Because Of Humanity


“Ahyoung, Han Ahyoung,” Junhee knocked the door in front of her, “Wake up, girl.” She tapped her foot impatiently as she wait the door opened. But no response.


“Ahyoung?” she called her again, hoping this time she’ll answer. Not receiving any response, Junhee knocked the door again. “Han Ahyoung, it’s 7AM already. You’ll be late.”


She wait.


One minute passed.


Two minutes.


Five minutes.


Noticed something strange, she opened the door, ignoring the fact that she disturbed her privacy. Her eyes widened when she saw Ahyoung’s figure curled up under her blanket without moving. She rushed to her side and she shook her body slowly, “Are you allright?”




Not satisfied with her reply, Junhee placed her hand onto the girl’s forehead. She gasped, “You had a fever!” She turned her body slowly until she faced her and she touched her cheek. She could feel her temperature was high. “Yah Han Ahyoung, why you didn’t tell me that you were sick?”


“You had slept yesterday...” she replied with her husky voice.


“Where the hell were you last night?”


Ahyoung rubbed her nose before replied, “Taehyung asked me out. We went to Han River.”


“That Kim Taehyung-“ Junhee was about to called him and blamed him, but Ahyoung gripped her wrist, “Don’t. It was my fault, I didn’t tell him that I’m not in good condition. I just didn’t want him dissapointed.”


She sighed, “Fine. Then wait here, I’ll buy you a medicine.”


She went downstairs and grabbed her coat. She was about to leave when she saw Hoseok in living room. God, she forgot about something.


“Hoseok sunbae,” she called. Hoseok lookep up from his phone and his eyes brightened, “Ready to go?”


She gulped and rubbed her neck nervously, “Um, I’m sorry. I can’t go with you today. Ahyoung was sick.” She gave him her apologetic smile. “Don’t wait me. You can go first.”


“She was sick?” he asked. “Yes, I think she had a fever.” “Wait,” Hoseok typed something on his phone, then a few moments later Junhee’s phone buzzed. “Buy her that medicine,” he said. Junhee blinked at first, but then she nodded hesitantly. “...okay.”




When she back from drugstore, the living room was empty. She frowned, maybe he had left already?


She went upstairs and entered Ahyoung’s room. When the door opened, she was shocked by Hoseok’s existence.


“Oh, you were coming.” Hoseok stood up and walked towards her, grabbed the medicine on her hand. He walked towards Ahyoung’s bed and motioned her who had a compress on her forehead to sit.


So he was here?


“Junhee, can you give me that water?” his voice made Junhee back to her sense. Without arguing, she took a glass of water on Ahyoung’s table and gave it to him.


“Drink it,” he ordered as he handed the medicine to Ahyoung.


“Thank you, sunbae.” Ahyoung gave him a small smile after she drink it at one gulp.


“Take it at least three times a day and make sure to change your comprees. Understand?”


Ahyoung nodded, “Got it.”


“Then, shall we go?” he turned to Junhee. “Wait,” she walked towards Ahyoung and caressed her hair, “Call me if you need something. I’ll be here in a crack.”


“Okay. Just go, you guys will be late.”




“You seems like a pro,” Junhee confessed.




She nodded, “Like you had done it so many times.”


“It’s not like that.” he chuckled. “I had learned it before. So I knew how to take care fever.”


“Wait- are you Medical Department’s student?”


He nodded.




Hoseok turned to her, “You didn’t believe me?”


“It’s not like that,” she rubbed her neck nervously.


“I know, I’m not that doctor-looking.”


“Sunbae, it’s not like that, seriously.” Junhee pleaded, in anxious tone. Hoseok turned at her to see her with that guilty expression all over her face. It made him laughed, “Yah, just kidding.”




The two get on the bus and sat down beside each other. Once the bus started, Junhee turned her attention out the window. Then she remembered something.


It was when she saw him on the zebracross back then, helping a grandma to cross the street. She was touched by his actions at that time. And today, another proof make her quite sure, the boy beside her was definitely has a good manner.


A few minutes later, the bus stopped and a few people came in. There was a woman with her baby walked towards their direction, but after knowing there were no seats left, she ended up by stood.


“Excuse me,” Hoseok nudged the woman. “You can sit here,” he pointed towards his seat and let the woman to sit down beside Junhee.


“Thank you,” the woman smiled.


Once again, he made Junhee touched by his actions. Though that was a common things to do, but she still think it was amazing to see someone help others even when they have to sacrificing themselves. Especially when a boy did it.


Unknowingly, her lips curved into a small smile.


Yeah, another reason to admire him.




They got off the bus and headed to the building. The huge clock hanging on the wall shows that it was 1PM already. Knowing that there was no much time left, they headed to journalistic room immediately.


“You say you have a class at 2PM, don’t you?” Hoseok asked as they entered the room.


“Yes, sunbae.”


“Then let’s finish it quickly.”


As soon as he said it, he the computer and his own laptop. He let Junhee use the computer while he used his laptop. He explained in details what to do and make sure Junhee understand. Somehow Junhee was a clever girl, so she could get it right quickly.


They both worked in silence, letting sounds of typed keyboards dominating the whole room. Junhee who in charge of checking every pages to make sure that there was no page lost was focused on monitor, and Hoseok who was busy checking the input data had his eyes focused on his laptop.


“By the way, Junhee,” Hoseok called without left his gaze on his laptop. “Since when you like writing?”


Junhee stopped scrolling and hummed, “When I was ninth years old, maybe? I didn’t remember it exactly, but I began like writing since my teacher asked me to participating on writing’s competition.”


“Were you writing a story then?” he asked.


“At that time...” she tilted her head, tried to remember. “I think I wrote a short story about Seoul. It was fiction, but I adapted Seoul as my theme.”


He clapped, “Whoa, so you like writing a fiction? You must be a good imaginer.”


“If you say so,” she chuckled. “But honestly, I oftenly daydreaming about some sweet scenes in my mind. About a couple holding hand, share foods together, walking on the shore under the moonlight, etc. I like it, so much. Imagining how sweet it would be if I have such love story. Though it was just an imagination, it can build up my mood.”


“Then, why you didn’t become a writer instead of an accountan?” Hoseok asked again, began curious about her.


“Nah, writing is my hobby, just to express my feelings through a story. But still, I want to be an accountan.” she explained.


“Hm.. I like you.” He suddenly blurted. Junhee’s eyes widened. “I mean- you have some similarities with me. That’s why, I like you.” He quickly added.


“Ah, I see...” she cracked a smile. Not to mention, she felt a bit happy when he said that he likes her. Never once she heard someone said that stuffs directly like he did. For her, it was the first time. Though it means in other way, she literally happy.


“Have you done?” he asked, diverting the topic. Junhee click the save button and turned to him, “Yes!”


“You can leave now, I’ll handle the rest.” Before she protest, he continued. “It’s 1:50 now.”


“Oh my God!” she blurted. She quickly grabbed her things and turned to leave. But she stopped, “Wait- sunbae, call me if you need helps, okay? I would like to help you again.”


He nodded. “Just go, you will late.”


“Okay, bye!”


He shook his head in amusement as he saw the girl left.


Now when he think about it again, Junhee was different compared when the first time he met her. And he hopes she will be open towards him more.




During the last period Junhee had a hard time keeping her eyes open. She yawned a few times and if she could- maybe she had fallen asleep since thirty minutes ago. But no matter what she must kept her eyes open so she could catch every words from Mr.Kwon. With his low voice, his students have to paid extra attention.


In the middle of writing, Junhee felt her phone vibrated.


Hello, Hiking’s new member! We would like to invite you to come to our first meeting this afternoon at meeting hall right after the last period ended. Please attend this meeting because we have some things to discuss. Regard, Lee Baekho


She let out a big sigh after read the message. She almost forget that her priority actually is hiking, not journalistic. She was too deep in with Hoseok about the next magazine, until she didn’t remember that she chose hiking in the first place.


“Mrs.Nam Junhee.” Someone’s voice made Junhee looked up. Her eyes rounded when she saw Mr.Kwon was standing beside her while eyeing her with his displeased expression. “You better paid attention. The class will over ten minutes again anyway.”


Not having other choice, Junhee nodded obediently and placed her phone back to her pocket. Ten minutes again and she will be free.




“Wait- don’t go. I wanted to ask you again.”


“Sorry, but I have a meeting momentarily.”


“Please, huh? This is my last question and then you won’t see my face again. Promise.”


He sighed. “Fine.”


“Why you rejected me? Why you refuse to be my boyfriend?”


Jungkook was about to reply the girl’s question when suddenly he saw another shadow on that corridor. He looked up and to his surprise, he saw Junhee there. Stood with half-opened.


“Jeon Jungkook?” the girl called. Right after that, Junhee turned and walked away. He gulped, since when she was there? Did she hear everything?


“Jungkook, answer me. You know, it’s the first time someone rejected me.”


Jungkook sighed and turned to a girl who confessed to him a few minutes ago. “I’m sorry, I think the meeting had been started.” With that, he walked away and headed to meeting hall, leaving the girl who was mentally scoffed completely.




Fortunately, Jungkook managed to arrive right before the meeting started. The meeting hall was almost full when he entered, and he had to took a seat in the front because no seat left beside that.


When he turned to back, he caught sight of someone in the corner of the room. And that someone was no other than Nam Junhee.


“Okay, attention guys.” Someone spoke up. Jungkook quickly turned his attention to front and stared as a boy walked towards the podium and grabbed the mic. “Welcome to Hiking Club Meeting!”


Claps echoed throughout the meeting hall. The boy continued, “Welcome to our new members too, and I want to say thanks for joining this club. As you see, this club activity mostly outdoor, especially at mountains or hills. And usually, we held an orientation period for new members. That’s why today we gathered here, to discuss about orientation period for new members.”


The meeting gone well as they just talked about the orientation period and simple introducing from senior members. They decided to go to mountain next week and will sleep over there for two nights. Plus, all about camping goods list had been shared through the parents permission.


The meeting ended when the sun was about to set, around 6PM. Everyone walked out the meeting hall, so did Junhee. She left the building immediately and walked to the bus stop. It was until she remember about someone.


Jeon Jungkook.


She saw him in the meeting hall before. That means he must be around here now.


Suddenly, she remember about what she saw on the corridor before. She just passed by until she heard Jungkook’s voice and she stepped backwards. She saw him with a girl standing face to face. Until she heard their conversations, she knew that the girl was confessed to him and sadly, he rejected her.


It surprised her that there was a girl who darely asked him out when she didn’t even know about him well. Or maybe, the girl want him to be her boyfriend just because he was handsome? Heck.


His rejections remind her about what happened to her four years ago. It was similar.


Four years ago.

She stood there while shaking. She was nervous, so much. She took a deep breath, then took few steps and walked towards someone who stood in distance. That feeling of hesitant suddenly approach her. She stopped. Was it the right decision? What will happen after that? Would it be okay?


Just looked at his back made her heart beat crazily, like it just beat when he was around.


How can she didn’t find it out when she was 9th years old? How can she didn’t feel anything before? And sadly, how can she became an idiot when it was everything about him, now?


Like she just met him yesterday. When he just an unknown boy who met her when she went to her grandma’s house. When he just a classmate in Junior High School. When he just an annoying friend who always stole her note.


But now, she faced an unfair reality. The one who she claimed as her best friend and her first love, now was so far away even though he stood right in front of her. The one who so close with her in the past, now like a stranger.


Her mind suddenly went blank when he turned around. She was caughted.


“Oh- hi,” she waved awkwardly.


He didn’t answer. He just stared at her with his old gaze. Empty and cold.


She gulped hard before continued. It was about a year since their last conversation. It was impossible if she says without stuttering.


“W-what are you doing?”


“Nope,” he replied coldly.


She grabbed her camera tightly, hoping it would decrease her nervousness. She took a deep breath, and gather some courages to spoke again, “It was our last day as Junior High School student, right?”


He didn’t answer and stayed still. But she was okay with it. It worth it than he ran away.


“You know...” she played her fingers and bit her lower lip. “I want to... take a photo with you.”

Jungkook stared at her fingers. He could tell the girl in front of him was dying embarassed but forced herself to be brave.


“I can’t.” He replied straight forward.


That two words made her heart sank completely. The huge walls of confidence that she had built since these past months was collapsing and made those tears of her fell.


“Did you hate me that much?” she asked while trembling. She used her right hand to wiped her tears and continued, “It was just a simple thing. Just a photo!”


“Did you really hate me that much?” she asked again. “We will be separated and I don’t think we will be able to meet again- that’s why I want to make a reminiscence of you.”


Jungkook won’t see her face now. He hates when he saw a girl crying, especially when it was because of himself. But it wasn’t like he can bring her into his embrace and patted her back and said it’s okay, it wasn’t like that. He had his own reason why he can’t. But he can’t tell her.


“I told you already, I can’t.”


Junhee let her tears fell down swiftly. Somehow, she can’t hold it all in anylonger. “You seriously cold-hearted person, Jungkook. You lost your old side. You changed too much.”


She sighed. She knew well how it feels. She knew well how hurt it was when someone rejected you. Though she wasn’t confessing, it still hurts.


Her daydream dispersed when she heard a footsteps nearer. She looked up, and her jaw dropped.


Jungkook looked at her at the same time, but his reaction was normal. He stopped a few meters away and waited the bus to come.


Junhee gulped hard. She hates this situation. When Jungkook and her were together but she didn’t really know how to act yet he was nonchalance around her. Just- how can he still act cool while she was dying inside?


Unfortunately, the bus didn’t come yet until twenty minutes later and it began darker. Junhee mentally cursed herself for not bringing something thick to wear and now she was shivering.


“Seriously, where the hell are you, bus?” she hissed. She hugged her body tightly and tapping her foots on the ground. She still remember, someone told her if she kept moving, she won’t feel the coldness.


“Wear it.” She stopped moving when an arm popped up from nowhere. She turned to right and saw Jungkook handed his jacket to her. Her eyes rounded, “...what?”


“Wear it.” he repeated.


It took some time for Junhee to response. She had lost her words and didn’t move even a bit. He rolled his eyes and placed his jacket to her right hand instead.


Junhee back to her sense when she felt something on her hand. She looked down and her eyes widened when she found Jungkook’s jacket laid on her hand.


“H- how about you?”


“I wore sweater already.” Jungkook turned away and placed his hand into his pocket.


Junhee stared at his jacket. She was unsure whether she wear it or not.


“If you weren’t going to wear it, I’ll wear it.” He spoke up.


“I- I will!” she blurted and quickly wear his jacket around her body. Once it wrapped her, she could smell his cologne. It was the same cologne and seems that it never changes.


It feels like Jungkook was hugging her.


“Jungkook.” She called.




“Why you gave me this?”


Her question made him turned to her, looked at her directly. It took a few minutes until he replied. “I’m human too. I’m not that cruel.”


As he turned away, she stared at him with an unknowing smile.


That heart beats... she could feel it again after four years.


Sure, he is a human too.

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july-pupetta #1
i love your storyyyy. i'm looking forward to your next update :):)
Syarahsalsa #2
Chapter 10: Trying to not so curious, but, I can't, huhu
Chapter 10: author is very busy right now she doesn't have any time at all to continue:(
Chapter 10: HA finally after a really long time! Chapter 10!

Ahyoung being a "mom" OMG -_- But thats cute tho ㅋㅋㅋ

"Thank you for being honest to me. But i'm sorry, i had liked someone else" gosh! I hope its junhee ㅎ

I just finished dilan (the 2nd book) before i read this chap and i feel sad that junhee cried in this chap :-((( hope she'll be fine

Waiting for your next chap ㅋㅋ
ChoSaku_ #5
Chapter 10: OH MY, you make me cry bcs this chap remind me of someone:")

This chap is so good, i really got the feels:")
Chapter 10: Kaak jungkook sukanya sama junhee ya >.>
Chapter 10: Awww </3 I feel so heartbroken for her sake :/
Thank you for sharing
Chapter 1: Sungha Jung!!! I'm his fan!!
Army_jiaying #10
Chapter 9: Plssssss update soon...ㅠ ㅠ im vry curious.. but also curious bout ya author-nim... did smth happen??!... r u okay......? Take care of urselff