Chapter 10

Till Death Do us Apart

Hana's POV

The drive towards Hwayoung's house was excruciating. I felt nervous and sick as I got closer to her house. The day looks heavenly beautiful, unlike the situation I'm going through. I'm going to meet my mother in law, who just found out that Suho, her son, has been cheating on me. I chuckle and roll my eyes at the situation. I would have never imagined that I would be in a situation like this. Not even in my wildest dreams. 

When I reached Hwayoung's house, I parked next to her Mercedes and sat inside my car for a little while. I took deep breaths and lightly caress my still flat belly, trying to find comfort. I don't know what to expect. Will she scream at me for being an uncaring wife? Or will she hug me and tell me I did not do anything wrong and that Suho is the in this situation?

Without giving it another thought, I got out of my car and walked towards the house. I kept on taking long and deep breaths to calm myself, which were miraculously working. I still felt nervous, but not as much as I was earlier. When I reached the door I knocked lightly, and in less than three seconds Hwayoung opened up the door and pulled me inside.

Without saying anything, we walked towards the living room. There I saw Suho sitting down on the couch, not even looking at me. His eyes were focused on the large window, instead of us.

Hwayoung smiled lightly at me and motioned me to sit down next to Suho. I sat on the far end of the couch, not wanting to be near him, at least not now. I'm still pissed after he asked whether the child was his or not. 

"Since the two of you won't speak, I'll start" said Hwayoung, now standing in front of us. 

I looked at Suho and his eyes were now looking at his mother. For a while, I saw fear in his eyes, but he quickly shook it off. I chuckled and leaned my back on the couch. The masculine cheater is scared of his mother. 

"As you know, Suho has been unfaithful to you" said Hwayoung, getting straight to the point. 

I nodded and continued listening "I am obviously very pissed, not at you Hana, but at my son" she said, coldly. "I never expected this from him, specially now that you're expecting a child together"

Me and Suho stayed quiet. I was expecting him to tell his mother that he had doubts about this child but he stayed quiet. Not a word came out of his lips. 

"I don't know what you guys are going to do, but I believe the best is to try to fix this" She said "I believe you guys should go to therapy. I w-"

"Excuse me, Hwayoung." I said, interrupting her. "I refuse to go into therapy with him. I'm not the problem, he is. I did love your son, and believe me, I still do but I'm not going to be with a man who talks to me like I'm nothing but dirt on the side of the street. I endured to much of his abuse and I'm honestly too tired of this" 

Hwayoung and Suho looked at me, their eyes wide open in shock. They're seeing a new side of me. I'm showing them that I can also speak for myself and express my desires. I don't care what they think of me right now, but I'm too tired of all of this. Ever since Suho told me that he doubted whether our child is his, I lost all interest in all this mess. 

"What do you mean?" asked Suho, his eyes wide open and his body closer to mine. 

"Yes, what do you mean Hana?" asked, Hwayoung, repeating her son's question.

With a loud sigh, I say the words that I never expected I would hear coming out of my mouth "I want a divorce"

As expected, they both gasped loudly. If I was them, I would be in shock too. I've told Hwayoung how much I loved her son and how much he means to me, but right now, the best thing for us is to separate. Our child will be just fine having divorced parents. I will work hard for him or her and I'll make sure it has everything it needs.

"Hana, you can't have a divorce. You're carrying Suho's child and you guys have to be together for him or her" said Hwayoung, walking towards and me and kneeling in front of me. 

I sighed loudly and gave her a warm smile "We will be perfectly fine, Hwayoung. I promise. A divorce won't cause our child to be unhappy" 

Hwayoung's eyes started tearing up. Seeing her like this makes me feel like I'm the worst person in the world but I have to do this. I can't be tied to a person that doesn't love me. Its just so unhealthy and against my beliefs. They might not like the idea now, but I'm sure they'll be grateful later. 

"Hana." said Suho, interrupting my and Hwayoung's conversation "We can't get a divorce" He said, his voice low.

Me and Hwayoung looked at him, waiting for him to continue talking but all he did was stay quiet. I'm not going to lie, it shocked me hearing those words come out of his mouth. I was expecting him to jump in happiness and thank me for letting him be free but he looked...confused.

"You guys can't ,Hana. What about if you guys take a short vacation? Maybe a week or two so you guys can relax and think things through together?" said, Hwayoung, her voice filled with hope. "I will pay for everything, Hana."

"Hwayoung, we really can't. I'm Sorr-"

"That's a great idea mother." Said Suho, getting up from the couch and walking towards the middle of the living room "Hana, let's just go. We'll spend time with each other and see if there is still hope for us. Then, if the love between us is really gone, then I promise you we'll get a divorce" said Suho. 

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He seriously wants to go on a vacation with me? He must be drunk right now. "Seriously?" I asked, still in disbelief. 

"Listen, I really don't want to let this child grow with divorced parents. Let's see if the spark between us hasn't go off." Said Suho.

I looked at Hwayoung, who was now crying "You really want me to do this, Hwayoung?" I asked.

"I do, Hana. Please do it for me" she said, grabbing my hands.

I look and Suho and at Hwayoung who looked hopeful that I'll say yes. They both really want me to go don't they?

With a loud sigh I look at Hwayoung and smile "I'll do it."





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ctnajihah #2
Chapter 25: <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Adapte shoon shshhshsh
Chapter 25: Are everyone in this fanfictuon cheaters or what xD author nim why are you making Hana suffer
redmermaid #5
Chapter 25: Yeah deal with that er, U don't have any right to face Hana. Poor Hana btw, why it has to go that way with chanyeol
Chapter 25: Finally, reality decided to slapped suho in the face!!!)
Chapter 25: What chanyeol going out with eunji wtf is going on . poor hana why she deserve this . huhuhu and suho now you know tiffany is a liar. I can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: Wow wow wow. Suho you should be ashamed
Chapter 23: You will regret it suho. You make a big mistake