Dragon Flower Heroes - Canto I

Damsel in Distress

[CONTENTID3]Canto I[/CONTENTID3][CONTENTID2]D[/CONTENTID2][CONTENTID1]o you wish to hear it? Hear this humble bard's song? The tale of a dragon hero and his divine princess of Wang.


Canto I (Audio)
read by BleedLikeMe


After twenty years... twenty years of enduring her wish

He ventures through fog and mist, across the bay of no fish

To rescue his one true princess, he thinks and plans with no rest

Years upon years of experience, saving damsels in distress

And now it is fair time... his time... his final test


Upon his arrival to the fortress of water and smoke

Dragon Hero, Kim Jaejoong, greets his foe, with warm words, he spoke

Please accept my bow and step aside now

I wish you no pain for there be nothing to gain


Come forth, a giant trent, it be... much, much more than a talking tree

We rootly pity you, Hero... for all your efforts are in vain

Make no difference, pass us, not pass us, you, Hero, will be slain


With long-short sighs, Hero, Kim Jaejoong, replies

I speak not these words to admire my own voice

If you will not step down now, you leave me no choice


Aside from the bark chips and wooden gore

This giant trent will walk the earth no more.





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Chapter 5: Woooow so good that I don't even have words to describe it!!!!
Its just amazing!!!
Love it!!!
The template is just perfect for the fic!!! Suits it so well!!!!
Good job!
gelle1221 #2
Chapter 4: So deep huh
I like it so much
Reading your stories makes me think that you must have lived before, when poets and literary figures are treated like rock stars --- that sort of era
Chapter 5: Wait wait she kills all the people that come for her?
What is it called?
I like your template!!!