it's a kiss on my cheeks.... from AI-CHAN!!

Popular Boy and the Man-hater


-Third Person's Point of View- 
"Why don't you just leave me alone?" Ai said, annoyed 
"If I didn't come here he might've done something to you!" Ryosuke said, being over protective 
"He was just asking me where the library was" 
"What kind of idiot doesn't know where the library is?! He was definitely trying to flirt with you!" 
"It's his first year here!" Ai said, growing impatient "Now leave" 
"No!" Ryosuke crossed his arms, being stubborn 
"Fine" Ai stood up "I'll leave" 
"Then I'll leave with you" He said and stood up following her 
"Why are you so annoying?" 
"I'm not!" 
"Yes you are!" 
"No I'm not!" 
"Yes you are!" 
They entered a library 
"No I'm not!" 
"Be quiet in the library!" The librarian yelled, Ryosuke glared at her "J-just kidding" she smiled 
"What's wrong with her?" Ai asked pointing to the librarian 
"No one can argue with me or any of the Jump members because our parents are the ones in charge of everything in this school and they also pay the teachers" Ryosuke explained 
Ai rolled her eys and sat down in the corner of the room 
"If you keep rolling your eyes they will be stuck" Ryosuke warned 
Ai laughed a little at his foolishness 
"You laughed!" Ryosuke smiled happily 
"I don't think I've met anyone this stupid" Ai said and continued reading 
Ryosuke took her book away "What are you reading?" he asked and looked at the book 
Ai tried to get the book but couldn't get it because Ryosuke is a little taller than her "You can ask me instead of taking it away!" 
"Well I didn't want to annoy you" He smiled innocently 
"Oh really?" Ai said sarcastically "Can I have my book back now?" 
"If you kiss me on my cheek" Ryosuke smirked 
Ai quickly kissed him on his cheek. 
Ryosuke squealed happily like a girl and gave Ai her book back and ran away, still squealing. 
Ai stared after him weirdly but smiled at his cuteness. 
-At the Cafeteria- 
"I think Ryosuke's officially insane" Yuto raised an eyebrow seeing him run around the cafeteria squealing 
"Yama-chan!" Hikaru pulled him right when he was about to run past them "What's wrong with you?" 
"She kissed me on my cheek!!!" He said with a huge smile 
"So? What's the big deal? It's only a kiss on the cheek" Yuya said 
"A kiss ON THE CHEEK" Ryosuke smiled and pointed to his cheek "By Ai-chan!!" 
"Congratulations" Keito smiled and clapped. 
"Thanks man!" Ryosuke patted Keito's shoulder. 
The other eight rolled their eyes 
"It's just a kiss on the cheek..." Ryutaro mumbled 
"Well it's from a special someone" Chinen said, trying to understand "But I still don't get it" he shook his head.
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sakura14cherryable #1
hai!<br />
i will!<br />
please subscribe my fanfics neh..
Ryosukeluvs #2
cute~<br />
please write more about yamada<br />
luv oneshots!
sakura14cherryable #3
yeah!<br />
i know right! xDD
MaddiTeukieTan101 #4
This was so cute! Kei can be so funny!!
sakura14cherryable #5
@inyasha. i will! thnx for commenting!
HAhaha this is funny and cute!! Please write another one!!