Wrong Doors and Contracts

It's The JYP Host Club!



{ Wrong Doors and Contracts }

"What do you say we have an agreement, Nabi-ssi.."





I don't know why, but there's this strange feeling starting in my gut that everyone is staring at me like I'm some sort of alien. Every corridor becomes quiet as I pass by and I can see that everyone's whispering as they watch me walk my way. Strange looks, disgusted stares, insulting whispered conversations and dark glares aswell as curious glances are all given to me as I try to find my way peacefully in this enormous (is that even the right word to describe this humongous school) academy for the rich.

I get it. I guess for a lot of this people, it was the first time they have seen a poor human being. It must be strange and they must've consider us commoners as an untamed and dangerous specie of this society. But in my defense, commoners are still human being, right? They are only thought to be loathsome or odious just because people who have higher standings and price by their names had already stereotyped us, grouping as like animals, deciding if one is disgusting or not.

People like them, I can never understand. What's the big deal about being rich or poor? Do you take all your wealth to heaven? Would your money save you from hell?

I guess people have their own absurd and dumb reasons.


As I pass by a few more corridors and students, I finally found my homeroom...

Or atleast, I thought it was.


There was a feeling of romantic breeze washing over me as I imagine coming into a very beautiful and peaceful place where I can be happy forever. It was a crappy description of how I felt but somehow, the door I opened led to a rather fascinating place.




That was a brief but seductive greeting. A sultry voice paired with seven faces that greeted me aswell as their overwhelming background of huge, almost alive cherry blossom trees and a small imitation of a japanese shrine where these seven men sat in a rather, unecessary way of position. There's a small lake (and I don't know how or why it was there) that was surrounded by the trees, pink petals gloriously falling into the water. It was like I opened a door portal to Japan.


This school sure is amazing.


"I'm afraid we are still not ready for business in this moment, my darling. But please, sit wherever you please." One guy from the seven who are in elgant kimonos took my hand and escorted me inside the room which clearly my homeroom. His voice was y. His body was y. Damn, all of him was the true definition of y! But that's not the point because I think I just entered the wrong room. 

Realizing this, I struggled to get away from his light grasp which I can tell, shocked him. "W-wait.. I'm sorry but you must be mistaking me for something.. that I think I'm not. I guess I've come to the wrong place. Excuse me." I ended my words of goodbye with an awkward laugh as I try to find the way out of this place. It's beautiful, alright. But I need to find my homeroom or else my one and only chance in this place will be a waste.

"Wait." That was a voice that had me stopped from my tracks. A voice with not asking but demanding for me to turn around and hear him. "Are you, by chance, the commoner scholar?"


Commoner scholar.  Wow.


"Uhh.. I guess." I smiled politely despite finding his remark insulting. "I'm Kim Nabi."


"No ones asking for your name, though." I knew this guy was evil. With that smirk on his face and that intimidating gaze, I swear he's an .

"Oh, don't be rude, Jinyoung-ah." Another guy, this time, opposite to this evil fellow, stood up from his seat and smiled at me. Apparently, he must be the group's leader or something. He held grace and well, yes, he's quite good-looking. "She must be the heroine in this story, for all we know." What story?

Two boys in awefully synchronized movements walks towards me, observing as they walk around me in circles. "Commoners are quite intersting, aren't they, Yugyeom?"

"Mm!" The man beside the cutie smiles and nods as they take steps forward towards me and as I take steps backward. Oh boy, they all look like devious kids who can eat me alive and no one would know why I went missing. Somebody save me!

But just as gruesome thoughts appeared in my over-reacting mind, a loud crashing sound resounded around the whole room. And in seconds, there's this bad feeling that's already rapidly crawling in my guts. As I turn around to find the source of the sound, I can hear another man from the distance whisper mockingly.

"Way to go, commoner." Jinyoung smirks, pulling a clipboard out of nowhere. "You just broke a one billion won worth antique vase." 

"Wa---.. One b-billion??!!" That can feed me three meals a day until my last breath, for god's sake!

"That's an estimated cost but yes, roughly one billion won. So.. how are you going to pay for it?" Believe me, I'm also asking myself that question. I sigh as I hope for a miracle think of a way to pay for the damn expensive vase (why are vases even this expensive, anyway?).

After seconds of silence, the evil fellow chuckles to himself. Weirdo. "I forgot! You're a commoner! Silly me. I can't expect you to pay for this without starving yourself, right?" That was the truth but somehow.. it irked me and I wanted to punch that mocking smile off his face.

Truth hurts.

"So instead, what do you say we have an agreement, Nabi-ssi.." The man who is much nicer than evil fellow Jinyoung spoke as he hands a piece of paper to me with a genuine smile.



Contract of Voluntary Slavery



I,    Kim Nabi   , student of JYP Academy, hereby sell my body and soul to the lords of JYP Host Club as a slave for the following reason/s:

I broke an antique vase with an estimated value of 1 billion won.

Also, this contract shall start   TOMORROW   and will last until     the day I graduate  .


Signed and approved by :


  Im Jaebum  

Club President

  Park Jinyoung  

Club Vice-President



Subject of Cotract




"No." And I thought this man was atleast a nice one. Damn it.

They're a bunch of s, bonded by money, looks and the same hobbies of playing with girl's hearts and feelings. Leading them on and making them fall in love with their sweet words and then leaving them when they get bored.

Selfish heartbreakers. I will never work for guys like you.

"I am, in no way, agreeing to this stupid contract. Sell my body and soul to you? Slave?! Are you crazy?!" Fuming, I took the piece of crap into my own hands and tore them into shreds. "Just because I'm a nobody in this school doesn't mean you can treat me like this!"

"Oh, but we can, Nabi-ssi." The evil fellow produces another exact copy into his hand and smirks. "Unless you want to go to jail and waste that scholarship behind the bars."

"I'm a minor!" I'm only seventeen.

Jinyoung smirks again. "Or are you? My investigation says tomorrow is your eighteenth birthday, Nabi-ssi." With a sarcastic tone, he greets me, "Advance happy birthday, by the way."

Why, thank you, .

"This is too much! How can you subject me to such a cruel agreement without having a choice?!" I swear, I'm going to punch that smile off your face somday, you evil fellow.

"This is the only way we can think of, right, guys?" The whole club nods to him like he's the king of this place. And I'm starting to think that he is. "Unless you have other suggestions, of course."

With grithed teeth, I walk my way towards a couch and grumpily sits down as I roughly accept the pen given to me by the cute fellow. In irritation, I sign the contract as I almost ripped the paper with my hard way of writing.

"We expect you to work hard, Nabi-ssi." He winks, followed by his signature smirk. "And by that, we welcome you, commoner.."

"To JYP Host Club!"


For some absurd and dumb reason (which is me being a commoner who can't pay for an insanely pricey vase), I was the club's slave.



With an irritated sigh, I pressed my lips into a thin line as Jaebum explains my duties as the host club's "dog".

Apparently, all I have to do is bake pastries, make tea, clean after every club business and run errands on the supermarket. Well, I guess that would be easier said than done.

"Nabi-ssi? Can you help me with this assignment?" Because aside from being the club's slave, girls have started to make me do their assignments too!

"Sure thing.." I was also thought to address their guests here in the host club like noblety. And in this case, the theme is japan so.. "Jia-hime." I smiled to her after taking a quick glance at her name tag.

"You are the commoner scholar, right?" I'm really starting to get pissed off by that label. I fought the urge to hurt the sunbae and smiled, writing nerd stuffs on her notebook.

"I guess I am." I laughed it off and finished her assignments, ending it by drawing a little butterfly just below the page of the notebook.

"You know, you're really pretty. If we just.. take this shabby glasses off.. woah!" She stared at me shocked like she just saw Angelina Jolie.

Within a second, the boys ran, Jackson on the lead. "Are you alright, my love-- woah, daebak!"


A few minutes later..


"Wooooow! You didn't say you were pretty, Nabi-ssi!" Jackson gave me a pair of contact lenses after they have forced me into wearing the school's uniform which I might add, is an expensive as hell piece of clothing.

"Don't tell me , Jackson. And.. how do you wear this?" Honestly, I've only heard about the magic of contact lenses but I've never really tried it. I've always cherished the glasses that mom used to wear, even if they were shabby and almost broken. As long as the glasses are still fine, I still wore it everyday.

"You poor thing.. come to daddy, let me put it on for you." Jaebum smiles as he pats his lap. This two-faced jerk.

"Your not my dad." I glared at him before I took a seat beside him and handed him the case of contact lenses. Within five minutes, my eyes were a little watery but I can definitely see better with ease.

"Let me guess.." I glared directly towards Jinyoung who already had his clipboard in his hands and a gaze directed back at me with his smirk. "I'll pay for this, too, huh?"

"Yes, obviously. Nothing's free in this world, Nabi-ssi." He gives a glance towards his clipboard and puts his gaze back at me. "Another twenty million won was added to your debit. Please work hard, Nabi-ssi." Wow. I never knew professional douchebags like him existed. Is it his part time job or something?



"I'm home." I feel so exhausted dealing with all those rich kids. Though I wasn't given the murderous glares anymore, they were still fascinated by a commoner's way of life. So as a result, most of my days consist of answering questions to fulfill their curiousities.

And it wasn't the least bit fun, seriously.

"Oh, Nabi! How's school?" Kai asked, his figure emerging from the bedroom with a pink apron. His brown fluffy hair was in disarray as he flashed a smile towards me. I would rather die than let him know I think he's handsome but yeah, I guess he really got the looks.

And I got the brains. How unfortunate. Can't we have both?!


Kim Jongin or Kai, as he was called by close friends and relatives, is my older brother. Ever since our mom's death, at a tender age of sixteen, he stopped school and worked his off, making sure I went to school and ate three meals everyday. We had the same dream that someday, I will be a doctor. And Kai does everything to make that dream come true.

So I didn't want anything to go down the drain. All his efforts, I made sure to appreciate them and show him great results that would put a proud smile on his face.

"Wow. The uniform looks awesome on you! And where's your glasses?" I ignored his questions and laid on the floor, my arms spread out. I bet I look like a giant starfish right now but I don't think I can't take any steps towards the bed anymore.

"Yah. Get your up, the floor's cold." He crouches down and peaks to my face before he smiles and pulls me up, dragging carrying me towards the sofa where Kyungsoo is there, probably writing songs again.

"Oh, princess is here! How's school?" Kyungsoo casts a bright smile towards me as he gently pulls my head to his lap. He combs my hair with his fingers as I inhale and get ready to rant on Kyungsoo about the world again.

"DOUCHEBAG! ! JERK! MORON! IDIOT! TWO-FACED! Oh, that's only six.. uhh, MANWHORE?! Whatever! I hate you all! Go die, you rotten asses! Ugh! Just because I'm a poor, ugly nerd doesn't mean you can do this to me! I swear, I'll get my revenge. Specially to you, Park Jinyoung! This is war!" I screamed on Kyungsoo's face but all he did wassmile and encourage me to let out all the remaining rage. After that yelling and screaming and pillow punching, I got tired and went back on resting my head on his lap.

It always worked. When Kai sense I just had a bad day, he'd channel me to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo would listen to me, spout a few funny lines or say some comforting words and within seconds, I'm okay.

"You seem really pissed, huh? Who's that Park? Want me to beat his ?" Kyungsoo asked and I swear, he's the perfect person. How did Kai found a masterpiece like this? Kyungsoo was beautiful, inside and out. He was the perfect match for my brother. They deserved each other.


"Thanks, Kyungsoo." I smiled, picking his notebook and pen so I can draw random butterflies around the words of the song he wrote.

Kyungsoo chuckles. And I know Kai was hiding behind the wall, listening. "For what?"

"For staying with Kai." And for taking care of us. 








I always want to protect you,

So even the small things won't tire you out. 







A/N : And.. yeahhh.. So. ok. bye.

(My notes are really awkward and useless sometimes. lol)

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woozyforevah #1