
You're 20/20 In My Eyes

Kyungsoo seats himself beside Sehun on their shared couch; Sehun has been hyper aware of the other boy’s movements since his newfound ual attraction to the elder male. Sehun swears that he can feel the heat radiating from the smaller male’s thighs and summons the strength to not bury his head in between them.

“So, where are my new glasses that you’ve been promising to buy me for the past week then?” Kyungsoo asks as he playfully punches Sehun in the arm. The hypersensitivity isn’t dwindling and Sehun curses himself for his decision to wear grey sweatpants - they highlight any kind of… arousal that may occur in his nether regions. Sehun could probably set up a freaking teepee in his pants, much less a tent.

Sehun tries to think of Jongin’s sockless feet in dress shoes to calm himself down. He locks eyes with Kyungsoo and my oh my, what eyes they are. Sehun feels as if he could get lost in them, the dark brown orbs that pierce deep within your soul, and would very happily remain trapped within them until the rest of time with zero complaints.

“Sehun-ah?” Kyungsoo waves a hand in front of said boy’s face, snapping him out of his reverie.

“Say what now?” Sehun shakes his head, trying to dispel the thoughts about Kyungsoo from his mind.

“My glasses, you promised to replace the ones you broke?” Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow at the other male’s strange actions.

“Ah, right. Those. You have them already, hyung,” Sehun replies casually as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“No, I don’t,” Kyungsoo responds, his eyebrows furrowing.

“Yes, you do” Sehun rolls his eyes. He picks up the remote and starts to channel surf as he endeavors to ignore the fact that Kyungsoo’s thigh is grazing against his own. He discreetly shifts his body away from the elder male and continues to flick through the channels.

“Sehun, stop messing around,” Kyungsoo says flatly. The constant change of channels is annoying him so he leans over Sehun and grabs the remote from his hand. His body presses against the younger in the process; Sehun inadvertently inhales and catches a whiff of Kyungsoo’s scent – he smells of vanilla with a hint of sandalwood – Sehun imagines it’s the fragrance of angels.

When Kyungsoo retreats back to his spot, Sehun can’t help but feel disappointed that he can no longer feel the weight of his hyung’s body on top of him. It’s as if his own is mourning a loss and he wants nothing more than to haul Kyungsoo back onto his lap with his long arms wrapped tightly around the other boy’s small waist and his chin resting atop his narrow shoulders. He knows that if he even attempts to instigate such intimate skinship, he’ll end up on the ground with his air supply cut off by tiny hands choking his windpipe as he furiously taps the floor to indicate full surrender to the elder male.

Sehun shifts his eyes over to his hyung who is no longer questioning the status of his glasses, his full attention diverted to the television screen. A documentary about penguins has the elder male captivated, his eyes not even blinking once as he watches the cute creatures waddle around the ice field. One of the penguins slip and has Kyungsoo in stitches, his lips forming that heart shape which has Sehun’s own heart thumping loudly against his chest. Sehun sinks further away from his hyung for fear that his racing heart would be heard by the other.

Look at how adorable Soo hyung is watching his family in their natural habitat. I wonder if he knows that he’s squishy and cute, just like the penguins. I just want to carry him around in my pocket and cuddle him to sleep - wait, what? No, I do not want to sleep with Soo hyung, that would be weird. Soo hyung is… Soo hyung. But then… Just look at him, his side profile is so aesthetically pleasing. When did this happen? How did this happen? He’s so– Sehun’s musings about his hyung are interrupted when a cushion is flung into his face.

“Why are you staring at me?” Kyungsoo asks with narrowed eyes. He’s doing that thing with his face again where he looks like the spawn of Satan. Kyungsoo has the ability to shift from squishy to satanic in 0.2 seconds, it’s quite frightening and often leaves Sehun with the chills and a serious case of goosebumps.

“I-I’m not,” Sehun stammers, looking up to the ceiling to avoid eye contact with the other.

“And you’re acting weird,” Kyungsoo comments. Sehun feels the blood rush to his face as the other male continues to stare at him. “I just remembered…” Kyungsoo leans in closer, dangerously close to Sehun’s face. If his tongue is to dart out, he’d be able to taste him. “Where are my glasses?”

“I told you, you’re wearing them, hyung.” Sehun has no idea why he’s so determined to bull his hyung but there’s something too appealing about flustering the other and he's unable to pass up the opportunity; even if it meant a fist to his gut.

Kyungsoo lets out an animalistic growl to vent his exasperation toward the younger male. “I need a new pair of glasses, Sehun! I want to scratch out my eyeballs right now because they’re that uncomfortable!” Kyungsoo pulls away, blinking furiously, and raises one of his tiny hands to rub his left eye.

Sehun is close to jumping off a cliff because his hyung is being too cute and precious for words and he just wants to smother the small male with kisses. “Hyung, I just told you, you’re already wearing them.” He snickers when Kyungsoo actually reaches for his face to check, even though he was just rubbing his glasses free eye not five seconds ago.

“Sehun,” Kyungsoo glowered, his voice lowering a couple of octaves.

Oh crap, that’s Soo hyung’s I-mean-business-so-don’t--with-me-or-I-will-cut-you voice. Do I dare poke the beast and suffer with the consequences or do I abort mission and keep all limbs intact? Sehun decides on the former.

“I’m not, they’re on your face, hyung,” Sehun purses his lips to keep a straight face, his usual expressionless face is on the verge of betraying him.

Kyungsoo groans as he lifts himself off the sofa and looks at his reflection in the mirror. “Where? I can’t see them,” he whines.

“Of course you can’t, hyung, that’s because they’re in-vis-i-ble,” Sehun enunciates each syllable of the last word with smug glee.

Sehun thinks that the livid expression on Kyungsoo’s face is worth it as he charges for him. Unfortunately for Kyungsoo, Sehun is much more nimble and agile and dodges his attack with ease. “You love meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Sehun squawks as he flees to the safety that is his bedroom.

He fumbles with the lock as Kyungsoo is in hot pursuit, raging with wrath. The shorter male pushes against the door, the sudden force takes Sehun by surprise and he’s propelled back. Kyungsoo slams the door open and it’s almost akin to a scene in a low budget horror flick. Sehun’s sweating bullets, and he re-evaluates his life choices and pleads mercy from the elder male as he makes an effort to convey his repentance.

Kyungsoo shows no sign of leniency and has the younger male in the tightest chokehold he’s ever experienced. During the struggle to get out of the deathgrip, Kyungsoo’s pants have been hiked up and his bare calves are exposed. Sehun notices for the first time that Kyungsoo has practically no hair on his legs and wonders if his hyung shaves or if this is a natural occurrence. Before he thinks it through, his fingers reach out and the hairless milky skin and he comments, “Wow, so smooth.”

Kyungsoo shrieks at the sudden contact, releasing his hold on Sehun and yanking his pant cuffs down. “W-What do you think you’re doing?!” he splutters incredulously.

Sehun, belatedly realizing what he has just done, squeaks and cowers away from the elder male. With his back still against the carpet, he attempts to shield his face behind his arms but the elder male grabs them before he has the chance to scamper away. It never ceases to amaze him how Kyungsoo always seems to have an unearthly strength for such a small dude. Kyungsoo has somehow maneuvered his small frame on top of Sehun, his delicious thighs straddling the other male’s sides. The little scuffle has caused the elder male to pant slightly and Sehun tries to not think about how ual the sounds his hyung is making are or how they should move from the floor to his bed and sans clothes.

Kyungsoo frees his hold on Sehun’s wrists but the younger male is secretly enjoying their horizontal position far too much to push his hyung off. Kyungsoo bends down, leaning his face inches above Sehun’s; the younger male isn’t sure what the other boy’s intentions are. Sehun clenches his eyelids shut and braces himself for his punishment, a small whimper escaping his lips; he’s either going to get a flick to the forehead or a fish hook to the mouth - he’s wrong (he’s always wrong).

Sehun feels a soft brush of what he assumes to be Kyungsoo’s plush lips against his forehead and he opens his eyes immediately. He’s greeted with half moon eyes and a warm smile on his hyung’s face and it prompts Sehun to want to melt into a massive heaping pile of goo. “W-What was that for?” he whispers, barely audible.

Kyungsoo shrugs as he climbs off Sehun, “You looked cute, whimpering like a puppy and I didn’t have the heart to inflict any pain on you.”

“Aww,” Sehun croons as a warm fuzzy sensation takes hold of his heart.

“Besides, I don’t want you to report me for animal cruelty,” Kyungsoo calls out as he exits the room.

The smile is wiped off Sehun’s face in an instant and it feels as if his heart has just been coldly ripped out and discarded. Sehun knows that Kyungsoo is just joking with him and in all fairness, the two of them are forever cracking banter, mocking and ridiculing each other but it doesn’t hurt him any less. His fingers brush over the spot that Kyungsoo kissed him and his heart does a flip. The kiss was nice, however, Sehun knows that there was no real rhyme or reason behind it; he knows that the other male harbors no actual romantic feeling feelings for him.

He’s not sure as to why his heart is sinking but whatever he feels toward his hyung, it can’t be good. Although he’s uncertain of how to interpret the wave of overwhelming emotions, there’s one thing that is undeniable; Kyungsoo is hella hot without glasses and Sehun needs to devise a plan on how to avoid replacing them for as long as humanly possible.

Soo hyung
You think you’re funny, don’t you?

I KNOW I’m funny

Soo hyung
You’re fully aware that I meant eyeglasses and not wine glasses.

Then perhaps you should’ve been more specific, hyung. You’re always telling me that.

“I meant black pepper, for seasoning. Not pepper spray”

“I meant shampoo for the hair on your head, not for the pubes”

“I meant an eraser, not condoms”

That one was actually not my fault, hyung. You’re not British, what kind of an American says ‘rubber’ and DOESN'T mean a wrapper?

Soo hyung
Excuse me for trying to sound cultured.

You sounded pretentious

Soo hyung
Shut up.

You know it’s true

Soo hyung
Shut up.

Everything I do, I do it for you

Soo hyung

There's no love like your love

Soo hyung
Stop it now, Sehun.

And no other could give more love

Soo hyung
Drop it.

There's nowhere unless you're there

Soo hyung
I said, quit it.

All the time, all the way

Soo hyung

Look into your heart..

Soo hyung
I would, if I could SEE.


You win this round, hyung

Sehun hates alarms, he hates them with a passion. Don’t get him wrong, he knows how vital they are, but it doesn’t make him hate them any less. He hates them even more today because he has spent most of the night tossing and turning, trying his utmost best to not think about Kyungsoo sleeping in the other room. When he finally does manage to fall asleep, he's rudely awakened from his dream (which may or may not have been about said roommate) by his stupid alarm clock ringing in his ears. Yes, alarms are contraceptions made by the devil and he hates them; this is what he plans on telling Kyungsoo should he ask why the alarm clock he’d gifted to the younger is now in the trashcan, smashed to pieces. Sehun is a destroyer of alarm clocks (and glasses).

After he disposes of the incriminating evidence, he shuffles to the bathroom to brush his teeth (dental hygiene is important, cough-you-never-know-who-might-kiss-you-cough). His eyes are refusing to stay open for more than half a second and he’s only 84% sure that he’s put toothpaste on his toothbrush and not handwash.

He takes the risk and shoves the toothbrush into his mouth and starts brushing away. He pats himself on the back when it turns out it is indeed toothpaste and continues to clean his pearly whites. He looks down to see his peeper at full mast, talk about morning glory. He’s debating as to whether or not he should deal with his current… problem when he hears the door open behind him - it’s Kyungsoo.

Said intruder is also half asleep and half . Sehun’s eyes are having no troubles in remaining open, quite the opposite in fact. The younger male stops foaming his mouth and his jaw almost hits the floor as he drinks in the other male’s unclad body.

Sehun is well aware that Kyungsoo has a slender build, but he’s shocked to see how concave the boy is when he’s shirtless. He feels the urge to restrain the elder male to a chair and force feed him butter and fatten him up; Sehun likes his meat, in every sense of the word. Sehun’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets when he sees the other male proceeding to remove his sweat pants.

How does Soo hyung not know that I’m here? I mean how could he not know that I’m brushing my teeth? I’m like right in front of him. Is he blind or something? Oh. Ohhhhhhhh. Of course. He’s blind. Blind as a bat. Baseball bat. Do the peanut butter jelly! Peanut butter jelly! Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat. Mmm… peanut butter jelly sounds great right about now. Better yet, a peanut butter jelly Soo hyung sandwich and I can it off–

Kyungsoo is about to take off his boxer briefs when the toothbrush that was hanging in Sehun’s gaping mouth clatters as it falls to the floor, echoing across the bathroom. The sound startles Kyungsoo as he yanks his back up and squints his eyes to locate the origin of the noise.

“Is anyone there?” the smaller male calls out.

“Er… yeah,” Sehun responds hesitantly.

“Sehun-ah? What the hell are you doing here?! Can’t you see that I’m about to take a shower?! What are you, some kind of ert?!” Kyungsoo exclaims, wagging a finger at the wall.

“Hyung, you’re talking to the wall,” the taller male points out, trying to conceal his amusement.

Kyungsoo whips around on his heel and scrunches his face, “Don’t change the subject! Why are you creeping on me?!”

“I’m not!” Sehun defends, “I was already in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, when you walked in and started stripping. It’s really not my fault!”

“You should’ve said something!” Kyungsoo remarks.

“I didn’t want to make things awkward,” Sehun explains, still eyeing the elder male’s milky skin; he’s glad that Kyungsoo isn’t able to catch Sehun’s lustful ogling.

“Don’t you think that it would’ve been more awkward had you actually seen me strip ?!” Kyungsoo’s squealed, his voice becoming more and more shrill with every exchange.

“Er… yeah. I guess so,” Sehun admits, still wondering if Kyungsoo is aware that he’s still only just in his underwear.

“Get out! Get out! Get out!” Kyungsoo hollers and he reaches out his hand trying to push Sehun out of the room but only grabs the air. After several attempts, he finally feels something solid and seeks to projectile him out of the bathroom.

“But I haven’t rinsed out my mouth yet!” Sehun spits with a mouthful of foam, “And I haven’t picked up my toothbrush yet, it’s still on the floor!”

“I don’t give a flying monkey!” Kyungsoo successfully kicks Sehun out into the hallway, literally. Sehun rubs his rear end as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, and he makes his way to the kitchen to rinse out his mouth.

Sehun has changed his mind, he loves alarm clocks. If it wasn’t for his lovely and amazing alarm clock, he wouldn’t have risen from his bed. If he hadn’t woken up, he wouldn’t have gone to brush his teeth in the bathroom, therefore he never would’ve caught Kyungsoo’s strip show. Yes, alarm clocks are contraptions crafted by angels.

If Sehun has any reservations about putting off getting Kyungsoo a new pair of glasses, they are now effectively quashed. There’s no way he’s going to replace them now, not when Sehun is having far too much fun with blind Kyungsoo and hot-as-hell Kyungsoo. Who knows what the future holds?

Soo hyung
Where are you?

Like right now?

Soo hyung
Yes, right now.

On my way to pick up your glasses?

Soo hyung
I call bull.

I am!

Soo hyung
You’re really going to continue with this?

I’m actually offended that you’re accusing me of lying to you, hyung

Soo hyung
So you’re telling me that you’re not at the arcade with Jongin?

Paranoid much?

Soo hyung
Turn around.

Soo hyung
Running and screaming like a little girl is not going to magically cloak you.

Soo hyung
See you at home.

Soo hyung
I expect grovelling.

Sehun knows that Kyungsoo is starting to get antsy about being glassesless, he can almost feel the anxiety emanating from the small male. Sehun has tried to reassure Kyungsoo that he doesn’t look like an alien with abnormally large eyes; the younger male fears that his hyung might be developing some kind of complex about his eyes.

Sehun just so happens to be casually passing through a mall when something catches his eyes. For some unknown reason, the first thing that pops into his mind is an image of Kyungsoo with said object. The image leaves a very favorable impression on Sehun, so he rushes to the till to pay for the item in hand. He’s grinning the whole time he walks (read: prances) home, butterflies in his stomach as he anticipates Kyungsoo’s reaction to his gift.

“Soo hyung?” Sehun calls out as soon as he enters their shared apartment. The other male isn’t home yet and Sehun is more than disappointed - he’s heartbroken. He mopes as he shuffles to his room, feeling restless as he impatiently waits for his hyung to return home.

An eternity passes before Sehun’s ear prick up at the sound of the front door opening, “Soo hyung?” he calls out eagerly, almost tripping over his own feet.

“Hey, Sehun-ah,” Kyungsoo answers, face slightly pink from the cold weather outside. Sehun wants to pinch his cheeks and warm up the elder male’s face (and other parts of his anatomy) with his hands but he resists the temptation.

“I’ve got something for you,” Sehun announces as he skips to his bedroom to retrieve the present he’d just purchased.

“Oh, really?” Kyungsoo asks, voice heavy with intrigue.

“Yup,” Sehun calls out from his bedroom. He collects the item and tries to still his pounding heart.

There’s nothing to be nervous about, we’re always getting little tidbits for each other. He’s not going to read into it, this is normal. Hands, stop shaking and pull yourself together, Oh Sehun! This is Soo hyung, whom you've known each other for donkeys years, why is it so difficult to be around him these days? Okay, breathe in and out. Just present him with your gift and maybe he can thank you by giving you a kiss - wait, what?

“I’m still waiting for this surprise,” Kyungsoo reminds the younger boy.

“Okay, stick out your hands, palms facing upwards and close your eyes, hyung,” Sehun instructs as he wipes his sweaty palms on the back of his pants.

“...Okaaaaay,” Kyungsoo complies.

Sehun looks at Kyungsoo’s face, studying it. He notes the other boy’s strong eyebrows, thick dark eyelashes, the bridge of his nose and his round nostrils, the defined bow of his thick lips. He dry swallows as he gently places the object onto Kyungsoo’s palms, “You can open your eyes now, hyung.”

Kyungsoo does exactly that and glances at the item nestling in his palms.

“So what do you think?” Sehun beams a mouthful of teeth at the smaller male.

“These… are pink?” Kyungsoo observes.

“They were literally screaming your name as I was walking past them today. They were like 'buy me, Sehun. I’m perfect for Soo hyung!' And I couldn’t agree more.” Kyungsoo frowns hard at Sehun, trying to determine if the taller male is playing a prank on him or not.

“But they’re pink,” the elder boy responds flatly. He takes a closer inspection of the glasses before shaking his head at them.

“And? Glasses are glasses. You’ve been nagging me forever to get you a new pair and now that I’ve finally bought it for you, you’re complaining. Beggars can’t be choosers, hyung,” the other male wisecracks, he’s practically stomping on metaphorical thin ice right about now.

“And they don't have any lenses.” Kyungsoo wiggles his finger inside the empty frames to demonstrate his point. “These are just fashion glasses… pink fashion glasses.”

“Geez, hyung. What do you have against the color pink?” Sehun moves to the other side of the room. This is not the kind of reaction he was hoping for. Sure, he knows that Kyungsoo wouldn’t actually wear them outside in public but he’d hoped that his elder would amuse him and put them on in the privacy of their own home and have a little giggle about it. It’s supposed to be funny, not exasperating.

“Just get me a new pair of glasses, Sehun. With actual lenses, this time,” Kyungsoo sighed.

“So demanding aren't you, hyung? Or should I call you 'princess' from now on?” Kyungsoo hurls the pink spectacles across the room and hits Sehun right between the eyes.

I guess I deserved that. Note to self: Soo hyung does not care for the color pink. Or being referred to as a princess.

Sehun strives to lighten the mood by putting on the glasses and throws hearts at Kyungsoo. The elder stares blankly at Sehun for a while before breaking into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Sehun’s heart does that flippy thing it’s been doing lately when he’s been the reason behind the other male’s laughter.

Kyungsoo scampers over to Sehun and affectionately rubs the spot that the glasses hit Sehun, “I hope it didn’t hurt too much.”

“Kiss it better for me,” Sehun blurts out before he can stop himself. The room falls to a pregnant silence as they both stand frozen on the spot.

“W-What?” The smaller male stammers as the other boy avoids his gaze.

“What?” Sehun echoes as he exhales; he’s been holding his breathing since he disclosed his request.

“Did you just say what I think you just said?” Kyungsoo questions, trying to get Sehun to look him in the eyes. Before Sehun could formulate a response, Kyungsoo lunges forward and presses a soppy wet kiss to his foreword and chortles as he pulls away, “Who knew you were such a wuss?”

The younger male wants nothing more than to caress the place that the elder has just kissed but he knows that if he did, it would ring off some very loud alarm bells so he feigns disgust, “Ewwwwww, that’s so gross! I’m going to need to wash my face with soap for the next trillion years!”

“Yah! I’ll have you know that many people covet my kisses!” the older boy asserts with confidence.

“Hyung, please. Whatever you’re smoking, stop, it’s affecting your cognitive functions,” Sehun teases as he begrudgingly rinses his face in the kitchen sink.

Cognitive functions? Who are you and what have you done to my Sehun-ah?!” Kyungsoo mock gasps, “Who’s been teaching you these words?”

Sehun doesn’t even attempt to dignify that with a response, he storms off in a huff but not before shrieking “I’m not an idiot, hyung, please refrain from treating me as such!” He’s not really offended but he can’t stop blushing over the fact that Kyungsoo hyung kissed his forehead for the second time. One time is a fortunate fluke, a second time is a pattern? Sehun swoons as he slides down against his bedroom door, his heartbeat going into overdrive.

Well, I think it’s safe to assume that I like Soo hyung. So much for ‘don’t where you eat’. I’ve gone and crapped the entire plate, table, dining room and well… the entire galaxy. There is no place that my has not reached. Sehun groans into his palms as he shakes his head. This is very much not good at all. I’m actually screwed, and not in the way I want to be. How am I gonna get out of this mess?!

Soo hyung
Why was Jongin grinning at me today?

Was he?

Soo hyung

I didn’t notice

Soo hyung
So why did you keep kicking him?

Er.. I didn’t?

Soo hyung
Why are you denying it?

Why are you making stuff up?

Soo hyung
You kicked him at least ten times.

If you say so, hyung

Soo hyung
I do, and do you know how I know this?


Soo hyung
Because every time you thought you were kicking Jongin, you were actually kicking ME.

Oops, my bad

Soo hyung
So are you going to tell me what’s going on between the two of you?

He’s just dumb

Soo hyung
I could say the same about you.


Soo hyung
So the raised eyebrows, snickering, and excessive coughing was just him being ‘dumb’?


Soo hyung


Soo hyung
Maybe I should just ask HIM what it was all about.











Soo hyung
Then tell me then.

It’s dumb..

He’s dumb

Soo hyung
I've just typed “So what’s up with you and Sehun?” to him, should I press send?


Soo hyung
So tell me then

Ok.. Fine

I’ll tell you

Soo hyung
I’m waiting.

He thinks there’s something going on between us

Soo hyung

I told you.. Dumb

Soo hyung
Us, as in me and you?

Yeah.. I know right?

Soo hyung
As in Kyungsoo and Sehun?


Soo hyung
Do Kyungsoo and Oh Sehun?

..Yes, hyung

Soo hyung

Soo hyung

You can stop laughing now

Soo hyung

That hurts, hyung

It’s not that funny

Soo hyung

Soo hyung

Soo hyung

Go on a lemon

Soo hyung

Soo hyung


Soo hyung
Why does Jongin think that?!

Soo hyung
What have you been telling him?!

I haven’t been telling him anything!

Soo hyung
You must have said something, why else would he think that then?

I don’t know

You’re the one who’s always all over me

You’re too touchy feely, hyung

Soo hyung
Please, Sehun. You’re the one who’s always grabbing my .

You ask me to!!

Soo hyung
When have I ever?!

Well.. You’re always sitting on my lap!

Soo hyung

You were more than happy to if I remember correctly

Soo hyung

Sure you were

And you’re the one always telling me how handsome I am

Soo hyung
Because you ask me if you are, and the last time that I said that you were ugly, you almost cried.

I did not!

Soo hyung
Your eyes were misty.

It was raining!

Soo hyung
We were indoors, Sehun.

I stand by what I said.

Soo hyung
//rolls eyes.

Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me

Soo hyung
Or what?

I’ll turn off the Oh Sehun faucet

Soo hyung
The what now?

I know you only want me for my body

Soo hyung
You only want me for mine

Damn right.. It’s so squishy

Soo hyung
It’s like this that gives people the wrong idea, isn’t it?

Yeah.. Probably

Soo hyung
Well, I must admit that I do have the tendency to lean on you a lot.

You kinda do

But to be fair.. I do let you

Soo hyung
Maybe we should stop pseudo flirting with each other.



Soo hyung

Never mind

Soo hyung
Tell me?

(What if I’m feeling lonely?)

Soo hyung
Why would you ever feel lonely when I’m always here?

I don’t know..

Soo hyung
You want cuddles, don’t you?


Soo hyung
I like cuddles, too.

Soo hyung
Wait, why should we have to alter our behavior just because people have mistakenly assumed things about us?


And you know how they say when you assume.. You make an out of u and me

Soo hyung
Exactly. Just because we’re living together and enjoy a nice cuddle session every now and then, doesn’t mean that we want to bang each other.

You don’t?

Soo hyung
You DO?

Don’t you think that I’m attractive?

Soo hyung
Well, yeah. Of course you’re attractive but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m attractED to you.

Heheh ^^ you think I’m hot

Soo hyung

I’m y and you know it

Soo hyung
Anyways, so did you set the record straight with Jongin?


Soo hyung
Good. What did he say?

He said it figures

Soo hyung

He said I was way out of your league anyway.

Soo hyung

Soo hyung
He said what?!

Don’t shoot the messenger, hyung.. I’m just telling you what he told me

He said that guys like us shouldn’t settle

Soo hyung
Like us?

Me and Jongin

Hot guys

Soo hyung
Excuse me a second.

Soo hyung?

Soo hyung

Kyungsoo hyung

oh hey kyungsoo hyung whats up?

Kyungsoo hyung
You think Sehun is out of my league?!

come again?

Kyungsoo hyung
You think that you and Sehun are too good for me?!

Kyungsoo hyung

when did i say that?

Kyungsoo hyung

i never said that

Kyungsoo hyung
Then why were you trying to stifle your laughter? You weren’t exactly subtle or discreet, you know.

you had a drawn on your face

Kyungsoo hyung

i think sehun mustve drawn it on you

he kept mouthing to me to not say anything

Kyungsoo hyung

wait do you still have it drawn on your face?

Soo hyung

Soo hyung
A ?!?!?

Soo hyung

Have you finally looked at yourself in the mirror?

Soo hyung

Soo hyung

Soo hyung

Soo hyung

Ssssh, hyung.. I’m in class

Stop distracting me

I’m trying to learn here

Soo hyung

“You ready?” Kyungsoo stretches his compact frame and cracks his knuckles.

“Bring it on, hyung,” Sehun counters.

“You sure you want to talk smack?” Kyungsoo is goading Sehun to throw him off his game, the latter knows all about the former’s dirty tricks.

“Hyung, please. When have you ever beaten me?” Sehun smirks. It’s true, in all of the time that they’ve known each other, not once has Kyungsoo managed to defeat Sehun, much to the displeasure of the elder.

“There’s a first time for everything,” the shorter male provokes.

“Like kissing?” Sehun mumbles quietly to himself.

“Hmm? Did you say something, Sehun-ah?” Kyungsoo pokes said male in the ribs, “Or are you scared of how I’m going to whoop your ?”

“The only whooping I want is in the bedroom,” the younger male mutters. Fortunately, his tendency to slur his words made it indiscernible to Kyungsoo. He looks over to the smaller male who is too preoccupied with setting up Mario Kart on the Nintendo Gamecube to realize that Sehun had said something.

“Hyung, why do you object to my calling you ‘princess’ when you always pick Princess Peach and Daisy as your characters?” Kyungsoo shoots Sehun a death glare as he settles back down on the sofa and the latter flinches instinctively.

“They’re just my choice of characters, Sehun,” the elder enunciates the younger’s name, causing said male to air through his teeth; Kyungsoo really doesn’t like to be addressed in the aforementioned manner. “It doesn’t mean that I am one, or that I’m feminine.”

“I never said that you were girly!” Sehun affirms, “But you’ve got to admit that it’s not exactly a common character choice in dudes. I mean, most guys choose Bowser or Donkey Kong.”

“I’m secure enough in my masculinity that I don’t feel the need to choose oversized tanks, besides they’re too heavy, I like to ride fast.” Sehun chokes at the double entendre. “I also like the princesses’ specials. The hearts comes in handy when there’s all those pesky banana peels littered around the racecourse.”

Sehun reaches over and pulls the elder male closer to him, “That’s because you at the game.”

“I do not!” Kyungsoo protests, “And as much as I hate to admit this, your accuracy is so on point, how you manage to get me with the green shells pisses me off. So. Freaking. Much.”

“That’s because you drive like a granddad, it makes it too easy,” Sehun chuckles as he nudges Kyungsoo with his body; a shameless ploy to seat himself beside the elder, thighs brushing against each other.

“I know you save your items until I’m within range, I don’t know why you don’t just use them on the computer characters,” the elder complains.

“That wouldn’t be fun now, would it?” Sehun teases. Kyungsoo bumps against Sehun’s form this time before relocating to the far end of the couch. The loss of close proximity to his best friend leaves Sehun feeling as if he’s just lost a part of himself and he craves for the return of skinship.

They play a few grand prix rounds; Sehun always coming in first place with Kyungsoo trailing behind in third or fourth. The frustration radiating from Kyungsoo is almost tangible as he throws the control pad to the floor when he comes in last. Sehun is about to shout at Kyungsoo because the Nintendo Gamecube is his precious baby – they’re no longer in production so replacing control pads will require shelling out extortionate amounts of cash to greedy ebay sellers – when he glances over and sees tears streaming down the elder’s face.

“Hyung, are you crying?” Sehun rushes to grab the box of tissues from the coffee table, “There’s no need to cry, it’s just a game.”

“It’s these stupid contacts, they’re driving me up the wall!” Kyungsoo pouts and Sehun’s eyes focuses on the boy's lips and fantasizes about how they would feel pressed against his.

Sehun hands Kyungsoo a few tissues, “Do you want to stop playing then?”

“Yeah, maybe. It’s not like I’m actually going to win anyway,” the male emits a long, deep audible exhale.

Sehun extends his hand and caresses Kyungsoo’s thigh, “How about I stop targeting you and go after the autos instead?” He leaves his hand there and his heart flips when Kyungsoo doesn’t remove it.

Kyungsoo turns to face Sehun, “You don’t have to go easy on me, I’m not a child.”

“I know, but it might be fun to co-op instead?” Sehun suggests.

Kyungsoo twitches his mouth in thought before nodding in agreement, “Teamwork, eh? I like the sound of that.” He starts a new round but Sehun doesn’t feel like playing video games anymore; he wants to play with Kyungsoo instead. Said boy rests his head on Sehun’s shoulder; the younger boy endeavors to concentrate on the game and not on the way Kyungsoo’s nose scrunches and his tongue darting out when he’s avoiding an obstacle on the track.

An hour passes and Kyungsoo has won every cup since they made the pact to assist each other. “I know you’re letting me win,” Kyungsoo pipes up after his nth victory.

“I’m not,” Sehun contends, “You must be improving or something.”

Kyungsoo snorts at the response, “I haven’t been playing long or often enough to improve, Sehun-ah.”

“Well, maybe you were just rusty and needed to warm up,” Sehun reasons as he runs his hands through the smaller boy’s silky smooth hair.

“Whatever,” Kyungsoo says, placing the controller down and snuggling into Sehun’s chest, “Thanks anyway.”

“You’re welcome,” Sehun whispers, curling his long arms around the other male’s small frame.

Kyungsoo melts into the younger male’s embrace and shuts his eyes, “This is nice,” he murmurs contently, “We should do this more often.”

“W-What? Play Mario Kart?” Sehun’s voice is an octave higher than usual.

Kyungsoo shakes his head, “No, this.” The elder male laces his smaller hands with the larger hands of the younger male; the warmth sending a current through the latter’s body.

Sehun squeezes a little tighter before he remembers that the behavior that they’re both currently indulging in is not normal for two guys who are just friends, so he slides away from Kyungsoo, leaving the elder male in a daze. “Sorry, hyung! I just remembered I had a.. thing to do.”

Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow, “A thing?”

“I’ll catch up with you later, hyung!” Sehun calls out as he withdraws to his room. He jumps into his bed and hugs his pillow, burying his face into the material and muffles a scream.

Why am I acting like such a girl?! No wonder why Soo hyung gets pissed off when I call him a princess; it’s not him, it’s me. I’m the freaking princess, why don’t I just ask for a tiara?

Sehun hears a soft knock on his door, “Sehun-ah, is everything okay?” Kyungsoo checks in on his best friend.

“Yes, hyung. Everything’s fine,” the younger male replies, “I’m just a little swamped at the moment.”

“Ah yes, with that thing. I’ll leave you alone then,” Kyungsoo says from the other side of the door.

“Thanks, hyung.” Kyungsoo doesn’t respond so Sehun arrives to the conclusion that the other boy has retreated back into his room; he exhales a sigh of relief.

Soo hyung chooses Princess Peach and Daisy because their hearts shield him from attacks but he doesn’t need their special items because I’ll be protecting him from now on. But who’s going to protect my heart?

Sehun curls into a fetal position, arms still wrapped around the pillow. He makes an effort to not dwell on the fact that Kyungsoo fits perfectly in his arms. He also attempts to ignore his heart pounding against his chest.

It’s never going to happen, Oh Sehun, don’t even think about it. Don’t even.

He sniffles as a single teardrop escapes his eye.

Soo hyung
Sehun-ah, is everything okay? I haven’t seen you around lately.

Yeah, hyung. I’ve just been busy is all.

Soo hyung
With that thing?

What thing?

Soo hyung
The thing that you suddenly remembered after our last Mario Kart marathon?

Ah yeah.. That thing

Soo hyung
Okay, well make sure you’re eating enough and get plenty of rest as well.

Will do

Soo hyung
I left you some grilled meat in the microwave so no excuses about there not being food, okay?

Thanks, hyung!

Soo hyung
You’re welcome. You’re so skinny, you need to eat more.

You can talk! You’re legit concave

Soo hyung
I am not!

Don’t forget that I’ve seen you practically

Soo hyung
Omg, don’t remind me. That was absolutely mortifying.


Soo hyung
You’re really not funny.

You love me

Soo hyung
I do not.

One day, I’ll get you to admit it

Soo hyung
Never going to happen.

Trust me, it will. And when it does.. You’ll have to do me a favor

Soo hyung
What kind of favor?

I don’t know.. Just a favor

Soo hyung
Well, it can’t be something like giving you a million bucks.

Within reason, hyung

Soo hyung
Hmm, I’ll think about it.

Someone’s a rooster.

Soo hyung

Brock! Brock!

Soo hyung
The dude from Pokemon?

No! It’s supposed to be the sound a rooster makes?

Soo hyung
Don’t they -a-doodle-do?


Soo hyung

You said ‘’

Soo hyung
Oh, grow up! Why are we talking about anyway?


Soo hyung

Soo hyung
I meant roosters!!!!!!




Soo hyung
Look, if I say I agree to the deal, will you drop it?


Soo hyung
Okay, call.

Screen capped for proof

Soo hyung
And it’s chicken.

You want chicken?

Soo hyung
No, it’s not a rooster, it’s a chicken.

We can go get some fried chicken, but I thought you already grilled some meat?

Soo hyung
I don’t want chicken!

So why do you keep talking about it?!

Soo hyung
I’m saying, you meant chicken.

But I don’t want chicken, I’ll just have the leftovers.. Don’t waste food, hyung

Soo hyung

Or did you want ?


You’re probably too busy eating to respond

Soo hyung
Get lost.


Soo hyung
I thought you were all about not wasting food.

I am

Soo hyung
So why did I find a pile of the grilled meat hidden in a napkin behind the television? That’s so gross by the way.


Soo hyung
Oh, what exactly?

I’m not quite sure how to say it

Soo hyung
Just spit it out

Well, that’s kinda what happened

Soo hyung

The meat was.. Too bitter

Soo hyung
No, it wasn’t.

It tasted like medicine

Soo hyung
I ate it, it tasted fine, good in fact.

I think you need to get your tastebuds checked out

Soo hyung

It’s not just your sight, it’s your sense of taste as well

Soo hyung

I wonder if your other senses are heightened

Like Daredevil!

Soo hyung
I wasn’t blinded by radiation exposure, I was just born this way.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that.. The meat you grilled tasted pretty radioactive to me

Soo hyung

Soo hyung
You can cook your own damn food from now on!

Soo hyung
You ungrateful little !

Hyung.. I’m kidding (but not really)


Soo hyung
If you want to apologize, you should have gotten me gift vouchers to something that I would’ve actually liked.

But who doesn’t like bubble tea? O_O

Do you not like bubble tea? ;A;

Soo hyung
I do.

So stop being a circle

Soo hyung
A circle?

Being pointless

Soo hyung

Soo hyung
That’s actually pretty clever.

That’s me ^^

And that’s not all, hyung! I got you a coupon for a nacho + drink combo for the movie theater.. I know how you like watching films

See? I can be thoughtful.. Don’t tell me how I don’t get you anything

Soo hyung
It was a $1 off coupon that was being handed out in the cafeteria yesterday as part of a promotion. I was handed one, too.

It’s the thought that counts? I could’ve thrown it away but I saved it for you

Soo hyung
But I can’t even go to the theaters?

Why not?

Soo hyung


Soo hyung
Don’t ‘oops’ me. No more excuses, okay?

The number you have dialed is no longer in service.

Soo hyung
That doesn’t exactly have the same kind of effect via text message, Sehun.

The number you have dialed is no longer in service.

The number you have dialed is no longer in service.

Soo hyung
I didn’t even text you.

The number you have dialed is no longer in service.

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kailoveskpop #1
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh I have never laughed so hard. This was so good!!
Chapter 5: The story and humor in all this was excellent, and I laughed SO HARD at the part where Sehun was trying to get his together to get a pic of Kyungsoo sleeping!! HILARIOUS!!! I had to stop to breathe and wipe away the tears from laughing (No joke). The texting interactions were priceless as well -- Great Job!
laayamutd #3
Hello dear friend
I loved your story and it was so perfect.i was wondering if i could translate it to persian for my channel?
there are a lots of sesoo shippers who will appreciate your permition
And if you ever wanted to chek on telegram
I'm looking forward to hearing from you ♡
this is like my fav sesoo fic eva~<3 i wuv them soooo much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
zankai_88 #5
Chapter 5: I don't even ship them, but I read this because of a recommendation and GODDAMMIT THIS WAS SO FREAKING GOOD! From how it started, to the awesome conversations they have. I have laughed way too hard at Sehun's wrong usage of words. I also cried during the angsty part. This is one of my favorite fics now. Thank you so much for writing this! And I had seen the video of the Careless Whisper one before and trust me it popped in my head like it did in Sehun's ahahahahha
One of my all time favourite fics ever, I'm re-reading this for the like millionth time :3
soulforbootay #7
Chapter 5: and maybe a sequel for this?maybe?wistful thinking?maybe?lol
soulforbootay #8

i came here after all these sesoo things on the internet with part of exo going to hawaii and found this and this is GOLDEN thankssss sooo muchhh kisseuuuu
Chapter 5: I can't believe i read this all over again and cried ;-; *sniffles* you are so precious author nim~ bless you and ur writing bcs this is a masterpiece~