
I Choose You! [sequel to 'Who do i choose']

The 'date' was so awkward.
Seyong was really angry and he would just drag you along with him, where ever he was going.
's-Seyong...are you okay..?'
Seyong snapped out of his thoughts and let go of his grip. He looked at your wrist which was red from him holding onto you too tight.
'mianhe...i just..'
'it's okay..you don't have to apologize'
you looked around
'umm, where are we?'
The place was really dark and scary. Seyong rotated in circles.
'uh oh' was all you heard him say
'uh oh? whats wrong?' you asked
'we have to get out of here quick..'
'what? why?'
Seyong's reflexes were really quick when he heard someone step on a twig
'long time no see, Seyong' smirked this guy
'and it looks like you've bought a gift for us' he sang
Seyong glared at the guy
'stay away, you wouldn't want to be hurt like last time would you?'
The guy scoffed
'i was stupid last time, now, i have backup with me everywhere i go'
Some scary looking guys walked out of nowhere and grinned, some spat on the ground which made you nearly vomit because you didn't like it when people spat; especially when theres alot of bubbles. 
The guys came closer and closer, surrounding you and Seyong, making sure you guys wouldn't get away
'this is pay back for last ti-' 
the guy never finished his sentence because Seyong threw a really painful punch at the guy
'thank god you appeared, i really need to vent out my anger on someone' said Seyong casually
there were 3 guys who ran up to you and held you tightly. Two grabbed your arms each and one covered your mouth with their hand so no scream could be heard.
'let her go, she has nothing to do with this' growled Seyong
the guy scoffed
'i don't care, she can be the one to witness your death'
Seyong ran and threw another punch at the guy. The guy then stumbled down and fell to the ground with a cut lip.
'your going to regret that'
Seyong looked really bored
'does it look like i care? what kind of leader are you? you can't even fight!'
the guys anger was boiling hot
'I'M AN AWESOME FIGHTER!' he screamed
Seyong smirked
'Jay Park, today is the day you're going to die!'
Seyong took a swing and it hit Jay's head. You didn't know why Jay didn't dodge Seyongs hits because if Seyong tried to punch you, you would've had fast reflexes and dodged it.
Jay fell to the floor knocked out. When he fell to the floor, his t-shirt moved up abit and you swore you saw some abs.
*what the hell is wrong with him? he has muscles & abs.. but he can't fight?*
Suddenly, you heard someone whistling in the distance. It was a really cte boy eating ice-cream. When he saw Jay sprawled down on the floor, he dropped his ice-cream and ran as fast as he could
'HYUNG!' he yelled out
Jay didn't move because his head hurt
'what are you doing here Wooyoung? aren't you suppose to be looking after your mum?'
Wooyoung had tears in his eyes
'Hyung...shes okay..but you...your hurt!'
Wooyoung looked at Seyong and glared at him
he ran up to Seyong and kicked him near the stomach area but Seyong was quick and grabbed his leg, then pushed him to the ground
'dude, your still a kid..go and get some candy or something'
Wooyoung didn't give up though, he aimed for the stomach again but failed.
'stop...Wooyoung..' coughed Jay
'leave and warn Junho and Chansung to get away'
Wooyoung looked at Jay then nodded with watery eyes
Seyong stood there with a wicked grin on his face
'your backups are the worst, now let Suzi go'
Seyong walked towards you and the 3 guys let go of you. He held out his hand and you took it gratefully.
The both of you walked away from the scary place but you eard some shouts after


'call me oppa'
'okay..oppa...who were they?'
'hmm, they're 2pm, weak kingkas from JYP high'
'but they're korean...'
'yeah, but when they lived in Korea, there was a lot of bad stuff happening to them so they moved to Japan'
'i understand..are you okay?'
'of course~ i'm strong so they didn't get a scratch on me. The question is, are you okay?'
You nodded,
'why wouldn't i be? they didn't hurt me that much'
Seyong sighed
'today was epic wasn't it?'
You nodded
'they're going to come after you again aren't they?'
'yup, but don't worry, i can just beat them up again'
It was getting dark so Seyong walked you back to the hotel
'see you tomorrow~ and don't forget to think about coming back to Cube High~'
Before you could protest, he left


school is like...torture!! why did teachers have to give so much homework?! crazy
Anyway, i don't deserve a slap...i deserve to be shot down to the ground -______- if only i had more arms so i could multitask better

pew pew




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ChocolatePandaCookie #1
Chapter 34: Ermehgawd a sequel to the sequel o.o
I really enjoy this story though. I loved the part wen shes like 'im pregnant!' Lol. But one thing slightly annoys me: whenever suzie comes to a new school, on her first day theres always this one girl that wants to kill her. :( whyyyy??!?!??!
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 31: ooohhh i miss 'birth of a family'...infinite and a pink need to take care a few puppies...they are cute though especially the infinite one...like above *picture of sunggyu and puppies*its from that show...and sunggyu is the most scared to the puppies...he was scared at puppies...hahaha
JungJeWon #3
Chapter 22: three above was cool and handsome...and woohyun so ccuuuttteeee
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 17: hahahaha...sure 2pm is weakest and funniest group...hahaha...my eyes watery because laughing so much...
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 12: hahaha...junho was funny...
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 11: eeh author-nim you want to be shot by insoo...hhehehe...i want to be shot by bap oppa....*only oneshot,only one shot,ireul kkwak....*hehehe...kya feeling happy because i have buy oneshot and no.1...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 7: *slap author-nim*
'what???'said to readers...
'why you slap our author-nim...'
'because she asked to???...'
*got a slap from readers*
'aish how can i get slap when she the one who want being slap...remember to me dont slap author-nim to be safe...or not her readers will mad at you...'
just want joking...
Midnight-Checkmate #8
omo....who is the black tiger....
dont tell me zin follow them...
Hi there!! New reader!!!
Who is black tiger?!!! Please tell me!!!
Zin didn't follow Suzi to america right?