
Confessions Of A Friend (Special Edition)


Days went pass. Hoya became more busy than ever with his schedule. Flying off to Japan, soon promoting BTD Japanese version and also going for various events and shows. We didn't get to meet often now and then. I stood by my room wall and look at the photos I took with Hoya. Such sweet memories. I let out a sigh just thinking of him. I open my drawer and took out a letter written by Hoya the last day since I saw him which was five days ago. I sat down on my bean bag and read the letter again. 

Dear MeA, 

I'm writing to you this letter to say sorry for not seeing you so often now. I miss those times where we spent time with each other at home, go on dates and eat dinner. JAGI, I REALLY MISS YOU~~~!!! ^w^ I wonder when I can see you again. I want to hug you tightly and never let you go! Things are fine with my schedule. I know you are worried sick about me. We have a good response here in Japan and I'm very happy! I'm so proud and I know you are proud of me too. How are things doing there? I hope you are fine. I'm sorry I had to leave you alone T.T Jagi, I really miss you. I miss those times when you were scared of the thunder and your expression was totally cute. I really miss it when we cuddle together watching your favourite movie. Jagi, don't worry! I'll be home soon and the first thing I'll do is to rush home to see your beautiful face. I promise I'll be home soon. TRUST ME JAGI~~~! Anyeong! I love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. 



Your Jagi forever, 

Hoyaaaaaaaaarrrr >o<

I smiled and giggled at those sweet words he wrote. I can't help but smile like a dork. How, how, how I wish he can come back really fast. I kept the letter nice and safe back in the drawer and went out and turn on the tv. There I saw, a video I took of Hoya when we had our date at the park. He was playing a fool with the camera and pulling my hand and kissing the screen of the camera. I laugh at his dorkiness and blush under the cushions. I then left the camera in Hoya's hands since I went to the bathroom. Hoya put the camera down on a concrete bench and kneeled down so he was the same level as the camera. He then whispered: 

Hoya: Jagi, saranghae~ *makes a heart shape with his hands* 

I can't help but fangirl over his cuteness and started shreaking in delight. Then, I got a text message. 


JAGI~~! Come to the airport now!! I'm finally back~~!!! huhu >w<

I texted: 



I quickly turn off the tv, grab my purse and rushed outside. I took a cab to the airport. I can feel this tingle of excitement inside me. As soon as I arrived at the airport, I rushed out and ran in. I went to the arrival hall and look around for Hoya. Then, I saw him. Standing with the rest of the Infinite members and a nearby bench probably waiting for the rest of their staffs to finish getting checked. I called out to Hoya

Me: OPPA!!!!! *waves hand frantically and jumping*

Hoya: *spotted me* JAGI!! *runs towards me*

Me: ACKK!! *hugs Hoya* I miss you so much!!

Hoya: Me too! How are you? 

Me: I'm fine. I was worried sick about you.. *pouts*

Hoya: But I'm back already!!! Anyway, I have a surprise..

Me: Did you buy something for me??

Hoya: *kneels down and pulls out a ring* Will you marry me?? *bites lower lip*

Me: ... jagi, *giggle* Yes!

Hoya: I LOVE YOU!!!!

Me: YAA!! I love you too *kisses Hoya*

Sunggyu: *interrupts* Ya~, you two get a room!

Hoya: Hyung, you're just jealous *smiling widely*

Sunggyu: Ah whatever! By the way, congrats *smiling like a hamster*

We both look at each other and laughed. What can I say? Cutest couple? Yeah right ;D

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Maressa0604 #1
HAHAH goguma, I'm writing a new fanfic. TOTALLY REFRESH EVERYTHING. YOU LOVE MEA? THAT'S MY NICKNAME (BESIDES MARS) Here's the preview: Mea, a normal high school girl who has a part-time job in a cafe reached home when parents called her over to discuss something. <br />
<br />
Me: What is it?<br />
Mum: We have something to tell you. As you know we want you to find a suitable partner so..<br />
Dad: Mr Lee had a discussion with me just now. We decided to match you up with his son. Here' a picture of him *hands over the picture* His name is LEE HOWON.<br />
Me: Mw- MWO?!!! LEE HOWON?!! *looks at picture in disbelief*<br />
Mum: You know each other??<br />
me: Of course! *grits teeth* Lee Howon huh? It's payback time.. *narrows eyes* <br />
<br />
KYA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
best author ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
will the be another one??!!! (just asking for fun)<br />
LUP YOU Maressa0604 (chingu way)<br />
are you gonna continue writing?? you better...please tell me if you are