple necklace"
Haeji asked the shopseller
"yeah sure , here"
"which one i should buy?"
said Haeji in his heart
[5 minutes later]
"yeah , this one is nicer , i hope she likes it"
said Haeji in his heart
"ok , this one , can you put this necklace into the small box?"
"yeah sure , what colour?"
"Hara's likes pink colour , nevermind"
said Haeji in his heart
"pink colour please"
"okay , here your stuff , all is 10,000 won"
"okay , here"
after that Haeji go to the restaurant's roof while bring the couple chain
when he arrive , he saw the food already there , then Haeji go seat front of Hara
(Haeji Hara)
"sorry late , sweetheart , shall we eat now?"
"nevermind , err , i mean okay !"(swallowed)
they started eat , when both of them eat , it feels like boring , Haeji think about 'what topic should he talk to her?'
[Minyoung's POV]
(Minyoung Parkwan)
"so long Haeji and your sister , where they are , and i wonder where was them?"
"but , i wonder that you talk by your ownself or talking with me?" (grinning)
"(blurr) err~ no no , i talking by ownself , you want me to said at them that we're tired for waiting both of them?"
"err , no need , today was their first date , and if you message them , Haeji will think that you want to ruin their date"
"ouh! okay , then i want to go to the ladies for while , excuse"
"huh? what ever"
At the same time , Hara's brother feel freaking bored , so he think that want go back home , but his sister still  not done yet her date , he mean his sister first date 
To Be Continued
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rockmochi #1
I now want to get ice cream! Pleaseee update soon!
parkhwanghae #2
yeah , simba , haha ,
shinminyoung #3
aigoo ! simba <3
shinminyoung #4
haaha , minyoung love ice-cream ! im craving for an ice cream NOW XD
parkhwanghae #5
miss-terious : sorry didnt update new chapie... my bro always use the internet... so i cannot online.. huhu T_T
SHANAphylaxis #6
sure! I will :) Keep on updating! ;)
parkhwanghae #7
thx guys ! xD
miss-terious: cool~ keep reading okay? this is my friend's first fic anyway, please do give him a support~! XD
SHANAphylaxis #9
Sounds interesting! :) I'm going to read this^^
parkhwanghae #10
haha ! i already talk to you that my grammar not really perfect~ haha