
fall back on me, fall back on you

When they got back to Korea, Amber gets welcomed by Ailee with an overly eager grin and she’s slightly scared.


“Did you get to kiss him?” Ailee asks, getting up from the couch, running excitedly to her and ready to milk all the juicy details.


“What?! No! Why would I kiss him?” Amber exclaims, perplexed at her question even though her ears are getting red.


Ailee’s grin falters and she sighs, looking disappointed. “You could have! You should have!”


“I’m not up to having this conversation.” Amber groans, throwing her bag to the side.


“Look, a kiss would determine whether a couple have sparks or not.” Ailee explains and Amber looks at her like she’d grown two heads. “This would be great for the experiment!”


Amber still thinks that her roommate had gone insane but the idea of kissing Henry is making her weak on the knees.


Maybe she’s going insane, too.


“It’s not like I don’t want to kiss her,” Henry says as he paces back and forth in the living room while Eric watches from the couch. “I do. Badly.”


“Then why didn’t you?” Eric asks, digging through Henry’s bag for souvenirs.


“She’s drunk! I can’t take advantage of her!” He looks exasperated and Eric feels a bit bad. “And she passed out right after she said that.”


Eric sighs, finally putting the bag aside and stopping him from pacing because it’s making him dizzy.


“Why can’t you just tell her that you like her? Isn’t that the point of this experiment?”


Henry sits beside him and sighs. Eric can almost hear his uncertainty. “What if she doesn’t like me back? Our friendship is way too important. I can’t risk it. I can live not being her boyfriend but I don’t think I can if we’re not friends anymore.”


“But Henry, you’ve been in love with her since you guys were in high school.”


“Well technically,” Henry starts, starting to feel a little pathetic. “I had feelings for her in high school and I thought they were gone until this experiment happened. Now it’s back and ten times stronger.”


Henry groans, not really knowing how to deal with all of this. Eric offers beer.


They were in Henry’s apartment when Amber realizes that she really is going insane. He wants her opinion on a song that he’s working on which is kind of weird because she’s not a Music Major. They were in the middle of making snacks in the kitchen when it comes out of .


“Hey, do you like, want to kiss or something?” And Amber winces because my god, that sounds so awkward.


Henry looks at her with wide eyes, and seems to be frozen in the middle of opening the bag of chips.


Amber clears . “You know, for the experiment? A kiss can determine whether a couple have sparks or not.” She could almost hear Ailee’s nagging voice as she spoke.


She bites her lip as she waits for him to say something but he stays glued to his place and she’s starting to regret bringing it up.


Her phone rings from the kitchen counter and she turns to see who’s calling. James’ name pops up and she’s about to answer it when she hears the bag of chips drop to the floor and suddenly, Henry’s hand is on the back of her neck, pulling her closer until their lips met. She gasps, tossing her phone aside as she holds on to his arms to steady herself.


He kisses her softly and gently, pressing their lips together lightly. Amber lets out a content sigh she didn’t know she was holding. That makes Henry smile and he tilts his head to the side, letting their lips slide against each other. He has always wondered what it’s like to kiss her and now he knows - heaven.


Amber wraps her arms around his neck as the kiss slowly got heated, bodies pressing closer together. His tongue her lower lip and she opens for him, squealing a little bit when he lifts her up to make her sit on the counter top. Her lungs are burning but she doesn’t want to stop, not even to breathe.


Henry’s fingers dance up and down her thigh as Amber plays with his hair and he still can’t believe that this is happening. So he pulls her closer, holds her tighter and kisses her harder just to make sure that this isn’t a dream and he’s actually kissing her.


It’s Amber who breaks the kiss, still with her eyes closed as she catches her breath, pressing her forehead against his. They were silent for a while, still pressed close to each other like they might go in for another kiss but no one dares to move.


“Is that what you have in mind?” Henry whispers and his breath tickles her lips.


Amber couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, something like that.”


They jump apart when the door opens and in comes Eric with a bag of groceries, stopping on his tracks when he sees them in the kitchen, faces red and lips swollen.


“Did I interrupt something?” He asks, a smirk playing on his lips as he sets the groceries down.


“No we just, uh,” Amber swallows the lump on , running a hand through her hair. “We were just, uhm, talking.”


“That must have been some kind of intense conversation.” Eric comments, looking at Henry’s messy hair. He goes into an even deeper shade of red and Eric wants to laugh.


Amber’s phone rings again and she quickly picks up, desperate to get out of this situation.


“Hello?” she answers, turning her back to both of them. “, I forgot. Okay, I’ll be there in ten.”


She rushes out of the kitchen to grab her stuff in the living room, trying to cool herself down.


“I gotta go. I forgot I have to meet up with James for the Anger Management class. I’ll see you guys later.” She says before she’s out of the door, not even sparing them a glance.


There’s a moment of silence before Eric starts laughing. Henry tells him to shut up before picking up the discarded bag of chips on the floor and bolting to his room. Eric follows after him, still laughing and he could still see the tip of his ears going red before he slams the door on his face.


Amber couldn’t concentrate on anything for the rest of the afternoon. All she could think about is the kiss and Henry’s lips and neither is good for her mental health.


“Amber?” James waves a hand in front of her and she blinks, pushing her thoughts about Henry’s lips aside.




“Are you okay? You’ve been spacing out the whole time.” James asks.


“Yeah. Just have a lot of things in my mind, I guess. You know, about the project and stuff.” Amber shrugs, trying not to think of the kiss too much.


“Oh right, how’s yours going?”


Oh great, she’s thinking about the kiss again.


“Uhm, good.” She answers simply, biting her lip and trying not to blush.


“Is it working, though? Are you falling in love with him?” He teases, jabbing her shoulder with his elbow.


Amber manages to keep a straight face, pursing her lips before answering. “I’d like to keep the information to myself until the end of the experiment, thank you very much.”

James chuckles, shaking his head at her before returning to his planner and Amber internally sighs in relief.

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bumpkin #1
IDK how many times I have Re read this
Read and re-read this, something so many can emotionally connect with! Ughhh feels! Love how you bring each scene to life. Please write more!
narcissism_ #3
Chapter 7: This is so cute!!!<3 From the beginning til the end I had been squealing internally with a huge-idiotic-looking smile on my face that made my cheeks hurt when I finished it.(≧▽≦) I mean if I knew someone in this situation I'll be there ultimate shipper. Again I love it. Great work. Nice flow. Great job^^
372 streak #4
Chapter 7: thank you for writing! love it!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #5
Chapter 7: *Cried a waterfall of tears*
This story is beautiful. The humour, the fluff EVERYTHING was beautiful. Thank you for this. Oh my god. HENBER IS SO CUTE THAT THEY ARE GONNA BE THE CAUSE OF MY DEATH!!!! THEY NEED TO STOP BEING SO CUTE DAMMIT!!!
ying9202 #6
Chapter 7: *cries puddles of tears*
this is go beautiful
i love then so much
they are so cute
sooooooooooo cute
insannie_ #7
Chapter 7: i just find this and im really in love, this is pretty awesome~