Blowing Love 3

Blowing Love

Junhyung tossed and turned in his bed, unable to fall asleep. All what he could do was to look at Yoseob, who was peacefully sleeping, and to worry.  So before he came crazy with his insomnia, he stood up and tiptoed out the bedroom. The door closed, he headed to the kitchen to drink a coke.

"-Oh, Doojoon? Aren't you sleeping?!" he asked, astonished he wasn't the only one to having difficulties to join Morpheus world.

"-Nope. I'm not that tired."

Junhyung glanced at the clock.

"-It's 3 a.m.! How can't you be tired?!"

"-What about you? Why aren't you sleeping?" He cleverly slide the subject.

"-Yoseob", he said while oppening the can he just took in the fridge.

"-What's the matter with?" 

"-Keulsseyo...", he pondered, trying to stick words on his feeling, " He is weird since tonight's show. His mood seemed to crash and I can't find out the reason."

Seconds passed as the two were thinking about.

"-I asked him, but of course he didn't complied to give me a proper answer." he continued, sipping time to time his coke. "Maybe I shouldn't be worried like that, maybe he's just off tonight without any reasons."

"-It's not just tonight." Doojoon suddenly blurted out, earning a look made up with two enormous eyes widened by surprise. "He has been weird since a few months already. He's not sad every day though, it's just sometime... Mainly it happens the night but I still can't find any logic in it. "

"-Ho--how did you notice? I mean why didn't I notice?" he was trying to clear his thoughts but thousands questions were bumping in his head. 

"-Well, I noticed, because I care a lot,  for all of you. As a leader, it's kinda my job to care more than the others. Then, you didn't notice, mostly because you're often by Goo Hara-Nuna the nights, so basically, you're not in the vicinity when the worst crisis happen."

"-Crisis?" He asked, dumbstruck by the word.

Doojoon sighed, seemingly not especially delighted by the idea of telling what he had in mind.

"-Those always happen when you're not here. Maybe is he afraid of being alone in your bedroom, I don't know. But the night when you'ren't here, he often have bad nightmare. I mean really, really bad nightmare. "

"-What are they about?" Junhyung asked, drinking each word Doojoon was saying.

"-He never agreed to tell me, albeit I asked him several times to. However they're bad enough to make him scream in his sleep."

"-Scream?" Now, he was totally alarmed and full of guilty : when he was in the arms of his love, his bestfriend was having his worst time.

Doojoon nodded.

"-It's not loud though. Just loud enough to wake me up so I can rush to your room."

Silence filled the kitchen for a moment. 

"-That's why I'm not sleeping actually." he said while sipping his beverage, a kind of plum-green tea, his favourite one.

Junhyung only looked at him, waiting for more explanations.

"-I'm used to the rough night he has. My body is always waiting for the screams, and this, prevent me for sleeping." He smiled, slightly, a smile of sadness.  "You should go check on him, who knows what he's dreaming now..."

Junhyung nodded and swallowed the end of his coke.

"-Then goodnight Doojoon-ah, try to rest and thank you for the piece of information you gave me."

"-Hope you'll use it well and find out a solution. And goodnight to you too, try  to sleep!"

Junhyung oppened the door of his bedroom and saw Yoseob was indeed having a fitful sleep. It wasn't those terrible nightmares Doojoon just spoke about, but it wasn't the peaceful sleep in those he was before he leaved for the kitchen either. He sat on Yoseob's bed and gazed at him, deeply. His eyebrows were frowning time to time, his eyelids were tightening at the pictures that were passing in his mind, while his lips were slightly parted, only to release his broken breath. He slowly put a hand on his forehead to test the temperature. What he hadn't expected was that Yoseob calmed instantly at the touch. His breath soothing already. The temperature was fully normal, but as it seemed to help, he just let his hand his forehead, drawing circle in his smooth ginger hair. 


It was so sweet and so desperate at the same time. Totally disarming.

"-Yeah, it's me seobie-ah. Don't worry little bro, I'm here."

With that, he definitely pacified, all his muscles loosed and a small smile appeared on his lips.



As his phone rang, he picked up, letting Yoseob eat first.

"-hey, it's you! What's up?"

"-Nothing, my love, I just wondered if you wanted to sleep over by me, tonight? As you had shows, you didn't come for almost a week!" pleaded the girly voice.

Yes it had been days he hadn't come, but after Doojoon's revelations, he was damn freaked out to let Yoseob sleep alone...

"-Yeah, sorry. Then I'll try to come tonight or tomorrow. I'll text you."

"-Okay. I love you."

"Me too, see ya!"

He hang up. And sighed.

"-Who was that?" Yoseob asked.

"-Goo Hara."

"-Oh." he said while turning back to his ramyeon.

"-What's with "oh"? " Junhyung asked, intrigued by his reaction.

"-Nothing. How is she doing?"

"-Well. I think."

Yoseob laid the rameyoon bowl on the table, to face him properly.

"-You think?" "Aren't you both always stuck together?!"

"-Not to that extent. I remind you I'm in a band and I'm also this band's main compositor, that doesn't let a lot of free time to acting lovey-dovey!"

"-Ouh. Are you sad about it? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"-Nope. Actually, it's the least thing I wanna talk about."

"-Why? Something happened between the two of you?"

"-Eat!" was his only answer. 

He actually, wasn't in the mood to speak about his loss of uality attraction, first because he felt so lost himself that he didn't want other people to witness it, second because they were eating lunch and that in itself was a good reason to not broach the subject. Besides, he really loved the sight of Yoseob eating well, swallowing up all what was on the table with this childish smile of his. So he didn't want to spoil this sacred moment. It was amazing to see how much food these pouty lips could gulp in a record of time. He was eating noodles, drinking soup, picking from time to time foods in Junhyung's bowl and sighing, relishing the feeling in his stomach of being full. Junhyung liked his bestfriend for this simple way of life he had, happy with small things. It didn't prevent him for having big dreams and to be fully bliss only when his dreams come true, but he always was able to find a moment of joy in the worst moments, he always had the ability to burst in laugh in the most desperate situations.

"-Yaah, don't eat that speedly! Look at you, you even have soup on the nose! " Junhyung chukled, while taking a napkin to sweep away the food on the cute button nose.

But Yoseob seemed to froze as Junhyung was closing the distance. His heartbeat was fluttering in his chest and he was praying to recover his own control.

"-What's on?" Junhyung asked, as he sat back on his chair.

"-No-no-nothing!" And he dieved one more time in his food, hoping his bowl to be big enough to hide his burning cheeks.

"-What are you going to do tonight? We could maybe watch a movie together like we used to before..." Before he and Goo Hara became an item... This night, Doojoon also made him realised how some distance had appeared between Yoseob and him since he was dating her...  And that distance was clearly an obstacle for the younger one to tell him what was going on.

"-No, I've some plan for tonight, sorry." He said platly, royally avoiding Junhyung's gaze. 

"-What kind of plans?"

"-I'm going out with Jinwoo, probably in a Karaoke or something. Then I'll stay at his dorm. So you plenly can sleep over by Goo Hara-Nuna without worried about me. Jinwoo would take care of me."

Yeah, of course Yoseob did notice he was H24 worried about him. They were bestfriend afterall, so it was hard to hide such things, albeit his little bro seemed to developp a special skill in this activitie lately... Whatever, it seemed to be all good : a night free for sleeping over by Goo Hara; a night  where Yoseob has a close friend to speak with and to comfort him if he has bad dreams... Though, he couldn't explain the weird feelings that was growing in his heart towards this Jinwoo... It was an unexplainable annoyance...

"-Alright, then don't drink too much alcohol and sleep quiet early!" 

"-Don't worry, you know I can't take alcohol! I'm fainting after two glasses!" he giggled, amused by the constant worry of Junhyung.

After the lunch, they went straight back to the Cube, they had a practice time soon. But as they were slightly early, Yoseob decided to update his Instagram account at the Cube's cafeteria, while Junhyung began a little walk in the corridors of the Cube. He wanted to chase his dark thoughts when he suddenly heard music from the end of the corridor. Intrigued, he get closer, only to see the BtoB at practice. The door was fully opened and so were the windows in order to find some fresh air in this august's heath. Junhyung leaned himself on the wall, appreciating his hoobae's progress. They sure were practicing for hours as they all were breathless and sweating. Some of them even removed their shirt in a twist of dance and threw it through the room. And Junhyung hardly swallowed. Their muscles were proeminent, their six-pack abs were perfectly drew on their wonderful torso. Sweat beads were trickling frome their neck to their pectorals, then it eventually slided along those abs which were tightening at every movements...  An odd wave suddenly flooded in his blood, something he first didn't manage to identify as he hadn't been feeling it for so long... Something wich was giving him butterflies in his stomach and was hacking his breath, something which was fastening his heartbeat : lust. 

Just when he thought the word, the music ended. Just when he thought the word Eun Kwang noticed his presence.

"-Oh, Junhyung-sunbae! Did you saw? Did we dance well?"

He felt his cheeks heated, blushing hardly by the memorie of what he actually saw or rather what he just thought about.

"-Ye--yeah. It was....mind-blowing." He blurted the only word that could fit. 

"-Oh, jeongmal? Thank you sunbae!" Minhyuk bowed, respectedly. He bowed and when he get back, Junhyung tought he would have a heartattck seeing his bare chest and his beautiful smile he was offering him. 

"-So--sorry guys, I gotta go. see ya!" With that he extract himself from the dangerous sight and went straight to the toilets to recover his mind. 




So, first chapter with some Junseob moment! Hope you like it!! ;D



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SilentScribbler #1
Chapter 20: So glad that Junhyung is following his heart and yes, break all the bans! :) Yoseob is such a sweetie, so kind and understanding, giving Junhyung the space he needs but also not wanting to create any awkwardness! Such a sweet and hot chapter! :)
b2utyjane #2
Chapter 20: Finally u update ingrid....i understand that u are busy since school gonna start...i was a great chapater...i hope junhyung gonna man up and ask yoseob bout their relationship...poor seob,i know he won't ask junhyunb...anyway good one...thank u for the update...fighting for the school..
SilentScribbler #3
Chapter 19: Whoa ho, such a steamy and yet, emotionally driven (especially from the song) chapter! A brilliant surprise, I loved it!
b2utyjane #4
Chapter 19: OMG...i didn't see that's coming...i've never thought u gonna make it rated...and it was so unexpected....hahahaha...btw it was writtern beautifully...i love its gonna be a rated ff then after this...hahaha i just dont know what to say but i love how u wrote it....thank u...hwaiting for next chapter...
murciaotaku #5
Chapter 19: was beautiful the way you wrote the chapter, thank you very much for the update, congratulations :D
SilentScribbler #6
Chapter 18: Oh my, this story is so engaging and I am so excited for more! Love the emotions involved in all the characters and of course Junseob :)
b2utyjane #7
Chapter 18: Wah...its look like there gonna be a lot of thing going to happen in the future...anyway the junseob moment are not in this chapter...hehehe but such a relief that pape hong got rid of kwang seok....thank u for the update and keep on get inspired...^_^