mistaken & underestimated.

This Dangerous Game.

“Really?” Sera's earpiece crackled again when Hana’s dramatically sarcastic tone spoke. "What?!" Sera snapped back. She wasn't completely done with the anger-over-meeting-with-Kai-stage yet. Besides, what wrong had she done? It had taken her probably less than a few minutes to complete her Starbucks journey. Plus her with frappuccinos was nothing compared to Hana's obsession, serious obsession, with collecting weird computer parts.


Little did she know, Kai was still standing inside the store, a smile lingering from their encounter.


“Sera… Yoon Sera.” he said a few times before taking a sip of her caramel frappuccino. He liked the way the syllables in her name settled over his tongue. What Sera also didn’t know that Kai had been practicing her name in the days prior.


Kai walked towards the edge of the store and craned his view to see further down the street, where Sera was walking away rapidly. But little did he know either, that her name would escape from his lips many times in the future.


He rolled back his sleeve and checked his watch. It was almost time for him to go as well.



“Slow down! You look like you’re running a marathon!” Hana’s tone returned to its original melodic stage when she called out to her best friend.


But Sera wasn’t listening. She was panicking. She had left her iPad back in the Starbucks- too busy coiled in her salty emotions against Kai.


Just when she thought this day couldn’t go any worse, it did. Far beyond her wildest nightmares. She fought the urge to let out her cry of desperation, and to go back to the chain store a few strides back.


But.. She couldn’t show her mistake; she would just have to carry on. I’ll get it later.. She finally decided, and began navigating herself closer to the destination, Hana following behind.


Sera took a deep breath, and walked through the crosswalk, which was the only thing separating her and the glossy black building. The information she had been memorizing the other day was running through her head as she approached the informational desk.


Behind her, she noticed the twins from her class, Yuna and Mina, walking through the halls side by side. Their contact lenses, fake noses, and already tall figures made them look exactly like your typical security guards.


Stifling a smile of how well this was going, Sera turned to face the neatly dressed receptionists. One of them looked backed up at her after she finished her phone call. “May I help you?” she said. Sera pasted a practiced smile on her face and politely asked to see her mother.


“Ah, yes! You’re Representative Lee’s daughter. I understand she’s been waiting for you. Head down this hall, and take the elevator to level 9. Her room is the far left.” She said with a quick smile, and reached for the desk phone, which was ringing again.


Sera made a quick bow before heading towards the elevators. Once inside, she smirked. The receptionists probably had no idea she was not this Representative Lee’s daughter. Manipulating schedules was a piece of cake by now. Few seconds later, she glanced at the camera.


To her joy, the red dot near the lense blinked: long blink, long blink, short blink. long blink, long blink, long blink. Morse code for “go”. Perfect. Sera held up a V towards the camera, where either Hana or the twins would be watching. Probably Hana, seeing that the job was done so quickly.


The elevator made a noise as level 9 was reached, and the doors slid open. Sera slipped out, but instead of going towards the left, she headed into the emergency staircase. After a few flights of stairs, Sera was on the control room floor. This was going to be the tricky part, she thought.


However, she headed confidently towards the sliding doors that kept all of the company’s digital and physical data hidden. Smiling, she entered the code into the keypad, where she had hacked into with her iPad earlier.


Rows of cabinets, computers, and other devices that seemed kind of unfamiliar lined each aisle. Sera cautiously but curiously observed her surroundings, checking things out before a move. She didn’t even touch the surface of a folder before the sharp voice of one of her classmates rang through her earpiece.


“Code blue! Code blue! Head to the rooftop right now. I think the boss has caught on- he’s running away with a USB, by the looks of it…”


She didn’t need to be told twice. Sera knew she was the closest to the rooftop- everyone else was occupied with some other task on the lower floors. Sera ran to the staircase in which she came from. It took her only a matter of seconds until she was flinging open the roof doors. Few steps ahead, she saw a stout figure clad in a gray suit pause, surprised by the noise of Sera. He was had a leather suitcase and holding something in his hands.


Sera knew right away this was the head of the corporation. “Going somewhere, Mr. Chairman?” Sera slowly started approaching the stubby man. To her surprise, he started running towards the edge of the building, at an unexpected speed. Of course, she followed, as fast as she could. Physically, Sera was very capable- fighting wise. Running, agility and balance? Not so much.


It didn’t matter though- Sera reached out a hand to grab the hem of the chairman’s suit once she caught up with him. But what she wasn’t ready for was for the leather suitcase to fly towards her chest with force, which made her stumble.


Sera hadn’t realized she had been running on the very edge of the tall building. She also hadn’t realized her footing would give away so quick. She also hadn’t realized that she could maybe die this way.


It played out like a slow-motion film; the air rushed in her ears, and her heartbeat was fast and booming throughout her body. She wasn’t sure if she could reach her emergency parachute in time. Is this really it? Ugh I knew this was the worst unit exam ever-


But then, she couldn’t feel the air rushing anymore, just the bounce of her heart. She frowned. She looked at her hand, where another was holding it firmly, keeping her away from her possible demise.


A gelled, oily looking black haired and bearded man looked back at her. In a few moments, she was standing right side up, a safe distance from the edge of the building. He handed Sera her backpack, which had been hanging feebly off her shoulders when she was about to fall.


Sera examined her possible savior. He had a cigarette in the hand that wasn’t grasping her’s, and was wearing a pinstriped suit. Beefy body parts made the suit burst awkwardly in places. Probably an employee taking a break from work. Sera concluded, although his warm brown eyes seemed to ring recognition inside her.


But she didn’t have time for this. There was much to do before the mission would be completed. She said a quick thank you and ran back towards the staircase, waiting till she was out of earshot to begin shouting new plan ideas to her classmates.


Behind his disguise, Kai slightly smiled in relief.

Author's Note: HELLO HELLO AND WELCOME (or welcome back!) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and like how the story is going so far! It's still the developing stages ahaha... Like who even is Jongin???? lol but I can't believe I have subscribers already! SHOUT OUT TO Y'ALL WHO HAVE SUBSCRIBED. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! <3 Much loves, and hope to see you all soon!!!! :)

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Gallagher Girls!
Irok2156 #2
Are there any romance?