Date Me Under 13 Stars

Date Me Under The Stars

Go with your gut feeling, you remember Mark saying. 

You look at the goal keeper with determination. 

Digging your back foot into the ground, you launch your dominant leg forward, scraping the dirt, and you push the ball with all your might! Everything's done right; the ball is spinning and soaring through the air... well, except for one thing.

It doesn't seem to be heading near the goal post at all!

You're about to spit out a string of profanities when Jackson springs off the ground and executes a whirlwind-like martial arts move, pushing the force of the ball back to the goal keeper. 

The timer goes off once more, but it doesn't faze you.

You watch in weary anticipation as the goal keeper leaps for it. But the ball just nicks his fingertips, and it lands straight into the goal! 

“We won???” Jackson leaps to his feet, as if he doesn't know what he's just done. He looks towards Jaebum for confirmation who returns him with a blank look. A second later, he bursts into a grin, and clenches his fists mid-air. 

“We won!” Jaebum screams, as they turn and run to you at the same time. “We won!”

Suddenly you find yourself screaming, feeling yourself lifted into the sky as they sit you on their shoulders and walk proudly through the fields.

"Mark, help! They're trying to kidnap me!" you panic, totally frightened out of your wits because you're absolutely afraid of heights.

Mark gives you a smile in return - the most heart warming smile, reassuring you that everything will be okay. 


To be continued...


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and here i was thinking i could make an interactive with all of GOT7


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Chapter 31: Ah I'm excited for the next chapters! Can't wait! :)
kookielover135 #2
Can't wait for the next few chapters :) -w-