you lied..

I Choose You! [sequel to 'Who do i choose']

'OPPA?! what are you doing here?!'
You could see anger in his eyes
'Who's this punk?' asked Junho
' oppa of mine..'
'Suzi! are you okay?'
Zin ran up to you, gave you a small hug then checked your arms and face to see if you were hurt
'oppa, i'm fine but...what are you doing here?'
Zin avoided your question and tried to drag you out of the place
'where do you think your going?' 
Jay appeared by your side and snatched you away from Zin
'give her back to me or else'
'or else what?' he challenged
'or else i'll come and shove my fist down your throat, and trust me, thats not all that i'll do to you'
Jay yawned
'okay, mister tough guy, if you can get past all of us and get to Suzi--or whatever her name was--then i'll give her back to you'
Zin smirked
'this should be easy~ you know, i've already watched you and this red headed dude fight. I've got to say that you seriously at fighting'
Jay clenched his fist
'well, i just know that your waaaaaayyyyyyy worse at fighting than me!'
Junho and this tall guy came and took you to a small corner of the room.Then they joined the others, blocking the path and trying to make it hard for Zin to get through to you.
'are you really sure about this?' Zin asked Jay
'do you really think that i would chicken out from this and make a fool of myself infront of 2pm?'
Zin rolled his eyes
'i'm giving you a chance to not make a fool of yourself. Stop trying to be cool dude, it's disgraceful'
Jays anger was boiling insdie of him, he ran up to Zin and tried to throw a punch in Zin's face but Zin was too fast for him and dodged. One by one, Zin took them all down by just punching each and every one of them in the face.
'you guys should go taekwondo or something, atleast learn how to fight before challenging someone'
Zin ran to the corner, grabbed your hand and ran out of the place.
After running for a few minutes and being quite a safe distance from the scary area, Zin stopped to take some rest
'oppa! you still didn't answer me! what are you doing here?'
Zin sighed
'i followed you here to Japan...'
'because i'm worried about you! I've seen what Myungsoo has done and it's unnaceptable! how can he do that to you?!'
Tears tried to force themselves out of your eyes
'oppa, it's nice that you care about me a lot but you already have a girlfriend..did you tell her that you were coming here?'
Zin rubbed the back of his neck
'about that...i don't have a girlfriend..'
'you were so stressed out because i kept holding onto you so i got this random fan and asked her to take a picture with me..'
' lied...?'
'yea..i'm sorry...'
You were seriously speechless
' shouldn't have lied'
'yea..but if i didn't lie, then you'd be stressed out'
You sighed
'it's getting late, i think i should get back to the hotel and and some rest'
'i'll walk you there' Zin offered
'it's okay, you don't have to'
'well, i'm going in that direction anyway since i'm staying at the same hotel as you..'
'you are?!'
'yea, i'm right next door'
You found it abit scary how Zin would go to all this trouble for you but at the same time, you felt safe.
Arriving at the hotel you got Zin to check under your bed, in the closet; and everwhere else in your room. Just to make sure there weren't any monsters or people hiding. Then you jumped into bed.
'goodnight Suzi' 
Zin closed the light of your room
'goodnight oppa'


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ChocolatePandaCookie #1
Chapter 34: Ermehgawd a sequel to the sequel o.o
I really enjoy this story though. I loved the part wen shes like 'im pregnant!' Lol. But one thing slightly annoys me: whenever suzie comes to a new school, on her first day theres always this one girl that wants to kill her. :( whyyyy??!?!??!
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 31: ooohhh i miss 'birth of a family'...infinite and a pink need to take care a few puppies...they are cute though especially the infinite above *picture of sunggyu and puppies*its from that show...and sunggyu is the most scared to the puppies...he was scared at puppies...hahaha
JungJeWon #3
Chapter 22: three above was cool and handsome...and woohyun so ccuuuttteeee
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 17: hahahaha...sure 2pm is weakest and funniest eyes watery because laughing so much...
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 12: hahaha...junho was funny...
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 11: eeh author-nim you want to be shot by insoo...hhehehe...i want to be shot by bap oppa....*only oneshot,only one shot,ireul kkwak....*hehehe...kya feeling happy because i have buy oneshot and no.1...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 7: *slap author-nim*
'what???'said to readers...
'why you slap our author-nim...'
'because she asked to???...'
*got a slap from readers*
'aish how can i get slap when she the one who want being slap...remember to me dont slap author-nim to be safe...or not her readers will mad at you...'
just want joking...
Midnight-Checkmate #8
omo....who is the black tiger....
dont tell me zin follow them...
Hi there!! New reader!!!
Who is black tiger?!!! Please tell me!!!
Zin didn't follow Suzi to america right?