

People say money can't buy happiness. Oh Sehun, being born in a rich family, couldn't understand such nonsense. You can buy toys with money. Toys make him happy. You can buy candies with money. Candies make him happy. All he needed was asking for something to be bought and he'd be happy.

But that was then, when he was a small kid that had maids and servants all over him, making sure he was happy.


What a fool.


He remembers how, as a kid, everybody envied and loved him. Every day he arrived at school with the newest toy, with the most exclusive candies and foods from all around the world. All the other kids envied and tried to get close to them, they befriended him because he had all those amazing stuff. But then they all grew up and realized that envy and love are different, envy and hate were a much better combination.

As a teen everybody envied and avoided him. He had all those things, why would he come every day and rub it on their faces?

Then everybody envied and hated him. Why must he get all those things without even trying? It was unfair. It was annoying. He doesn't deserve all he has.


What made the most impact in his life was, probably, that time his father bought him a girlfriend.

"You must prepare yourself for when you find a wife, so you can make sure to please her", his father said as he was introduced to a woman.

He was sixteen.

She was twenty-four.

He was far too uncomfortable, being left alone with a stranger. Apparently his father had paid her to be his 'girlfriend' for a month or so. She said it'd be fine and that they should try whenever he's ready. It never happened though, but they spent their days together nicely.

She paid attention to him, took care of him, taught him how to do simple tasks. She scolded him once too.

He was happy that his father had bought her.

His classmates managed to find out and the rumor of him dating a were spread. She was not a , mind you. She was a lovely lady who lost her job at a bakery because, well, he was sixteen and there was no way they'd prove that the relationship was one of friends.

He was devastated.

His father had bought him, and her, unhappiness.

When you buy something it can break, get lost, get stolen. Money can only buy unhappiness, he realized.




"Oh Sehun", the teacher called. The class was quite calm, at least until a voice from a seat in the back said Here and collective groans and annoyed huffs were heard.

He doesn't mind though, being accustomed to that sort of reaction.

The class began  and he was being ignored, not only by his classmates but the teacher as well. His As were paid of, all he had to do was get in the classroom and answer when his name was called.

Nobody noticed him scribbling something on his notebook. He only takes one to school, since he doesn't even need them, to write whatever every now and then.

Overdosed. Google it.
Shot. Find where to get a gun.
Blood loss. Too problematic and takes too long.
Accident. Where's the fartest highway from the hospital?

He had been thinking of this for a while now. All options were discarded suddenly, since they were too problematic to take care of, but Hanging.

Then it hit him.

It literally hit him; he moved and somehow managed to hit his knee on the table.

He was too tall to hang himself.

If I try to hang myself... Wouldn't it be awkward? I'd have to stand on a chair first, banging my head on the roof, and then I might as well end up standing. I'd bang my head in vain, he thought as he scribbled on his notebook.

If he was going to do it, it had to be less awkward than accidentally ending up standing in the middle of a room.

Frustrated he turned to look out of the window, the class was focused learning something he had no idea of. It could be anything, even something as simple as two plus two.

Not too far from there he noticed a tall building, at least four floors tall. Five if you count the clock.

He closed the notebook, shoving everything into his backpack before standing up to leave.

Nobody stopped him.


I can jump from there.







Well. I wanted this to be a one shot but I like how it ends here so...
It's going to be a two shot, I have everything planned already so I'll probably be updating this in a few hours or tomorrow.

I expect you guys to be shocked with the next part but who knows.


Plase let me know if you find a mistake because english is not my first language and i could use the feedback, thank you.

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kiiemii #1
Chapter 2: Omg... so.. sehun killed himself? omg... i wasn't expecting that.