“I get really sick on roller-coasters and you had the misfortune of sitting in front of me so, uh… sorry…” AU

A/N: anyone can see me a block b prompt and pairing anytime from this list. I hope you like it. I did it pretty quickly since I’m not doing anything else. The ending was kinda hard to figure out. 

The first step to acceptance is denial.

Oh , was the first thing Jaehyo thought when he felt something wet hit the back of this neck. It’s just water, or the wind, it fine. Calm down, Jaehyo. Oh, gosh, no it’s not! That’s definitely not water.

The second step is anger.

Whoever the er who threw up on my neck is, he better be really sorry. Jaehyo was seething. He jumped off the ride as quickly as possible, throwing open the door, and turning to find the person who had the audacity to vomit on his previously pristine neck. However, who he found was not exactly the person he had maybe expected. An awkward boy with wide eyes stood looking up at him. His face was an odd shade of green and red, from nausea and embarrassment. It didn’t stop Jaehyo from wanting to punch him in the face.

“A-ah” he stuttered. “Look, I, uh, I get really sick on roller-coasters and you had the misfortune of sitting in front of me so, uh… sorry…” The boy cowered as Jaehyo starred him down, holding his hands awkwardly in mid-air, his feet turned in. He almost felt sorry for him now. It was very hard to stay mad at the awkward boy in front of him, and Jaehyo wasn’t exactly known for his temper. Even after someone else had been sick on his neck.

“Please… let me help you, uh, clean up?”

“How lovely of you” Jaehyo replied sarcastically, before hurrying to get to the nearest restroom.

Then bargaining.

If only I hadn’t sat in front of him, Jaehyo tried to bargain with himself as he rubbed a damp cloth over his neck and shoulders. He had shooed off the boy, who he know knew was called Jiho, to find him a clean t-shirt.

So, he know stood in an amusement park restroom with his shirt off, and in currently in the sink, glaring at himself in the grimy mirror. Perfect. If only he hadn’t decided to go on that ride. If only he’d gone 5 minutes later. If only… I didn’t matter anymore, really.

And depression.

Jaehyo was defeated. Something bad was bound to happen anyway. It always did.

“Hey! I found a t-shirt” Jiho bounded through the door and the t-shirt into Jaehyo’s hands. It was bright orange and had the theme park logo, printed in bold letters, on the front. I suppose it’s better than nothing, or the one sopping in the sink.

“I’m sorry. It’s all I could find.” Jiho started shyly. “I’m also sorry for being sick on you.” Jaehyo just nodded his head. He was feeling very disenchanted by theme parks and only wanted to go home.

“I really want to make it up to you. Uh, can I buy you a drink or something?”

Finally, acceptance.

So, now, they sat at a faded table in the furthest corner of a café drinking tropical smoothies.

“It could’ve happened to anyone really. Don’t worry about it” Jaehyo smiled and sipped his drink. The other nodded in relief. He thanked the heavens that he had thrown up on Jaehyo and not some angry old man. Jiho chuckled a little at his thoughts. Of all the people I could’ve thrown up on I’m glad it was you. He couldn’t say that, so he decided just to stay quiet.

Maybe in the future, this would be something Jaehyo could laugh about. A story to tell, he thought. Hey guys, do you wanna hear about the time some kid was sick on me?! Maybe not.

“Well, thanks for the drink but I probably should be going” Jaehyo spoke up.

“Yeah, me too. I need to catch the bus home.” The other replied.

“Let’s go then”.

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