
Wolf Princess

I would be an idiot for not knowing that people follow me. I have sensitive ears, a sensitive nose, and a heightened awareness for the things around me. That being said, I was waiting to see how long it would take exactly for this to get on my last nerve. I’d like to believe I am up there in smarts. Unfortunately my temper was right up there with it. Meaning I wouldn’t last long if this was going to keep up.

First, it was Sungjong, which half makes sense. On one side of the spectrum, he was the only one in the pack that was on campus with me. On the other hand, Sungjong was a busy college student with his own priorities that didn’t include following me around campus every once and a while.

It’s not like I could have done anything after Woohyun gave me a baby sitter. He wouldn’t tell me why, he’d send a different member of the pack every few days, and I wasn’t the type to through a tantrum or a hissy fit. I couldn’t tell off Woohyun directly, but I could tell of those who decided to follow me.

On this day it was Howon, and I honestly felt sorry for him because he wasn’t as bad as the others. I’ve told you about Sungyeol, I don’t really need to say much else. Howon was on the quieter side; it’s not that he didn’t talk to me because he didn’t want to. He just…didn’t talk much. Too bad my temper was going to be taken out on him.

I already knew he was on the campus because his scent lingered behind me, but it was the way he effortlessly and swiftly masked himself from my ears that I knew he was trying to tail me. You don’t typically see a 21 year old girl lash out at her brother’s friend for following her, and you definitely don’t see me lashing out at anybody.

I stopped walking and turned around, marching right up to him until we were face to face. “Can you stop following me?”

He shook his head shyly. “I can’t disobey Woohyun.”

“So you’re just going to babysit his little sister because he tells you? Are you kidding me, Howon?” I know, I’m supposed to respect those who were older and wiser than me, but considering that Howon was a bit insecure about his authority on me, I played to my advantage. Let’s just say…so did he.

“Some lanky kid is staring at us.” He was looking up at one of the buildings to the right.

Sure there were a lot of lanky kids in our school, but I’m sure, one they wouldn’t be staring at two people conversing, and two, they wouldn’t be staring at me. Without some sort of reason, he wouldn’t be staring at me. Douche-bag cologne is starting to come in handy.

“Howon…” I warned, snapping him back into focus. “At least tell me why Woohyun thinks I need a baby sitter.”

“Bodyguard.” He corrected. Like it mattered, but he was definitely being a baby sitter. Bodyguard implied that the person being protected was actually cared for.

“I don’t care! Tell me and stop following me.” Considering I was supposed to meet Sehun at the library in 15 minutes, I had no time to be arguing with Howon. Nor did Sehun have time to just stare at me.

“I’m not allowed to tell you, and I can’t stop following you.” Great, now he was being vague. Not telling me, can’t stop following me. But honestly, if I had an angel in disguise, I think it would be Sungjong.

“Hoya!” Sungjong came running up behind me and stood next to me, slightly out of breath. Hoya was Howon’s nickname…that Howon didn’t want me calling him. “Emergency meeting. Let’s go!”

“Uh…” I awkwardly stood there. Emergency meeting? And they were really trying to get away with not telling me anything whatsoever. Clearly something was going on.

“You can’t come.” Sungjong shot daggers at me, and then pulled Howon and ran off. Did I say angel? Angel disguised as the devil would be more correct.

I looked down at my watch, barely having 7 minutes to get to the library downtown. Even though our school library should have had what we needed, Sehun demanded we meet at the one inconveniently far from school. He also warned me never to be late. There were probably ulterior motives to make my life more difficult, knowing him.

3 minutes. I was 3 minutes late and I could already tell by the scowl on his face that he was in a bad mood. He was just sitting there, arms crossed and a scrunched up face. Not even through his phone or anything. I was a little more than pleased that he was sitting by himself, instead of having more company. AKA his girlfriend.

He really likes to find secluded places in the library, so I have noticed. There was a little spot in the back with a few tables behind the aisles of books. I sat down, startling his menacing aura. As soon as he saw me he glared, but I’ve already become accustomed to this.

“You’re late.” He rolled his eyes and unfolded his arms, propping his elbows on the study table.

“You could have looked for books by yourself. I’m only three minutes late.”

“Whatever. Just go get things.” Yup, he expects me to do this all by myself. He probably wouldn’t have been much use either way, but at least he could have tried. I left my book bag and my camera behind and headed straight to the section where they kept mythological books.

As a kid, neither my parents nor Woohyun had helped me in any way in learning more about what I was. So growing up, I’d resort to things that were in the books, ending up deciding for myself what was wrong. When Myungsoo moved in with us when my parents died, I was able to learn a bit more from him. Limited information yes, but what he told me is what I know now. And now, I know the books that match the right information.

I picked up five books, 2 were werewolves only, the other 3 had other creatures, but were still good books. I’d figure that would occupy the hour of time we were supposed to meet. Hopefully…

“Yah, put that down!” I returned with the stack of books for our project, and Sehun’s grimy paws are on my camera. Hell no.

Yes my voice was a bit too loud for the library, but absolutely no one gets to touch my camera except me or Myungsoo, the only person I’d trust with it. Definitely not Sehun, who nearly dropped my prized possession.

I snatched it out of his hand and shoved the books at him, turning around to inspect for damages. The only thing wrong with it was there was a couple finger prints on the lens, fixable but annoying.

I put it back where it belonged and glared at Sehun, warning him not to touch my things. He ignored me and took a book from the stack and put the rest on the table, suggesting that we just write everything down and consolidate later. So…no talking at all.

Girls have this thing about looking down at a book. Hand must always go in hair, whether it is up or down. If it’s down, it’s easier to rake your fingers through and push out of the way so you can look down. It’s a bit more challenging if your hair is already up, like how mine always is. Yet the habit still exists, and instead of pushing hair back, I was accidentally pulling it out of my loose bun.

Hair was now falling into my face and though I was constantly brushing it away, it was still annoying me. I pulled out the hair tie to redo my bun. One tug too hard and it broke and went flying.


I looked up at Sehun who was rubbing his nose and looking at the broken hair tie with a funny look. Unfortunately I wasn’t one of those girls that carried around extra hair ties in an event like this. Sehun brushed the broken elastic off the table and went back to reading.

I ran my fingers through my hair, letting it fall to its full length, and then fell back into the habit of holding my hair while I read. It only took a few seconds for me to feel that a certain someone sitting across from me had his eyes on me. I looked up and confirmed that Sehun was staring. Only, I was expecting him to back off when I looked back.


“You don’t wear your hair down…ever.” He sounded skeptical, but I was thinking he was plain stupid. Sehun was giving me this strange look. For once, I couldn’t see hatred in his eyes. This new look was unreadable.

Someone once said my hair was ugly.” If he could understand from the sarcasm of my voice that I was talking about him, then he really was stupid.

He started tapping his pen rapidly on the table. “Girls actually listen to that stuff? Aren’t you supposed to be…like carefree and whatever?”

I let out a long sigh. “If someone told you how ugly you were all the time, you’d take it to heart.” I flipped through some pages, trying to avoid this kind of conversation where I have to tell Sehun how much his bullying affected my insecurities. Neither of us was breaking eye contact, but unlike a week ago when he was in the forest, this was making me uncomfortable.

“Not…all the time…” He muttered. So he blatantly admits to calling me ugly and then says that? Are you kidding me? Even if he had just said it once doesn’t change the fact that it hurt.

“Just get back to work. I don’t want to talk.”

The air was just awkward for the rest of the time. The sun was slowly setting, meaning our time was running out for today. It was beating down on both of us through the window we were sitting at, making it hot and stuffy immediately. I was feeling the urge to sneeze, but praying that I wouldn’t. I don’t need any more ridicule in my life.

The sound of my sneeze resonated throughout the entire library, some people even giving me dirty looks. For goodness sake it’s just a sneeze.

“What the hell was that?” Sehun gaped. Geez, learn to close your mouth.

“Oh, sorry. Am I not allowed to sneeze now?” I rolled my eyes, distracting myself with writing, sniffing.

“It sounded like a dying animal.”

And he thinks he doesn’t say bad stuff all the time. Prime example right there, Oh Sehun. The perfect example just came out of your mouth. I groaned quietly and finished my notes. Our hour had gone by and I was satisfied with how much truth I was able to come up with in these books. Now it was only a matter of seeing if Sehun pulled the right information.

The way his tone was as he explained the information put me off. It was dull, annoyed, unimpressed. For a guy who was talking to a wolf not too long ago, I’m honestly surprised he seemed so upset. This wasn't one of those things were we exchange what we information we have.

Sehun was telling me the stuff that he he just to confirm it was ok. But I was just going to hand over all of my information and let him deal with a majority of the paper because he didn't trust my judgment. He told me that right when we started the project. Even though this was techincally my major, and I'm pretty sure I had better grades in all my classes anyways. 

Like the perfect timing that he had, my nose picked up a new scent, and my face dropped. Howon was easily able to find us in the back of the library, right at the end of our meeting. He folded his arms and looked down at me, "Home. Now." 

I closed the books and gathered all of my stuff, leaving Sehun by himself. Howon lightly pushed me in front of him, so that I was being led out of the library. 

"I am perfectly aware of my curfew, Howon. You don't need to come get me." I opted for walking beside him rather than in front of him. Having a person walk behind you feels awkward. 

"You won't be, after tonight. Some changes are being made to your curfew." 

Changes? He must be joking. It's bad enough that a 21 year old has a curfew in the first place, and knowing my brother, changes meant my curfew was going to get worse. While we were walking, I was silently plotting the perfect way to call out Woohyun for treating me like a child. Something was going on, and he was going to tell me.

This was definitely supposed to be up like 3 days ago...I get distracted way too easily guys. It's summer and all those wedding shows are on all day...I can't resist!!

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I edited a small thing so if there is an update notification I'm sorry >.<


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Omg.... I just randomly remembered this story
I love sehun in this story so much(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
Iminthezone #2
being kept in the dark and cooped up alone all the time must have stagnated her werewolf abilities. Slow reaction, limited enhanced hearing and sense of smell... all of these just from her interactions with sehun, a human.
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 16: Why is there a camera in a science lab with experiments going on???
Chapter 29: i knew it! Sera is a vampire. From the moment sehun said she was some man neck i knew ittt
kitkat21 #5
Chapter 37: The best ending I have read
Probably in any book in any app or forum thus far
Chapter 38: Sobs finally arrived on the last chapter and i never found another ending as good as this huhu thank you for such a great story
Chapter 1: Its just in first chapter but i already liking it much! So excited to see more of them
Chapter 38: I am really happy that I found this story.. It is an awesome story and I really loved it.. I loved how their relationship changed and developed.. You described it so well..and I also loved the concept of OC as werewolf and Sehun as normal human.. Otherwise usually in every story EXO members become the Wolf and OC become the human.. I really loved this.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
Chapter 38: I am so so so grateful found this story. OMG. I love this. I love the caharacter development. I love the plot. I love the whole idea about their relationship. I just love this story. Thank you for making such a great story for us to read, dear. <3