Chapter 8

Till Death Do us Apart

Hana's POV

When I walked out of that room, I felt proud of myself. Not only did I stand up for myself, but also for my unborn child. How dare he ask whether this child is his or not? I, unlike him, am I loyal and respectful person. Even if he treated me like I was worth nothing, I loved him and devoted myself to him. I always made sure that he was happy, even if I wasn't happy. 

I walked out of the apartment and towards the elevator. For a moment, I thought about going back inside to talk to Suho. For now, I don't have plans of going back with him, but I am curious about whether or not he will be responsible for the child.  I don't need him to help my financially since I will be getting a job and my family will help me as well, I'm sure they will. I just need to know if my child will have his biological father by his side.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I walk into the elevator and press the lobby button. The elevator music filled my ears, making this whole trip down awful. Do you know how much I hate those corny and awful songs? They're unbearable. When the elevator finally reached the lobby, I walked out and towards the city.

I've always loved walking. The wind blowing on my face, the people walking around trying to reach their destinations, the stores the buildings. I loved everything about the city. There something so peaceful but yet so hectic about it that makes me love it even more. 

As I walked by some stores, I saw a big banner on the side of a coffee sop. They're hiring. I smiled and quickly walked into the store. I wasn't planning on looking for a job today, but I couldn't help myself. The place looked so appealing. The front of the place was built with dark red bricks. The where two big windows on each side and in the middle, a huge two double door entrance. 

The place is nice on the inside as well. Unlike the outside, the place was brighter and mood lifting. The walls were painted of a cream color and with large flowers drawn on the walls. There were about 15 tables around the spacious area and a single counter in the back. There I saw a young man preparing coffee to some customers. 

I walked towards his direction as he skillfully prepared orders after orders. The kid had some skills. His long and slender fingers grabbed cup after cup, bag after bag and plate after plate. It was impressing. 

When he finished serving the customers, his eyes landed on me. A huge and wide smile spread on his lips, making him look younger and more handsome. 

"Welcome! What would you like today?" He asked, as he grabbed a white towel and quickly started cleaning the counter. 

"I saw the banner outside the shop and I'm really interested in working here! Are you guys still hiring?" I asked, smiling back at him. 

The smile on his face grew wider. "Yes! We're still hiring"

 He dropped the white towel on the side of the counter and walked towards me. He patted his hands on the sides of his jeans, drying his hands, before leaning his hand towards me, waiting for me to shake it. 

"I'm Lay, and I'm the barista of this wonderful coffee shop"


Suho's POV

After having that heated discussion with Hana, I couldn't stand being in that apartment any longer. The memories of what happened yesterday and today just get stronger as each minute passes. When did everything turn into this chaotic and messy situation? 

'When you cheated on Hana' a little voice on my head said. 

I shook my head and ignored it. It was not my fault that I became the man I am now. After I saw Tiffany again three months ago, the man that I never knew existed in me, came out. She looked so y and stunning that day, that memories from our past romantic relationship just came back to me. Yes, we dated secretly, behind every one's back because her parents wouldn't accept our relationship. They thought their daughter was to young to be in a relationship.

I'm not going to lie, I did feel bad at the beginning about feeling this type of way towards another woman that's not my wife, but I just couldn't control myself. Even if you love your current partner, you will never forget your first love. 

Yes, I do love Hana. Even if I have been treating her like , I do love her. I married her for a reason and that's because I loved her. I honestly, don't know why I treat her like the way I do. Maybe it's because I want her to get tired of me so she can realize that she's happier without me. I honestly don't know. 


I parked outside the small supermarket. I need to buy something to drink even if it's early. I got out of my car and walked towards the store. I personally like this store because it's always empty. The only customers that always come here are me, Hana and my mother. There are no long lines or annoying people walking around. I looked around and there are less than ten people. 

I walked towards the alcohol section. There I saw a tall and slim figure scanning the endless rows of wine bottles. She carefully picked one and placed it on her shopping cart. As she walked, her eyes landed on me and a big smile spread on her lips.

"I wasn't expecting you here" said Tiffany, walking towards me and giving me a tight hug. 

I never expected to see Tiffany here, but I really didn't mind either. I wrapped my arms arounf her waist and hugged her tighter. 

"How are you feeling?" She asked, breaking the hug, but still keeping her body close to mine. 

"I'm good." I lied. 

I don't have any plans on telling her about Hana's pregnancy. At least not yet. 

"That's good" She said, smiling again " I was going to prepare dinner for us. Can you come over my house tonight?" she asked, her eyes filled with hope. 

I chuckled and nod "I'll be there" 

Tiffany smiled and brought her lips to mine. The kiss was soft and filled with passion, but it honestly didn't compare to Hana's kisses. They had an unique feel and taste that no other girl has. 

"Kim Junmyeon!" I hear a very familiar voice scream. 

Me and Tiffany break the kiss and look towards where the scream came from. 

There I see my mother, her face red with anger, and her hands in a fist as if she was ready to kill not only me, but tiffany as well. 

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ctnajihah #2
Chapter 25: <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Adapte shoon shshhshsh
Chapter 25: Are everyone in this fanfictuon cheaters or what xD author nim why are you making Hana suffer
redmermaid #5
Chapter 25: Yeah deal with that er, U don't have any right to face Hana. Poor Hana btw, why it has to go that way with chanyeol
Chapter 25: Finally, reality decided to slapped suho in the face!!!)
Chapter 25: What chanyeol going out with eunji wtf is going on . poor hana why she deserve this . huhuhu and suho now you know tiffany is a liar. I can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: Wow wow wow. Suho you should be ashamed
Chapter 23: You will regret it suho. You make a big mistake