Chapter 2

"Smile For Me"
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After grueling hours spent on their preparation for tommorow's event they come to a finish with the arrangement of the sign oustide their room. "So How's this?" Kyungsoo asked. "a little to the left." Baekhyun said and Kyungsoo moved the signage just as she was told. Everyone hummed in agreement and Jongin helped Kyungsoo come down from the ladder. "School's festival, were gonna rock it!!!" Chanyeol shouted in excitement and everyone joined him cheering for their class' success. "Ok guys , be here tommorow 6 am sharp, we'll finish up some touches for our float and the costume fitting for the opening parade tommorow ok?" Kyungsoo stated cheerfully as everyone hummed and said ok for agreement. Everyone went home all smiles that day, Jongin and Kyungsoo were the only one's left Because Kyungsoo was locking up the place and got the paper works for tommorow's event. "You ready to go home?" Jongin asked and stuck out his hands indicating Kyungsoo to come and grab it. Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin's hand and smiled to him, Jongin doing the same thing. The walk home was a comfortable silence and a giggle here and there when Jongin will do something funny. Until they reach the house of Kyungsoo. "When will you introduce me to them? You know Kyungsoo, I'm getting tired with this hiding and stuff, I want to prove to your parents that I really do love you and I'm serious about this know--" Jongin said but Kyungsoo cut him and said, "But I've already told you, my Dad won't like it, I might change schools and probably won't see you again." "But if you would just let me, I'm ready to fight for you and to prove---" "Jongin-ah, we've discussed this before. Let's just wait for us to finish up these last 3 years, you want to not see me anymore?" Kyungsoo pleaded, mustering up her cutest pout and looked at Jongin in the eyes. Jongin sighed and nodded as he smiled back to Kyungsoo. "Ok, 3 years, I could wait, no big deal." he said. Kyungsoo smiled brighter hugged Jongin and kissed his left cheek. "Thank you, so I'll
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Woah what the heck?!....What just happened? I love your story author-nim!! I did not see that coming! ≧∇≦
Chapter 3: Wut the actul crap?!
baekyeolmaniac #3
Chapter 3: OMG! WHT WAS THT?! SOOOO CREEPY YET TRIGGERING MY SENSES!..PLS UPDATE SOON! and can u make baekyeol part a bit longer?..hehehehe...great job author-nim..HWAITING!