
I Just Wanna (in process)

A tall guy was making his way through the airport crowd, people with cardboards with his name on it while chanting his name were seen everywhere. People handing him presents were struggling to reach it out to him, luckily the guards helped collecting all the presents. He was on his way home after 6 months working on his career in the States. He finally got to see his family and his friends again. He got a call from his manager earlier telling him he will have a busy schedule coming up, people asked him for musicals and variety shows ofcourse. He took the time to wave at his fans and take some pictures with them before he got rushed to the van outside by the assistant manager.

"Taeyeon-ah we will drop by the dance studio for a 2 hour instruction of KISA's comeback this summer, after that you have an interview about your staying in the States and ofcourse your new English album and about the sudden genre change of the group for the 3rd time and you know what to say when they asked something like that right?"

The assistant manager raised an eyebrow as he took a glance at Taeyeon who was now staring out of the window with a bored look on his face. Taeyeon just shifted a bit and gave the assistant manager a slight nod clearing his throat as he faced the front before speaking.

"Thats the amazing thing about KISA, no matter what kind of genre you put under it, its still suits the group because of the personality differences, every each member has its own element so I dont think a genre change for a comeback will affect the groups rating"

The assistent manager nodded satisfied before focusing on the road continuing to inform Taeyeon about his schedule for the remaining days of the week. Taeyeon just looked outside the window watching the houses pass by as they drove to their destination. Dinasty Dance studio. He pulled his phone out and decided to check his instagram. He smiled upon seeing the amount of pictures he got tagged in by fans, saying their congratulations. It was March 9th 2015, a whole new world opened up after alot of scandals going on. He himself also got himself in a few scandals due to rumors his sasaengs spreaded. He knitted his eyebrows when he saw someone who seemed to be an idol posted something aswell, with him tagged in it. It was a collage of him when he just debuted to where he is now. It were pictures from each year of his career with the title of the song pasted on the pictures. He smiled seeing his own transformation. The caption was also really sweet making his smile grow wider. 'When I was in middle school he debuted, its funny to see he has grown from a childish teenager to a dorky baby-faced adult. Taeyeon-ssi your fans are proud of you!' He liked the post and left a comment before tugging his phone back in his pocket.

"Seems like your fans cant help but support you even after all those years and people saying youre getting old for this industry"

The assistant manager said as he looked through the rear view mirror as the traffic light turned red. Taeyeon nodded and opened one of the green pea paterned bags he received from one of his fans.

"I just do what I do, maybe the people are just jealous because Ive been in this industry for almost half of my life. Im still amazed at how I got into two companies and have my third music career out of the country"

Taeyeon said as he unwrapped the pea cupcake with a wide smile showing it to the assistant manager as his eyes showed sparkles making the assistant manager laugh while shaking his head seeing Taeyeon's behaviour.

"Not to mention the title they gave you mister king of the music. Some people even say youre the better version of Micheal Jackson"

Taeyeon blinked as he was munching on the cupcake shaking his head signing he didnt agree with that. He might say things about himself that make him sound he is full of himself but the truth is, he thinks of himself just like others, to him everybody is equal and there is nothing existence like 'perfect'.

"Nobody can beat the king of pop hyung and you know that yourself aswell. Its just a title they gave me because Im a former Korean solo artist who is a member of the Korean boygroup KISA and a growing solo artist in the States. I mean I dont think Im not that better than Justin Bieber either"

Taeyeon closed the small pea paterned bag and stuffed it into his backpack browsing through the other small bags he managed to fit in his backpack as curiousity took over him making him taking out two other bags, one was blue paterned with white clouds and the other one was just silver. The assistant manager just shook his head and continued driving as the light turned green again.

"You know that your behaviour is much better than his and that your scandals are less worse than his. He might be a far friend from yours and you might think he is a good kid, but Taeyeon... The rumors say it all about him"

Taeyeon just stubbornly shook his head and continued unwrapping some presents grinning from ear to ear as he saw some pea formed candy. He couldnt help but melt because of the adorable little balls with their happy faces. The dork inside him would always come out if he saw something related to cartoon celebrities like the pea's from Toy Story or the Unicorn and Minions from Dispicable Me. He once dressed up as the peapot from Toy Story for one of their special concerts. It was the concert where they celebrated Taeyeon's 10 year long career in the music industry. As only member of the group he performed in the costume throughout most songs. It was deffinetly something that would haunt him for the rest of the time that the people would remember his name.


"Welcome back!"

Loud pops and cheers could be heard while confetti was flying around as the lights making Taeyeon freeze the moment the loud noises echoed through the practice room of the dance studio. All his friends were there, his memebrs holding up their phones recording the precious moment while there was a camera crew scattered over the corners of the room while the curtains were blocking the mirrors. Everybody gave Taeyeon a big hug and a pat on the shoulder congratulating him with his new music season in the States. While he softly sobbed people decorated him with the shiny ribbons and confetti.

"Guys-- really... You shouldnt make me cry like this! You eggheads!"

He bursted out making everybody laugh in the room. When he saw two of his closests friends he immediately jumped into their arms. Heechul and Key. The two has been his friends ever since they met at a kpop dream concert. They became closer when they were chosen to form a trio to cover one of JYJ's songs for a special performance.

"There is plenty of time to sleep, when we die!"

Everybody sung in the room as Luhan came in with a cake 'Happy birthday Awakaned leader' written on it with 3D letters while there was a small edible Taeyeon ontop of it. Taeyeon laughed and clapped while tears were still streaming down his cheeks. Luhan silenced everyboy in the room and cleared his throat ready to say something.

"Everybody enjoyed your comeback in the States, it was a typical Western song surprising us ofcourse since you mostly of the time take your Korean culture everywhere, even in the English songs you write. Thats also why I found it a bit weak... Joking hyung, it was amazing and I couldve been more proud of you actually. You ruled the top charts again and now youre back to help your group rule the top charts this summer. Youre an amazing hyung and we couldnt wish better than having such an amazing leader. Congrats on your new album and ofcourse happy birthday hyung!"

Everybody clapped and cheered, Taecyeon dimmed the lights and everybody sung a birthday song before Taeyeon was told to blow the candles. He made a wish and then blew the candles out causing everybody to cheer and clap as the lights were again by Taecyeon. They celebrated his great comeback and his birthday till it was time for everybody to go to their own sched's. Taeyeon was told he would get the rest of the day off, his schedule was postponed to tomorrow afternoon, so he decided to get his car and visit a special place. The cemetery.


Taeyeon slowly walked along the path with two bouqets of roses in his hands, passing by all the tombstones untill he reached to beautiful decorated big tombstones somewhere in the back. He stood infront of them with his head low barely breathing, he placed one bouqet of roses on each of the graves before sitting down with his legs tangled with eachother as he played with a small rock.

"It has been tough since that day... You guys know that I love you both equally right?"

He chuckled sadly remembering how they used to bicker whenever he was around them. He looked up as his vission slowly got blurry.

"I hope you guys arent bickering up there. I always feel you guys... It doesnt matter where I go, I feel you guys pushing my back further as a sign to not give up like that... So Lovely~ so Pure~"

He smiled sadly while tilting his head. 7 months without his beloved juniors who never failed to make his day was like the greatest torture ever. He always hung out with them and helped them if they needed something. He was their number 1 fan through all time.

"Go... Kwon... Please look out for your oppa neh? Please never stop make me feel your presence... It calms me down. Thank you both, for all the great memories you left behind in my heart... Lets meet again, at a second chance yes?"

He stood up wiping his tears that fell without noticing at first. He fixed his clothes before looking at the tombstones giving off a dorky salute before turning around on his heels walking back to his car without looking back. He knew that if he would look back he wouldnt be able to reach his car in the coming hour... or hours. His beloved juniors who were like sisters to him died in a car accident, Eunbi and Rise, Eunbi died 6 days before he departed to the States and Rise died 2 days before his flight was planned. He ended up staying untill the funeral's were over untill he went to the States, ofcourse with a sadenned heart. But he couldnt do anything about it. He has to keep his career up.



Please dont mind my bad grammer and bad English and typo's... really... my English became worse. To be honest I myself really miss my Ladies' Code biases and ofcourse the group itself. Its still so surreal that they wont set foot on this earth anymore eventhough it has been like 7 months already.
_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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1119 streak #1
Chapter 2: cant wait for taeny's collab XD