How To Mend A Broken Heart

Sad Clown, Happy Loner

Jeremy woke up feeling down, and he crawled out of bed gingerly. After being turned down by Mi Nyu for the second time, he thought he should practice moving on, just like he first did. He went inside the bathroom and stared at the mirror.

"Jeremy, you have two options," he told his reflection. "To be sad that she turned you down, or to be happy that you still have her friendship, never mind if you will have to forget your feelings."

Saying the second option was too heavy for his heart, but he felt he had to let it go. After all, he had a heavy crying session with Jolie last night. It was really helpful to have a pet to listen to you, even if it cannot give you advices.

"I choose the second," he decided. "Jeremy is always the happy guy. And I choose to be happy because I want to be happy all the time."

He smiled and gave himself a pat on his bare shoulder.

"You have gone through life so far, and had made it successfully. You've done a great job, and I am proud of you."

He clenched his fists, cocked his head to the side, and gave his reflection a happy smile.

"Hwaiting, Jeremy, hwaiting," he said. "The world is a battlefield of choices and emotions, and all you gotta do is pick the right emotions to get the most of your day. And I choose to be happy."


The bandmates all ate together in the dorm, and Mi Nam looked at Jeremy, who was happily slurping the mayo off his sandwich.

"Jeremy looked as if he wasn't bothered by my sister's rejection," he thought, totally skeptical over Jeremy's positive attitude. "Hehe, one down, and one more to go."

Then, he looked at Tae Kyung, who was feeding his sister with kimbap. The male twin scoffed at this cheesy but cute affection.

"Hyungnim, you should eat breakfast," Mi Nyu said.

"For the enth time, I told you I don't eat breakfast," Tae Kyung replied.

Mi Nyu only smiled at him, and allowed Tae Kyung to feed her with more kimbap. The male twin was totally annoyed and tried to find ways to really break them apart.

"Corniness at its worst," Mi Nam thought bitterly.


Mi Nyu approached Jeremy, who was feeding Jolie.

"Jeremy, about last night..."

"Gwaenchanha, Mi Nyu-ya, I totally understand," he said with a smile. "I know you love Tae Kyung-hyung, but I was too aggressive. Mianhae..."


"No worries, I always choose to be happy, and if it means being happy for you for the one you love, then I will totally support you," he told her. "I want to be happy and not to be sad."

Mi Nyu smiled at him. "Gomawoyo."


Mi Nyu and Tae Kyung were shopping in a mall when Mi Nyu suggested that they get in Etude House. Tae Kyung did not like the place because it is so girly, so he let her do what she wanted, while he stayed outside.

While the pig rabbit was busy inside, Tae Kyung noticed a classy girl with flowy, long brown hair approaching him. He frowned and pursed his lips.

"Why did you approach me?" he asked.

"Well, what could I say?" He Yi smiled. "I just wanna say hi. Is it even wrong to greet?"

Tae Kyung scoffed at her faked innocence and sweetness.

"If you are planning to tear me and Mi Nyu apart, get lost because all my male opponents had totally lost," Tae Kyung said to her.

"Shin Woo is the only opponent you have, right?" she asked.

"None of your business," he retorted.

He did not tell her that his other opponents were Jeremy and Mi Nam.

"Well, I could bring you down some other day, but not today," He Yi said.

"Well, you can never bring us down," Tae Kyung replied.

The fairy flipped her hair and smiled coyly and wickedly at him.

"It seems you will have your wish," she said. "I will go to America for a lot of Hollywood projects."

Tae Kyung cocked one eyebrow. Hollywood?

"Ohohoho, I think the Hallyu wave has totally invaded the world," He Yi said. "Ciao!"

She gave a flying kiss at Tae Kyung and left. The vocalist rolled his eyeballs at her gutsiness and her arrogance. Hollywood, you say?

"Huh, not even your fame in Hollywood can separate me and Mi Nyu," he thought confidently.

Mi Nyu went out of Etude House and went to Tae Kyung.

"Is anything wrong, Hyungnim?" she asked.

Tae Kyung shook his head with a smile. They linked arms together and went away for more shopping spree and some food trips.



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Annyeong!^^ new reader here:) I'm so in love with geunsuk/taekyung:)))
This is sooo beautiful! :(<br />
Poor Jeremy getting rejected. . . again.<br />
Are you going to write a Jeremy&&MiNyu fic nexttt?????? xD
Love how He Yi is still a threat to TK peace of mind... Like Fake Fairy still think that SW will always be the main rival of TK...LOL.
deanne #4
Jeremy is one of a kind, he always has a sweet disposition. I wish him all the love in the world. hug hug hug! Shin Woo hyung, I miss you!
Wow. It's over already? So sad. I love how you just threw He Yi in there with a plot to take over the world.
@Nandiferd: Hahaha... Even if this fic is totally TaeNyu, I would never leave a chappie without Shin Woo. He is like tonic. ^_^
She shot Jeremy down fast. I wonder what will happen next? I noticed that you can't even leave Shin Woo alone for one chapter. You totally love him!
@laz_15: Yeah, he will need a Jolie therapy.
So sad for Jeremy, good thing he had his beloved pet with him.
TK versus Jeremy. I love it! I thought the scene where Jeremy does girl pop dances for Mi Nyu was hilarious!<br />
And He Yi, Hwaiting!