Chapter 14


A/N A lot of change in POV so read carefully ^_^


No One’s POV

“That’s one gone, now for you” the Dragon Head pointed the gun at Soohyun’s head.

“Just a moment,” Suho stopped the Dragon Head as he rose from his seat. “I’d like to make an offer of protection for those contents.”

Soohyun’s eyes slowly flickered from Snake’s stiff body to Suho.

“ Suho-nim, you would not take this offer right before me,” the Dragon Head threatened.

“ I like to trade with people who keep their words, and bring what’s required for the trade.  This young lady here has clearly keeping her side of the promise by bringing the contents. So to show my half of sincerity, I will not question where she had acquired these contents,” Suho spoke calmly.

The Dragon Head slammed his fist down onto the table.

The room turned dark and the smell of blood slowly emerged itself within the burnt smell of smoke.

The air held still as the conversation took place.

“I hope this isn’t some staged bull,” the Dragon Head narrowed his eyes onto Suho.

 “Yes, I do hope that this young lady here isn’t planning anything more up her sleeves,” Suho turned his stern eyes onto Soohyun.

She tried to avoid his eyes, by ducking her head down.

But that was a very bad decision.

The colour had completely been out of Snake’s face leaving his lips and cheeks the same pale, chalky white. The vibrant splatters exploded from his head and dripped down the sides of his face like red tears.

 His eyes, dead eyes, remained unchanged....staring at her.....filled with anger.   

Her body suddenly bent down.

Her right hand clamped tightly across .

And she turned and sprinted out the room.


Soohyun’s POV

My fingers curled tightly against the cool white porcelain of the toilet bowl as I vomited out all the contents in my stomach to the point where I was still gagging but nothing was coming out. My eyes were blurry and hot as the sour and bitter taste lingered in my mouth and the air stunk of indigested food.

I dragged myself to the sink afterwards. Every time, I splashed the freezing tap water onto my face, I told myself that tonight’s memories will all be washed away.

It’s all over now......

I closed the tap.

And I looked into the mirror.

And image flashed before my eyes.

An image of Snake, behind me, eyes gaping white and his head half blown off.




Kai’s POV

Seeing, Soohyun rush out of the room, I found myself springing off my chair.

Strong hands clasped around my wrist, “where do you think you’re going?” Baekhyun hyung warned.

“Let him go,” D.O hyung spoke sternly. It was rare hearing D.O hyung’s opinions. He tended to stay quiet during our debates. So when he spoke in this tone, everyone listened.

Baekhyun hyung’s eyes lingered on D.O as he reluctantly released his grip.

I immediately turned and snuck out the back door.

Just when I stepped out into the lobby, I heard a scream from the bathrooms.

I busted open the bathroom doors to find Soohyun shivering as she crouched low underneath the stinks with trembling hands covering her eyes.

“Soohyun!” I kneeled down before her as I gently reached for her hands.

“Hey, it’s alright Soohyun....look at me....It’s alright....” I tried to calm her down as I slowly peeled away her trembling hands that were covering her eyes.

“K-k-kai?” Her wet eyes fluttered open.

“I’m right here.”

Her bottom lip quivered, “ He..I saw..Snake...I”

Without a thought, I gathered her into my arms as I gently patted her head. “It’s alright Soohyun....It’s all over....”

I felt her hands clench my shirt as she buried her face in my jacket, trembling.


Soohyun’s POV

It was raining.

The droplets slithered down the glass as the dark shadows fluttered in the night.

The moon was no where to be seen.

There’s low hum as the pen nib pierced my skin, allowing the black ink to leak into my flesh, staining it a permanent black.

Next to me, Kai watched the process quietly.

I caught his eyes that gave me a sad, encouraging look.

I turned to the windows to see my reflection......


I did look very bad.




It was a long night as I stared at the empty ceiling.

My forearm stung where the tattoo had just been embellished. I traced my fingers down the intricate lines of the hexagon that formed the letter.O .....



Suho had not spoken of the nights events. He did not comment on the fact that I had not acted accordingly to his plans. I was supposed to offer the contents back to the Dragon Head along with the framing Snake as my boss. Then I was to wait for Suho’s ‘next move’. But I couldn’t wait and find out what Suho had planned in mind because at that moment, I really believed that the Dragon Head would kill me. And.....what if Suho decided to use me and then let the Dragon Head dispose of me?

Suho hovered over me as I sat waiting for the tattooist to prepare the equipment. All the other five EXO leaders were all present at the time to witness the ‘ceremony’.

“The tattoo will be the evidence that you have sworn your life to EXO. It will bind you to the three Laws of EXO that you will swear to obey with your life....”

He watched me closely, “First Law, you will be completely faithful to EXO and will not betray EXO in any manner, even at the brinks of death. Second Law, you shall not bring harm upon EXO or your kins. Final Law, all commands of any EXO leader will be obeyed as such as a Law. You will serve your entire existence to EXO in return for infinite protection. If any of the three Laws are broken, or suspected to have, the EXO leaders have the utmost power and right to hunt you down and terminate you,” Suho eyes locked onto me.


“Lee Soohyun. Do you swear your life to EXO?”


Everyone’s eyes casted down upon me, waiting for my reply.


I wondered why I stuttered.


This was what I wanted from the beginning......wasn’t it?


“Y-yes. I swear my life to EXO.”






For the first morning I woke up as a member of EXO, it felt surprisingly normal.

I still felt like me.

Except now, I have really swollen eyes from the lack of sleep.....and I have this mark on me, the mark of the notorious gang in Seoul.

My phone beeped across from me and I opened to find a new tweet from chickenisnotmystyle

He....won’t be back till next week!.....FREEDOM! Call me ;)

‘He’ I’m supposing is appa who had most likely been called over to America for the International Safety Conferences which were held twice a year. I had almost forgotten about that…what great timing. I was really not ready to explain to appa why in the world that I have the EXO mark on my forearm.

Oh yeah, and guess who’s posting.

Yep, it’s Kris, and that “call me” is supposedly for me to go eat fried chicken with him.

I slipped out of bed and put on the white t shirt and demin jeans that were laid on my bed side, probably by Taeyeon unnie. She is absolutely amazing- kinda like my fairy god-mother in a way.

I took a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. The dark circles, pale face, and cracked lips weren’t giving me any confidence at all with facing life. Sulking, I made my way to the door.

Kris had to just spend his holiday off himself.

 I had work to do.


Surprisingly, the guards outside my door were all gone and no one came to blindfold me.

I felt a tingle of nervousness mixed with excitement.

Does this mean I can roam around freely in the EXO HQ?

Hell yeah.

After a few minutes of walking down ravishly decorated hallways that seemed to intertwine into another and another, I finally admitted defeat. Ok, I was totally lost and there was not a single soul in sight.

I took a double take of my surrounding....where did I come in again? Was it that door?

This is like goddammit alice in wonderland....

I silently laughed as I pushed open one of the many identical doors in this place.  

What came into my sight was completely refreshing and breathtaking. I arrived into a living room that was completely different from the rest of the house that gave of a kind of antique, rich European look. This lounge was clean crystal white, and decorated with simple, modern furniture. On one side, plastered onto the wall was a theatre sized led screen and the far back wall was glass structured that looked down upon the Seoul city.

“Woah....” I couldn’t help but inch my way closer to the giant window with its breathtaking view.

“Ya Sehun, did you see where my black shirt is?”  A voice sounded somewhere close.

I heard footsteps making its way towards me.

 I turned, to find Kai standing in the lounge, , with only a towl hung loosely onto his bottom half.

“AHHHHH-“ I shrieked as my hands quickly sheltered my eyes and I dropped onto the ground.


“KAI OPPA W-WH-WHY ARE YOU ?” I screamed as I crouched low, my cheeks hot.

From behind the walls, Kai yelled back, “the question should be why in the world are you in my room.”

Then his footsteps returned, “And FYI Soohyun, people shower .”

I felt my cheeks growing hot again, “j-j-just pl-please put on some clothes!”

His footsteps make his way towards me and then I felt someone crouch down beside me, but I was too nervous to open my eyes.

I felt a gentle hand tug at my wrist, “ I’m fully dressed now, head to toe, you can open your eyes.”

I peeked through my fingers that were still over my eyes, and when I saw that coast was clear, my hands dropped to my sides and before me crouched Kai oppa. He smelled like shampoo and his hair was still slightly wet from the shower.

A cheeky grin spread across his face, “you’re blushing.”

I slapped his arm, “shut up.”




“So where is everyone?” I asked Kai oppa as he diligently led me down the empty hallways, stopping to tell me which each door led to where.  

“Working most likely. Oh but except Sehun. No one has an idea of what he does all day,” Kai stopped and opened the door. “This is....”

“Yet another lounge amongst the ten other ones and the tons and tons of guest rooms,” I finished his sentence.

Kai chuckled, “Yeah we basically just live in a hotel.”

“ Why do you have so many rooms anyway? It doesn’t seem like you have anyone living in them.”

We were drawing close to the end of the hallway, which opened into a massive lounge, complete with an open kitchen.

“ Yeah I know. Basically Suho wanted to renovate the entire floor into something more...home-y, but we never gotten around to doing that,” Kai made his way to the kitchen, “this is about as close to a mundane home as it can get.”

I seated myself beside the kitchen counter.

“Orange juice or water?” Kai asked as he peeked into the fridge.

“Do you have any milk?”

Kai turned towards me, eye brows raised, “well that’s a first.”

I laughed, “there’s always a first. And I am still a growing teenager.”

Kai rummaged through the fridge, “ I don’t think you can grow much taller by drinking milk.”

I crossed folded my arms in defense, “I believe in myself.”

Kai laughed as he appeared behind the fridge doors, arms filled with bottles and cans.

“ I’m sorry, but your milk has turned into cheese,” Kai said as he dumped everything into the trash. “ Everything has long expired and there is officially no food in the house,” he sighed.

I laughed, “ no one cooks I suppose. Omma always said that you can always tell if someone cooks or not from their fridge.”

Kai laughed, “ last time D.O hyung cooked, he nearly burned the place down.”

“So what do you want to eat?” He leaned forward on the counter. A few strands of hair fell before his eyes as he peered at me.

Kai....was really good looking.....and he smelled good too.

I cleared my throat as I felt my cheeks beginning to warm. “Hmmm..... I know this dukbokki place not far from here.I quite like it there.”

“Cool, let’s go.”




 No One’s POV

Soohyun  bit into another piece of the glorious fluffy dukbokki steaming in a giant metal pot before her. The spice was just enough to leave a satisfying burn at the back of while the sweetness, would wash it away.

“Ajumma, can I have another fishcake please? Actually, make that two!” She chugged down another piece of the delicious duk with a smile crawling up her face.

Kai, had stopped eating already and was patiently watching her with his elbows resting on the makeshift table, and his head, leaning lazily in his hands. For such a small girl, he was amused as to how large her appetite was.

“ Kai, how come you’re not working like everyone else?” She asked curiously munching of another piece of duk.

“ I’m working today, “ Kai answered as he watched the girl closely, taking in her every little detail.

“Huh?” She cocked her head to the side in confusion. Kai found her actions extremely cute.

“ Suho told me to drive you home to pack some stuff. You’ll be living with us for the time being,” Kai replied before chugging down his cup of water to soothe the rising heat inside.

Soohyun nearly dropped her duk, “ are you serious Kai?” she leaned in towards him.

Kai, surprised by her actions and her entire nature in general, leaned back nervously. “Yeah....and it’s Kai oppa, not Kai.”

“Oh....right,” Soohyun giggled, “but you don’t seem that much older than me.”


“ Here you are, two more fish cakes for you sweetie,” the ajumma returned with a paper cup, handing it to Soohyun who gladly accepted it with a big smile.

“Kamsamnidaaaa~ ajumma, your food is jiang!” Soohyun took a bite, “ahh—hot-hot-hot-hot.”

“Careful sweetie, it’s just out of the pot,” the ajumma giggled, “my, she has such a good appetitie for such a tiny frame.” She sighed as she placed her hands on her slightly curvy hips,  “ah, its nice seeing young girls eat these days rather than starve themselves into those thin little twigs.”

Kai mindlessly nodded to the lady’s words as he watched just how happy Soohyun looked from eating. He brought his cup of water to his mouth and took a sip.

The ajumma leaned towards Kai, “you know what they say? A woman who can eat well will give birth to healthy children.”

Kai choked on his water.

Soohyun, oblivious to what happened, asked, “Ommo, Kai, what happened?”

“N-nothing...” Kai replied between coughs.

The ajumma let out a hearty laugh, “listen to the wise words of an old lady. This one’s a keeper.” She gave Kai a wink, making his cheeks grow pink.

The womanizer, Kim Kai, was blushing.

“Eh? Kai, what are you guys talking about?” Soohyun tugged on Kai’s jacket.

“Kai-oppa.” Kai corrected again. 


A/N I am officially out of chapters. I had to write extra for this chapter because it would've been too short.Thank you for all the support so far, leave me a little comment alright? Thank you LikeADawg for your lovely comments(they make me happy hehe^^) I always look forwad from hearing from you <3 Have a nice week and I'll work hard to produce 2 more chapters for next weekend^^ 


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Chapter 18: Any Sesoo or Kaisoo moments in next chap pleaseeee? Hdkcnndkdnfhf I am so excited sorry
Namyaa #2
Chapter 17: I prefer sehun in this
Chapter 18: 1AQ3E3EFVGHHJ.MKJHGYT!! now i can't seriously CAN'T wait for the next chapter T.T this is why i hate cliffhangers! why did you do this to me T.T!
Chapter 17: thanks for updating !(seriously i live for this )
i don't know who to ship soohyun with T ^ T ,i keep on changing my ships!
but i think for now i ship soohyun with and sebunnie xD !(tho i bet it will change it again xD)......mian kai *le runs away& wipes tears*
ANYWAYS i hope you update soon ^o^
Chapter 16: New fic yessss! Kaisoo moment ( Kai x Soohyun ^^). I was so excited that I grabbed my phone immediately after I woke up. Waiting for Sesoo. They are interesting.
: ) O.M.G Your fic is so amazing, even though you are writing an action story, not a fluff one with lovey dovey scences but those short moments of Soohyun and Kai are super cute. And the cold Sehun behaving badly towards Soohyun feels so romantic, idk why? And may I ask if the name Lee Soohyun is a random one or an idol because I think of AKMU? ^^
Namyaa #7
Chapter 15: Kaisoo~~~ No words
Chapter 15: omo i srsly just died while reading this chapter ! i really liked kai x soohyun moments !they're just so cute <3
my favourite moment was when kai came out of the shower HALF xD * drools *
i'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter !! =^o^=

ps: thanks for mentioning me *blushes*
bluekakao #9
Chapter 15: Uhh thank you for the update.
How cute they are.
And what is sehun doing hmm..
I hope she can meet kris somehow but that would be dangerous
I should be studying for my oral exams..