
For the Love of MinSul
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Choi Minho was the first male Sulli ever looked at him as a man. Yes, no deny that, he was her crush.

Minho had brown hair, not dark and not light but in between. It was not very long but it was just enough to be considered shaggy or floppy even. He didn't even have a particular style of his hair, it simply sat there, on top of his head, sometimes hanging in front of his eyes and his forehead for that he needed to push them back through his long fingers. Sulli loved Minho's hair and how much she wished she would have that honor to run her hand on it.

His eyes… well… to be honest, Sulli wasn't the best person to describe them. Unfortunately, she had never been in the position to study them like she really wanted to. From afar, she could only tell that they looked round and big. Sulli even wasn't sure if they were magnificently black or brown, actually it was kind of dull since it what she could see from afar anyway.

Minho's lips are thin and they appeared cutely like a pout at most of the times when he did talking. His smile was charmingly stunning. Not that she had seen it that often. Minho had two perfect rows of perfect white teeth, not a single one crooked or out of place.

His face was so small but in another word, it was cute and beautiful and with the angled jaw of a high class model, Minho never failed to take Sulli's breath away.

She thought that she should be embarrassed that a guy could affect her that much but who cared, it wasn't like he noticed it.

For a whole year now they had been going to the same school, taking the same classes, even catching the same bus but not once had Minho ever talked to her. It didn't bother her much, Sulli had never made the effort to talk to him either.

That's where Sulli was now, on the bus with Minho sitting at the front facing her, while she sat in the middle staring out of the window, sneaking subtle glances at him every now and then.

Minho always sat in the same seat at the front of the bus, one of the seats that faced to the back while the majority of the others faced the front. It used to make Sulli kinda nervous because she'd always get the feeling he was watching her.

However she didn't have to worry though, Minho was always too busy drawing to notice her.

Every day Minho would get on the bus, sat in the same seat, pull out his sketch book and draw for the entire thirty minute of journey.

Only God knew what he was drawing and Sulli doubted he got much inspiration from his surroundings. But sure enough, his pencil would keep on flitting across the page, only to stop when the bus was approximately one minute away from his stop. Minho would pack up, get off the bus and leave Sulli to wonder what it was that he draw that day, until it was her turn to get off the bus, just one stop after him.

Sulli always wondered for where Minho lived because his house obviously couldn't be that far away from hers but then again, Sulli never saw him out and about. She never bumped into Minho on the way to the grocery store or see him hanging around with friends when she was out hanging around with her friends.

Minho had a lot of friends. Well, fans really. He wasn't the most popular guy in school but he certainly had a solid fan base. Girls just loved the quiet, mysterious type and Minho was the epitome of quiet and mysterious.

Minho hung around with a couple of loud jocks but he was known for being the more reserved one. It was kind of weird who he chose to hang around with really because in opposite of his friends, Minho was not loud and he wasn't a player… or at least, Sulli hoped he wasn't. And if he was, Sulli would rather not know about it. She wasn't sure if she was ready for her delusions to be shattered just yet.

Sulli looked at Minho. His legs were propped up on the empty seat in front of him, his sketch pad resting on his knees as his hand, comfortably holding a pencil, moved swiftly across the page.

Minho's eyebrows were drawn into a slight frown and Sulli wondered what was wrong. Maybe his picture wasn't going right or maybe he used the wrong pencil for a certain part.

Sulli shook herself from her thoughts as she returned to look back at Minho's face only to realize he was looking right at her.

Sulli tried to act nonchalant as she turned her head to once again look out the window but she was pretty sure the blush that quickly forming on her cheeks was giving her away. She was mortified.

Minho caught her staring at him. Sulli had been getting the same bus as him for over a year and not once had he noticed her. Now that he caught her staring Minho probably thought she was a freak or a stalker or something.

Sulli groaned. She just wanted to get off the bus and never have to see Minho again but she had only been riding for fifteen minutes, so there were another fifteen left to her house.

Turning to look around the bus, Sulli tried to act casual but when her gaze landed on Minho for all of one second, she knew that he would see right through her. Minho was still looking at her and he w

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 19: I love this so so so much
SS213MH #2
Chapter 37: I miss minsul so much :(
nana4ever #3
Chapter 37: What a wonderful sweet story. You made my day. Thank you
Chapter 37: Your oneshots are so good
Chapter 37: Aww so sweet.... Minho will be absolutely that perfect husband for sure in the future. Thanks authornim. I'm so glad you updated again. Until the next time. Take care :)
Chapter 36: I love the end part ㅋㅋㅋ so funny
jhanehojas #7
Chapter 36: so nice I miss minsul tnx authornim,how I wish its real,hehe
purnamas #8
Chapter 36: Waw minsul
Thanks for update
loudlikeluv #9
Chapter 36: This is soooooo cute, OMG! I was smiling the whole time while reading aaahhh! Thank you for this, author-nim. ㅠ_ㅠ❤️
naeminsul #10
Chapter 36: Such a lovely story. Thank you so much authornim :)))