Chapter 11

Keeping an eye on you


The competition was held at the Woolim premises. The weather was perfect for a game to start, cloudy and windy, no rain threatening to brew in the sky.


6:27 am, time on Sunggyu’s digital clock, Sunggyu was still tucked in his bed, unaware of the time. Mrs. Kim was closing the door of her bedroom when he heard a loud moan and groans coming from Sunggyu’s room. She tip toed towards Sunggyu’s bedroom front door and stuck her ear onto the door. Sunggyu was panting, and groaning heavily. He came to an end with a loud moan as if he has just released something. Then Sunggyu went silent in his room and started snoring softly. Mrs. Kim was still confused why Sunggyu was making weird sounds in his sleep, so, she opened the door and saw a sleeping Sunggyu.


She went towards the sleeping figure and shook him, “Sunggyu honey. Wake up, you still have school, remember?”. Sunggyu groaned and sat, opening his eyes slowly. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Okay, mom. I’m up..”, he mumbled. Mrs. Kim nodded and left.


Sunggyu pulled out his feet from the blanket, sitting at the side of the bed and glanced at the digital clock beside his bed. “Oh, what the !”, he cursed. The digital clock read, 6:30 am. Sunggyu hurried stripping his clothes and jumped on to the shower. He quickly washed his body and suddenly stopped, remembering his dream. Upon remembering, Sunggyu was blushing like crazy. He was dreaming about Woohyun and him, doing IT. Sunggyu quickly shrugged it off and continued washing. He went out, a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel he was holding for drying his hair. He quickly flung open his closet doors and looked for a decent pair of clothes. He picked an oversized white shirt with his name printed on it and a black tight jeans. He quickly got dressed and went downstairs, at the dining table.


“Umma, can I use the limo, I’m kind of late right now.”, Sunggyu pleaded.

“Sure, baby.”, Mrs. Kim replied, “G.O.! Drive Sunggyu to school.”


Then after, a man in a black suit on appeared before them.

“Yes, ma’am”, he said.


Sunggyu and G.O. quickly went to the garage. G.O. opened the door for his young master and Sunggyu gladly went inside, in a hurry. G.O closed the door and hopped on the driver’s seat and quickly went off.


The limo stopped in front of the soccer field where there were a bunch of girls and boys gathering around each other, carrying a banner that read ‘Woolim, GO!’. Sunggyu opened the door and before he went out, he said thank you for driving him and then closed the door. The limo started its engines and went off. The girls and boys were staring at Sunggyu with mouths, slightly open. The stares sent shivers on Sunggyu. With that, Sunggyu went off running towards the stage.


Mrs. Bi was waiting for Sunggyu to arrive, beside the stage.


“Mr. Bi! Sorry I’m late.”, Sunggyu apologized.

“That’s okay, as long as you are here.”, Mr. Bi considered.


Mr. Bi signalled the emcee to start. The emcees started speaking, giving introductions about soccer and other what-nots.


After awhile, “Before we start the game, let us hear a beautiful song number from Kim Sunggyu.”. There were murmurs and gasps that were heard when they heard the name Kim Sunggyu. One of them was ‘Can he really sing? I bet he can’t crack up a note. He’ll be an embarrassment to the school.’


Sunggyu fidgeted as he walked up on stage. He took a deep breath and as if on cue, the music started and Sunggyu sang with the music. Sunggyu’s voice was heard everywhere, even on the field where he players stopped what they were doing once they hear the angelic voice coming from the stage. They quickly went near the stage and listened to every note that Sunggyu releases.


Once Sunggyu was done singing, claps, sheers and amazed sounds were heard. Sunggyu gave them his 90 degree bow and smiled to them sweetly. Then, went down the stage.


Woohyun was amazed at Sunggyu’s voice. He had never heard Sunggyu’s beautiful singing before. He was about to go up to Sunggyu when a bunch SM players went to him to talk. Woohyun couldn’t hear what they were talking. He was about to continue walking towards Sunggyu when his coach called him out.


“Come here, Woohyun!”, his coach called out.

“Okay”, Woohyun yelled out and went to his coach and the other payers were.


What were they talking about? Oh well, I have to focus on the game, Woohyun thought.



“Hi there, beautiful!”, an SM player said while approaching with the other players of SM.


Sunggyu pretended that he didn’t hear anything and continued walking.  Then, one of the players grabbed and Sunggyu yelped in pain. Sunggyu glared up to him and tried jerking his hand away from the player.


“Feisty are we? I’m Doojoon, Yoon Doojoon. And you are?”, Doojoon asked.

“Get your hand off me!”

“Sure”, then, Doojoon got his hinds off Sunggyu, “Why don’t you watch our game. We’ll be beating the crap of Woolim , together with their captain ball.

“Yah! Don’t underestimate him! I bet he’s better than you. He’ll surely beat the crap out of you,”, Sunggyu said with pride about his boyfriend.

“OH, really? We’ll see. For now, you’ll be seating with us.”, Doojoon said, grabbing Sunggyu by the wrist  and dragging him to their place, not even listening to Sunggyu’s curses to him. Sunggyu glared at Doojoon. If look could kill, Doojoon would be dead by now.


Sunggyu was trapped between Doojoon’s people. He was forced to sit there because Doojoon threatened to beat the captain ball of Woolim if he would not seat there.




After 3 hours, the game finally ended. And Woolim won! The students of Woolim jumped in joy as Woohyun pulled out a forceful kick.


After the kick, Woohyun and the others huddled and shouted in happiness. Woohyun then looked for Sunggyu. He spotted Sunggyu being dragged by a player of SM and Sunggyu thrashing out. He followed them and stayed quiet. They were now at the back of Woolim’s main building.


Doojoon trapped Sunggyu between his arms. One arm caressing Sunggyu’s cheek and one grabbing Sunggyu’s chin. With any moment to lose, Doojoon crashed his lips onto Sunggyu’s. Sunggyu was thrashing like crazy. Doojoon bit Sunggyu’s bottom lip that made Sunggyu open his mouth and gave chance for Doojoon to slip his tongue. Doojoon roamed his tongue around Sunggyu’s that made an unexpected sound to be heard, loudly. Sunggyu moaned. With that, Woohyun was taken aback, he was hurt. Hearing Sunggyu moan to somebody. Woohyun stood up from the bush that he hid under and quickly ran away from the scene.


Sunggyu pushed Doojoon away and quickly wiped his lip. He quickly ran away from the ing Doojoon who just the crap of him.


Sunggyu found Woohyun on a bench with a bunch of girls surrounding him. Sunggyu was enraged; he stomped his way to Woohyun and quickly grabbed his arm. “See you soon, girls.”, with that last said, he let himself be dragged by Sunggyu.


“I thought you love me?”, *slap*






A/N: I know I swore that I Woogyu will have an argument/misunderstanding in this chapter but unfortunately, I was busy to finish. I’ll update tomorrow. Okay? Please, keep still and follow this fic till the end

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694 streak #1
Chapter 10: They’re so cute ☺️
Simran20 #2
Chapter 24: I really like how you tried not to make the fic too complex, it was really good and relaxing. Between woohyun has got a lot of relatives in there😅😅😅.
Thankyou so much for such a beautiful fic author nim.
Simran20 #3
Chapter 8: They are really cute😍😍😍.
Chapter 24: Haha seriously gyu reminded me of me here haha.pampered brat much lolol
Chapter 24: The ending was nice.
Chapter 24: cuuuuuuttteee!
CutieWay #7
woosoogyu #8
Chapter 24: This is such a cutie & sweetie woogyu story! ^_^
I like how Sunggyu tackled his problem with Tiffany where he stick to Woohyun's side like a challenge... :D
And I like how Woohyun's never endless relatives keep popping out from nowhere... Haha... :D
Awesome story! ^__~
menikkey #9
Happy-t-ending. :DD

I'll be missin this fanfic. ;A;