What's Your Problem?!


Seohyun POV

i cant stop cryining and feeling guilty inside

sulli and siwon oppa help me to class,as we were almost reach our class,i heard a voice sounded like my oppa shouting screaming in anger

as we reach the class,i saw heechul oppa shouting and screaming at that horrible guy,kyuhyun

my headache so much hearing those shouting and screaming! urgh!! just what i need! more trouble

i try to endure it but i cant stand it anymore!! arghh!!!

"YAH YOU TWO! STOP IT! PLEASE STOP IT!!" i scream as tears started to form in my eyes

everyone in the class stop making sound and looked at us

end of POV

"seohyun-ah..." heechul sounded disbelieve as seohyun never scream or shouted at him angrily except for playfull one

seohyun turned away from her brother and looked at kyuhyun's eyes hard and cold then she started to run away

everyone kept silent when seohyun leaves,heechul couldn't do anything and so does sohee and siwon

seohyun ran and ran without knowing her own direction until she aware of her surrounding she is no longer at her school,she was lost in the forest near her school

at school,heechul,sohee and siwon were still shocked of seohyun's reaction and finally gained concious after seohyun left

heechul ran everywhere at the school like crazy searching for seohyun,then he remembered tiffany thus he went to see her

"yah snobby fany! have you seen seohyun?" heechul asked shouting at tiffany in worried

tiffany was about to shout back to heechul but seeing heechul's pale worried face she forgot

"no i haven't...whaeyo??" she asked curiously

"urgh!! where can she be?!" heechul said and started ran away but then tiffany caught his hand

"tell me whats wrong? what happened to seohyun?!" she asked

heechul let go of her gripped and started to ran searching for seohyun again

kyuhyun in the other hand was still startled of what happened and was thinking how he had made seohyun really mad

he regain concious again as donghae snapped him out of it

"yah kyuhyun-ssi! you're there?" he said waving his hand in front of kyuhyun's face

kyuhyun kept silent and started to ran searching for seohyun

he felt worried for the first time in a long time for someone

he finally felt care for someone after his ex girlfriend left him for another guy which was his own bestfriend

he kept running,asking everyone who had seen seohyun and finally he met someone who'd seen where seohyun went

"if im not mistaken,she went that way" the girl with pony tail said pointing towards the forest

"oh thanks a lot!" kyuhyun thanked and started running towards the forest

the sky was getting darkes showing sign of raining

he looked around him and all he saw were trees,sound of nature makes him hard to track seohyun

rain started to drop

seohyun was getting more and more panic

"o-omma~ a-appa~" she cried sobbing

she found shelter under a big tree,she cried sobbing hard her heart felt lonely

a few hours of searching deep in the forest kyuhyun finally he heard someone sobbing and crying

am i hearing stuf? he thought in his head since the chances of finding seohyun was 1 over 100 chances

then he heard it again

he followed his heart and started running towards the crying sound

he was right,his heart flutters to see seohyun yet felt guilty,butterfly in his stomach as he get closer to seohyun

"s-s-seo-seohyun-ssi~" he said

seohyun felt shock and slowly look behind and saw the guy who made her cry

her red eyes locked into kyuhyun's brown guilty eyes

she turned back and started to walk away

"seohyun-ssi wait!" kyuhyun shout trying to catch her up

she pretend as if she never heard him


she's walking faster getting her rythm to run

"seohyun-ssi!" kyuhyun caught up her wrist and spin her around facing him

"leave me alone you jerk!" she said looking away


"what sorry?! sorry  that you had destroy my precious gift from my brother,sorry that you made me cry,sorry that you made my brother angry? then i am sorry that i ever meet you" seohyun said able to free from his grip

kyuhyun left quite listen to seohyun words

her tears were disguised among the rain on her cheeks

she walked away and suddenly kyuhyun grapped her,spin her around and hug her tightly

"seohyun-ssi,mianhae,chincha mianhae" kyuhyun said hugging her more tightly

seohyun at the moment was shocked by kyuhyun's action

her heart started to soft

they were hugging in the rain until seohyun suddenly fainted

her face were pale as a white mouse

"seohyun!seohyun!!" kyuhyun shouted and carried her bridal state towards the campus wet

as he arrives,a pair of eyes saw them with a burning heart,yes it was lizzy

as they reached someplace dry heechul arrived

"thanks for finding seohyun" heechul said and switched seohyun letting her into his arm carrying her into bridal state

"your not so bad after all dude" heechul said and smiled to kyuhyun and left

leaving kyuhyun wet,his heart somehow felt ease when heechul said that

and he left drove his car and went home

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Chapter 55: woooowwwww...neomu daebak...jinjja..really like it...keep it up authounim
Chapter 55: Wow that ending had me in a lot of tears! Great story! Please more SeoKyu ffs! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 55: Good Story :D I loved it ^_^ Hwaiting!!!
like soulmates kyaa soukyu forever:D
waa....poor seohyun:'(
SNSDforever #6
Marvelous just marvelous glad that the father made the right decision
SeoKyu!!! :"> Happy ending <3 CONGRATULATIONS! \o/ <br />
I love the ending! Good job! :D
love it <3<3 its great!!!!<br />
good job author<br />
hope to see another fanfic from you
jinnie #9
great! hope to see u soon