


I could hear a faint voice, it sounded sweet but distant as if there was a barrier blocking the sound. 


This time is was closer, I couldn’t help the small smile that formed on my lips when I realized who the voice belonged to.  My eyes fluttered open and I was met with my best friend, Bae Joohyun, or as she prefers Irene. 

“Unnie.” I said as I started rubbing my eyes with my sleeve, most likely resembling some sort of teddy bear. Although I should be grumpy that she had woken me up in the midst of my afternoon nap, I knew she was most likely going to scold me for skipping my classes once again.

“Why aren’t you in class?  Are you trying to get detention?”  Bingo.  Well, not the detention part, but I knew she was going to scold me, it was routine. The small smile on my face widened as I looked at the concerned look that adorned her features.  She was always way too pretty for this town. 

“It’s perfect napping weather.”  I stated simply before standing up to stretch, I could practically feel her eyes on me as I looked up at the clear blue sky, there were only a few clouds in the sky and one even looked like a duck.  The sun was shining but it wasn’t overbearingly hot.  Perfect weather for a nap.  My favorite pass time. It’s way better than calculous class.

When she didn’t respond, I turned around to face her, she was in some sort of daze. Weird.  Slowly walking towards her, I tilted my head and gave her that signature smile I knew she couldn’t resist, “Come on, Unnie, I know you’re not mad at me.  You love me too much. Plus, I’m too cute.”  At this point I was using my horribly sweet aegyo on her, knowing that at any moment I was going to have a bruise on my forehead.

Bingo once again.

“My Unnie is so mean to me.  I’m just trying to be a good dongsaeng and you abuse me?”  A pout formed on my lips as I rubbed my shoulder where she had hit me.

“You stupid bear…”  She mumbled, I could have sworn that there was a tinge of pink on her cheeks, was it warmer than I originally thought?

I decided not to think too hard about what was happening and sat back down, classes were almost done for the day anyways, it would be a waste of time to go back now.  Plus I really don’t want to learn the derivative of pi.

“Come on, Seulgi, you’re going to get in trouble if you stay out here any longer.  I’ll buy you your favorite drink if you go back to class.”  She said the last part with an exhausted sigh, we were both use to this routine and we both knew I was going to listen to her.

No one knew why, hell, even I didn’t know why I listened to Irene or how we even got close.  We’re not in same grade level, social group, or anything. She was a genius and I was too lazy to stay in class for the whole day. If anything she is way out of my league yet here we are.  Best friends for three years.  She originally sought me out after I first enrolled as a freshman, she was a sophomore.

Letting out a sigh of my own, I let her grab my hand and drag me to my class.


After what felt like centuries, the final bell had finally rung, signally everyone that it was time to be released from the dungeon, or well classrooms.

Just as I was packing my stuff to leave, the teacher had asked me to stay after class to talk.  Oh boy.  This wasn’t going to be good, if anything he is just going to scold me for always skipping classes. 

Dejected, I hung my head down and made my way to the front of the room, the rest of the students had already left and I could see Irene standing outside my classroom door.  I gave her a hand motion that I’d be out in a few minutes. She just nodded in response.

I focused my attention back on my teacher, he was tall and more on the slim side, and the only word that came to mind was lanky.  He was still handsome and if Seulgi was into older men, or men in general, she would have been overjoyed at the idea of spending alone time with him.

“Seulgi-ssi.”  He started off smoothly, I was bracing myself for the scolding that was about to unfold. “I want you to show around a new transfer student that will start attending here soon. She’s coming here from Canada and will need someone to help her integrate into this school well.”

Bing- Wait, what?

“You want me to show her around? I’m sorry, sir, but are you sure you want me to?” I’m more than sure that my jaw was dropped, I glanced to the side and saw Irene still standing there with a concerned look on her face. Looking back at my teacher expectedly, needing an explanation.

I could see a smile start forming on his face, this bastard was enjoying this.

“Well you see, I think this would be good for you.  You showing her around means that you have to attend classes and share your textbooks with her until we can provide her new ones.  This will be good for the both of you. That is going to be all.  You’re dismissed to go now.  And tell Bae-ssi to stop looking so worried. You’re not in trouble.”   

I really wanted to complain and turn down the responsibility to show this new kid around, but I’m not in any position to do that.  I’m just lucky he wasn’t giving me detention. 

As I got the rest of myself I left the room only to be bombarded with questions from Irene.  I couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle, she was such a mom sometimes. It was cute.

“Calm down, Unnie, he was just telling me that I have to show this new kid around school starting tomorrow.  Like a buddy or something stupid.”  I could see her features relax almost instantly at that, sometimes I couldn’t help but wonder how I got lucky to have someone as caring as Irene in my life.

“Now come on, you owe me that drink.”


The next morning I was woken up by my phone blaring my alarm which was embarrassingly ‘Gee’ by Girls’ Generation.

“Gee, gee, gee, gee baby, baby…”

They’re my favorite group, there’s just something about nine… Well, now eight, but let’s not get into that right now, girls dancing in perfect unison while slaying the hearts of millions. It’s pretty awesome.  Sometimes I wish I had enough talent and motivation to do something like that.

“Sseul, are you up?!”  I can hear my mom calling from outside my room, I don’t bother responding, I’ll be downstairs in a few minutes anyways.

My eyes were still half closed, it always takes a while for me to fully wake up and it didn’t help that I had to go to school early to meet the new kid.

I grabbed a muffin and left the house, sending Irene a quick text saying that I wouldn’t walk with her today, but I’d make it up to her tonight by doing whatever she wanted. Even if she wanted to watch those lame romance movies.

“No, no, no, no…”

That song was still stuck in my head.

Goddamn Girls’ Generation and their catchy music.


Finally arriving to school, I let out another sigh, I really didn’t want to be burdened by the responsibility of looking after someone.  I could barely do anything for myself unless it was mandatory.

Stopping at my classroom first, I set my stuff down, not that there was really anything heavy in my bag, it was just a nuisance to carry around.

After a lot of internal arguments, I finally found myself in front of the office, asking the front desk if the new kid had arrived yet since I was supposed to be helping them out.  She looked a little surprised that I was the one assigned to help and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be flattered that she knew who I was or offended that she doesn’t think I can handle this.

Well, I don’t even think I can handle this but still.

She directed me towards the principal’s office and told me to just walk in.  Doing so, I was met with something I wasn’t expecting.

This girl is gorgeous.

Holy .

“H-Hi.” I said awkwardly, not sure if I was supposed to bow or not, but the principal motioned for me to take a seat. The entire time he was explaining the school to the new girl, I could feel her eyes on me which was only causing a slight blush to form on my own cheeks.

“And with that, I welcome you and Seulgi-ssi will start showing you around.  Please don’t be late to class.”  The last part was obviously directed towards me.

Both of us did a quick bow and left the room, I almost forgot how awkward I actually was when it came to socializing with people who were Irene.

“So.. Uh, what’s your name?”  That’s a good start, good job, Seulgi.

That’s when she heard a sound that must have come from an angel, this girl was laughing, “I’m guessing you weren’t paying attention to the principal when he was explaining everything, Seulgi-ssi.” 

Her smile was so dazzling.

“My name’s Son Seunghwan, but I also go by Wendy.”  

I nodded, is it a trend to have an English name to go along with a Korean one, if so, why didn’t anyone tell me.

“The old dude is boring and it’s too early for me to be paying attention to anything.” I said with a slight pout, that’s when I heard another laugh and a piece of my soul descending. 

“You don’t have to call me Seulgi-ssi, Seulgi is just fine, we’re the same age, right Seunghwan?”

That’s when I noticed a small tint forming on her own cheeks, I had to be imaging things though.

She just nodded in response and kept up that wide smile that had me so entranced, what was happening to me.  This is like the first time I met Irene all over again, awkward smiles and unsure exchanges. Maybe we would be good friends too. 

“Let’s start this tour?”

I’ll just focus on the school, safe topics, like the weather and how horrible math is.

It didn’t take very long for Seunghwan to get comfortable with me, after maybe ten minutes, I could feel her arm wrapped around mine, what was odd was that I didn’t mind too much.  Usually I only allowed Irene to have skinship with me.  Oh well.

I glanced at the clock, classes were going to start soon.

“We should head back, I’m sure you’ll be seated beside me in class since we have to share books.”  Irene would be proud of me, I’m actually going to class.

Speak of the devil, as we were walking back, I saw Irene at her locker.

“Unnie!”  I called out, instantly getting her attention, that bright smile on her face went away almost instantly when she saw Seunghwan though, which had me completely confused.

“Seunghwan, this is Irene-Unnie, my best friend. And Unnie this is Seunghwan, the new girl.”

I could already tell that Irene didn’t like this girl one bit.  I don’t know why though, she’s sweet. An angel practically.

Nonetheless, they both exchanged pleasantries although it seemed a bit forced, I decided to shrug it off.  Before we were about to leave Irene grabbed my free hand, I glanced back at her with a confused look.

“I’ll see you at lunch, Sseul?” I just smiled back at her and nodded.

‘Oh, oh, oh, oh…’

Get out of my head Girls’ Generation!

Alright and there's the first chapter!! All mistakes are my own.... 

Let me know how you guys like it so far! Our Seulgi is a little oblivious towards the people around her but oh well. I was wondering would you guys prefer if this story stays in Seulgi's POV or if I should switch it up every chapter between Wendy and Irene. 

Also.... Seulrene or Seuldy??? I haven't decided which one is end game yet so let me know what you guys would prefer to see!

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Chapter 1: seuldy please~
and i think you should use irene/wendy pov too
Chapter 1: Seulrene please
nadcuht #3
Chapter 1: seuldy please ;-;
Chapter 1: It would be cool if there were things going on between seuldy but then a finish with seulrene.
I freaking hate friend zones and Irene was first
starzrus #5
Chapter 1: Hahaha yeah it'd be funny if Wenrene became the endgame. Honestly speaking though I think it's too early for me to choose. We don't know how Wendy's character well enough yet
Chapter 1: plot twist: it's wenrene endgame lol seulrene juseyo /give hand motion/
Chapter 1: Seulrene.....gimme Seulrene please
Seulrene seulrene~
ohoh_yeollipop #9
flipthecoin #10
Chapter 1: Seuldy please! I just love their dynamic.