Is This For Real....or Not?

(undecided right now)

I step out of the 24/7 convenient store, with my paper bag of tonights snacks in my right hand. It's currently 12:00 A:M in South Korea. I'm on vacation, but of course my first night and it's raining cats and dogs, or in other words it's raining really hard. I don't have an umbrella, or a jacket. All I have is my galaxy BTS sweater that's two sizes too big, my black skinny jeans, and my galaxy vans. Like that's going to work. I walk back in and ask if they have a plastic bag to put my paper bag in. The man hands me one, and after I have it all tied up, I walk back out.

"Man, why now? My hotel is a mile away. Oh well."

I let out a big sigh, and start running up the street to my hotel. As I get further up the street, it gets darker, but I can make out a man standing in the middle of the street, looking at me. I stop. I notice he's wearing a black trench coat.

"Skeeeeeeetchy." I say to myself as I look around. I see some alley ways, but I know nothing about South Korea yet. I could easily get lost. Then I hear the sound of boys laughter behind me. I look over my right shoulder but I don't see anyone. I hear it again, but this time I can tell it's coming from the alley just a little ways back.

*If I walk, they should be coming out by the time I get to that man. Surely he won't try anything when there's others around.* I think to myself. I take a deep breath, and continue to walk. As I get closer, I notice the man hasn't taken his eyes off of me. Instead of making eye contact, I stare at my feet as I walk. Right when I'm about to go past him, I ever so slightly look over my right shoulder. Those boys, a large group that I can't count due to the darkness and rain, they're actually coming this way, and laughing very loudly. That should halt his plans.

Then, I feel a hand grabbing my left shoulder, spinning me around, and then shoving me against the building behind me, causing my head to crack against the wall. I wince and look up. It's the man. He starts screaming something in Korean.

"I...I...I'm sorry. I can't understand you."

I hear the boys laughter suddenly stop. They're watching.

The man slaps me, and shoves me against the building again. This time, I feel my head crack open, and blood start flowing down my neck. I scream out in agony.

"I'M SORRY, I DON'T KNOW KOREAN!" I shout out.

I listen carefully, I hear the sound of running feet. They're coming.

The man leans over, his face close enough that I can smell his nasty sushi breath. He whispers something, and grabs my hips. I start screaming and kicking his legs, my hands are somehow pinned now against the wall. I'm defenseless. Suddenly the man goes flying.

Only, another set of hands grabs me and shoves me into someone's arms. My back facing him, his arms are wrapped around my own, pinning them to my chest. I look ahead, I see two figures arguing and shoving the man. The other four are standing in front of us, like a protective wall.

Seven...there's seven of them.

Then, the man stops fighting them, and starts whispering. I feel the arms around me tighten.

"Don't worry. We will protect you. You're going to be okay." The boy whispers.

*I know that voice.*

Then I hear one of the boys yell something. The arms let go of me, then a hand grabs my right hand and pulls me away, back down the street.

My head is throbbing. It hurts so bad, and my vision is fuzzy.

" head..." I say weakly, while holding my forehead with my free hand.

The boy stops, and crouches down. "Climb on my back."

I don't know why, but I feel safe with him. So I do as he says, and he carries me through an alley. I can feel myself drifting off to sleep right before I do, I hear the other boys further behind us.

*What are they doing? Are they making sure that man isn't following us?*

Suddenly I hear a van door open and I'm carefully placed in the seat.

*So much for a nap.*

I look up, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My mouth dropped open, and my eyes widened.

"Are you okay? How badly did he hurt you? Here let me check your head, you're bleeding."

He barely even touched it and I felt pain shoot through me like lightening. I winced and he jerked his hand away.
"Aw, I'm sorry....I didn't mean...oh you're freezing. Here."

He gets up and reaches behind the seat in the very back of the van. He pulls out a blanket and wraps it around me. When he sees my shirt, he smirks.
"Ah. I see. That's why you won't talk, huh?"

I finally get the courage to talk.
"Jungkook, You're English..."

He smiles, obviously proud of himself.
"Ah yes. I've been practicing. Day and night, I study."

I smile at him, "I'm proud of you."

Then the other members show up. Jin, like the mom he is, comes running up to the van and climbs in right beside me, checking all of my wounds.

"She needs to go to the hospital. She needs stitches."

Rapmon gets into the driver seat and looks in the rearview mirror at us all.
"Alright but after that, she isn't going back to her hotel. It's not safe. She can stay with us."

Shocked, I look at Jungkook. All I see is worry on his face. Suddenly Jimins face appears from behind me.
"That man was still following us." He places his cheek on mine.
"We want to be sure you're safe, before we take you home."

I feel my whole body turn red from embarrassment. Jungkook sees my nervousness and shoves Jimin back into his seat.
"Hey man, she's a fan. Don't give her a heart attack/"
Then, all seven boys are looking at me. Jungkook looks worried about me. The others...shocked.

Rapmon clears his throat and throws the van into gear.
"Yes well, while that is an honor, our first priority is to get you to the hospital and make sure you're okay. Whatever you do, do not fall asleep. We don't want you to fall into a coma."

Jin suddenly jumps and gets a worried look on his face.
"You've got blood everywhere. We need to stop the bleeding. Jungkook, hand me my towel out of my bag."

Jungkook, who's sitting on my right side, reaches into a black duffel bag and pulls out a white towel. He hands it to JIn, who is sitting on the other side of me. Then, he reaches into a white backpack and pulls out a bottle of water.
While handing the water to Jin, he says "Use this to dampen the towel. So you can wipe away the dried blood and better clean the wound."

"Ah, that's our smart Maknae!" Jin says enthusiastically while he's taking the water from Jungkook. I then realize that the towel is white.

*My blood will stain it...*
I put my hand on Jins to stop him, and looks at me puzzled. "My'll stain your towel."

Jin smiles at me. "Silly girl, I do not care about the towel. I only care about your well being." He then places the towel gently on my head.
I feel the pain shoot through me again and I close my eyes, to keep from crying in front of them. I feel a hand suddenly grab my shoulder and slightly squeeze it.
"Such a strong be fighting back tears." V says.

I am completely shocked by his English that i whipped my head around to look at him, causing whiplash and almost falling over. Jungkook supports me while I gather my thoughts and let myself become...not so dizzy.
I look at V and smile, "You're English V, you've gotten so much better!" Then I look around at all of the members and smile. "You've all gotten better. I am proud of you."

JHope seems to be touched by my words, and starts to tear up.
"Even as your life is in danger, you can only think about how proud you are of us. You are truly remarkable."

Suddenly the van is hit by something. I look to the left, and see a black car ramming into the side of the van.
"Rapmon!!!" Jin yells.
"Don't you worry!" Rapmon screams, as he throws the van into third gear and punches the gas.
Jungkook throws an arm over me, to make sure I don't get thrown around. That's the last thing my head needs right now. I look behind me at Jhope and see that he is making a phone call. I give him a confused look as he's speaking in Korean.

"Rapmon, our manager has called the authorities and he's going to meet us at the emergency entrance of the hospital!" Jhope yells.
"Ahha, good thinking hopie, now he doesn't stand a chance!" Rapmon yells back as he slams on the brakes, causing the car to pass us up. He takes that opportunity to take a quick left up an alley way and loose him. If only for a bit.

We finally arrive to the hospital. There's a hundred cops sitting around the entrance and I can see their manager pacing in front of the door. As everyone is hurriedly getting out of the van, I cautiously look around. Jungkook leans over and puts his hands on my shoulder, slightly pushing me out of the van. When I get to the edge of the seat and JIn moves over to let me out, the lights from the cop cars make me dizzy and I start to fall. As I see the ground growing closer to me in slow motion, I close my eyes. I wait for the pain but then I feel arms underneath me, catching me. I open my eyes and look over to see that Jin had turned around and caught me right before my face made contact with the pavement. Him and Jungkook help me to my feet and then Jungkook helps me inside.

The doctors and nurses were running around, probably freaked out by all of the cops. A nurse at the check in counter nervously smiles at us and asks how she can help us. Rapmon walks up to the counter and explains what happend while Jin and Jungkook walk me over to a chair. I can hear Rapmon explaining everything and can see the shocked look on the nurses face. I look over at the door and notice that the Manager and a detective are talking, while watching us. I get nervous and look away.

Rapmon rolls a wheelchair up to me and smiles.
"They've given us a room, but they need your I.D and insurance cards. Do you have them?"
I can feel my wallet in my back pocket, so I lean over and pull it out as I'm going to sit in the wheelchair. I hand Rapmon what he asked for and then looked at Jungkook and Jhope.
"Here, Jungkook will you roll her up to room 231? The nurse said it's on the second floor, so take the elevator over there." Rapmon points to the elevator just a little ways down the aisle and turns to take the nurse my information. I look up at Jungkook and JHope, a bit worried about what's going to happen next. I guess they noticed that I was worried because while we were going up in the elevator, they danced like idiots around me. I was laughing so much I had tears. 

We finally get to the room and Jungkook helps me out of my wheelchair and over to my bed. I crawl up on it and lay my head on the pillow. Jungkook and Jhope look at each other for a second and then they both pull the cover out from under me and start "tucking me in." I giggle at their attempt to make me feel better and was about to say something when the rest of the group, the Manager, a detective, and a doctor walk in. I immediately get nervous because I hate hospitals and doctors make me uncomfortable. 

The doctor walks over to the side of my bed and asks me to sit up. After I sit up and get comfortable, he starts looking at my head.
"Yeah, that's a pretty nasty gash you've got there. Gunna need stitches or staples....hmm...who doctored it?" The doctor asks while looking around at all of the boys. Everyone points at Jin and his face turns red. 
"Oh, um, Doctor, he did really well. I hardly felt any pain." I say immediately defending JIn.
"Ah, yes. He did do well. Nice job there young man, You'll make a fine doctor one day." The doctor smiles at Jin, the turns to the detective with a serious expression. 

*Now things are about to get real. Damn...*

"Detective Woong here, only speaks in Korean so we will have to translate for you both." The Manager says as he walks over to me.
"Now now, don't be frightened child. He is here to help. We need to know everything that you've done today. Have you ran into any suspicious men before the one that attacked you?"
"....No..." I say shyly.
"Alright. Well, what about where you've been. Why were you out so late?" He asks.
I think about how I'm going to answer this question without sounding insane or crazy. I look up at Suga, who hasn't said a word to me this whole time, and he has this look of...worry, and concern. He gives me a beautiful smile and nods at me. As if he's letting me know that it's alright to say what I'm thinking, that no one here will judge me.
" be completely honest, it's because I have anxiety and a phobia for crowds. I left the hotel at around 10:00 and walked through the near by park. I didn't want to just throw myself into these busy streets in the middle of the day on my first day here, because I was afraid I'd have a panic attack. So I just walked the park for a few hours, then I got hungry. I remembered seeing a convenient store on my to the park, and thought that it might still be open. To my surprise, it was. So I got a few snacks and started to leave, but it was raining. I had to go in and ask for a plastic bag, and then I started running up the street...." I told him everything that happened after that, and by the time I had finished, I had uncontrollable tears flowing down my cheeks. I hadn't cried that whole time. I had kept myself together, stayed calmed, but now....looking back on everything, I realized how luck I am that BTS happened to come along. Fan or not, they saved me.

As I'm looking down at my hands in my lap, silently crying, someone else's hands cups mine. I look up, into Jins eyes. He looked so..caring. So understanding.
"You're okay. You're going to be okay." He says quietly.
"Yeah, well my head isn't if someone doesn't fix this gapping hole in my head." I say jokingly, trying to ease the sadness in the room. Everyone giggles and the doctor walks over to me.

"Yes, indeed, we do need to fix that while the manager tells the detective what you just said." The doctor pulls out a thread and needle and begins to numb my head a bit. Jungkook walks over and sits next to me, holding my hand and allowing me to squeeze his when I feel pain.
"Alright, all done Mrs.Ashley. You are a strong young lady indeed." The doctor said while he's walking out of the room.

A few hours go by and we are informed that I have to stay over night to be sure that man isn't outside waiting on us to leave. It's currently 7:30 A.M and I just got some more medicine pumped into me to kill the pain. The said this one will make me fall asleep fast. They weren't wrong about that. I could hardly keep my eyes open. As I drifted to sleep, the last thing I remember seeing is little Jungkook curled up in a ball in a chair across from me. I smile at the sight of him, and close my eyes.

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