
May for 2min

Grizzled : having hair that is grey or becoming grey

Words : 200



Taemin smiled at the window as soon as he sat on the bus, eyes glued to something. Minho noticed it and looked outside too. Standing near the bus stop was an old couple, probably in their 70s, holding hands and talking. The two were smiling so affectionately as if they were newly blossom love birds, wearing matched purple mittens that probably made by the old lady. It seemed like the couple didn’t mind their ages or the wrinkles on their faces.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Taemin glanced over Minho and smiled at him.

“I want to grow old just like that.”

“You’ll be very ugly.”

Taemin hit Minho’s stomach playfully causing the older to laugh.

“It’d be a dream comes true if we can grow old still madly in love with each other.”

“What? You seem pessimistic about loving me until the end.”

Taemin held Minho’s hand and gripped it tight.

“Tch... I’m worrying about you, hyung.”

“You know I will love you until I’m ugly and weak.”

Taemin twitched his nose.

“Until our hair turn white?”

Minho caressed Taemin’s cheek and nuzzled their noses together.

“Until we have to spend more money on colouring our white hair than eating expenses.”




So, because the last three chaps are quite long, today I made a super short one lol hope this one is good enough! And how do you like it so far? Tell me honestly~ don't forget to subscribe, leave a lot of comment, and upvote! I need them all like human needs air ><

Happy May 4th everyone!


aqcelnicorus :D

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Chapter 12: OMGGGG please make longer version of this, this one is my fav!
Chapter 7: Omg this is amazing. I need a longer version please, I can imagine the angst 🥲🥲
Chapter 22: I DIED OMG SMOL 2MIN
Chapter 17: So....they're broke up?? Oh god so sadd ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: OMG I'm very sorry but I can't really read that scene /-\ Anyway,it's so sad.Why does Taemin treat Minho like that???????AGHHH
Chapter 14: I understand how it feels when you see someone you love get hurt TT TT
//can i imagine it is the sequel of Don't judge me? Even though this is older lol
Chapter 13: i'm a little shocked....Wh-What?...centaur?( i didn't think about breeding ,r-r-really...)But it's cute than i thought. I bet that they're gonna be friends soon!
Chapter 12: Finally, I can continue reading this amazing one >< I admit that I thought it's strip not stripe at first and then i were confused when read the definition.Oh,what's happened to my thoughts lmao
Chapter 11: i laughed really hard at this lmao Is he just innocent or really dumb? so adorableee ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Chapter 10: Awww They made my heart felt warmer than usual luv this <3 <3