[T] Alfheim Academy of S(ex)tisfaction

☆ Kpop Roleplay Reviews | [4.3.15] OPEN AND SEEKING REVIEWS!
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alfheim academy of s(ex)tisfaction ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 4.4.15 || by shushuthebest 

NAME OF ROLEPLAY: Alfheim Academy of S(ex)tisfaction
LINK TO ROLEPLAY: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/806251/
GENERAL OR THEMED: Themed; master/slave academy
PLATFORM: facebook
ACTIVENESS[1/10]: 10/10
SUMMARY: School is boring? not this one. On a little island there's an academy for Education. The slaves are trained in all kind of positions and seducing acts and the masters are having fun testing it and sleeping around. As a master, you can buy a slave or two to be yours forever. As a slave, you can find a warm home and someone to take care of you. It's a good deal for both sides, win-win situation. Are you brave enough to try and find out how would it work for you?
WELCOMING[1/10]: 10/10
ADMINS[1/10]: 10/10. The admins are online 25/8, making their great effort for us roleplayers. They are welcoming, lovely and great, taking a good care of this place. If someone have a problem he can always count on them. If someone is lonely they make sure people would talk to him. They allow ic drama as long it's plotted and limited and handle very well every issue we might have. The main admin, Bean, is the greatest admin I've ever met through any rp I've been in.
ATMOSPHERE[1/10]: 10/10. Friendly, mature and ty.
LITERACY[1/10]: (do you mean grammer and such?) most people are really good, even if English is not their first. I managed to un
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thenoob9 #1
Chapter 1: [pt 5]

OPINIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS: I wish that there could be more activity in doing replies, but I know that many people have lives outside of RPing as well. Also, this site is hard for mobile users to use. Most of the real power of the site comes when you have a computer. But that is mostly a function of the platform, and not the roleplay's admin's fault.

WHY PEOPLE SHOULD JOIN THIS ROLEPLAY: Hey, if you liked any of the points I described above, you should check it out. Give it a chance, and learn how to use the forum platform. It's really enjoyable, IMO. This is a review, and not an advertisement. If you're the type of roleplayer to like this type of environment, or you've been tired of all the OOC drama and weak plot lines in other generic RPs, here might be the place for you.

OVERALL RATING: (4.5 STARS) ☆☆☆☆☆ I find it hard to give a perfect score, but this is the best RP I've been at.
thenoob9 #2
Chapter 1: [pt 4]

ADMINS[10/10]: Admins make or break a roleplay tbh, and the admins here are literally the best I've ever found. There are two main admins, Love and Ray. Ray works kind of in the shadows, she reviews character applications and stalks everything. Love does a lot of the administrative stuff, advertising, updating the forum layouts, making improvements on the site, etc. She actually just recently added an IC chat log to the forum, and it's pretty awesome. Admin activity is a problem in many of the RPs I've been in. Love is online pretty much all the time (does she have a life?). She's also really dedicated to the site. Afaik, it has been going for 3 years now, just revamped and reworked, and recently moved to the proboards platform.

ATMOSPHERE[9/10]: The RPers are really friendly OOC, and there isn't the kind of IC/OOC mixing you find in other RPs. People are also willing to make plots, but they also push you to think of a worthwhile plot, not just a random meeting that goes nowhere like in many other RPs. Those alone is worth nearly everything an RPing atmosphere should have, IMO. 9 because I know many people dislike waiting a day or two for replies.

LITERACY[10/10]: 3rd POV, para RPing goes on in this place. Quality of the writing is high, but there are a few grammatical mistakes on occasion. Nothing that would make the post hard to understand, however. There is also a pseudo-facebook type subforum, and a pseudo-private chat subforum for when you just want to make light conversation or post pictures to the other character's "facebook". There is also a group IC chat log, anyone can join. About once a month, Love also publishes a newsletter with the monthly gossip and news and juicy things like that.
thenoob9 #3
Chapter 1: [pt 3]

..At least, to outsiders. Truth is, the selection of students are based not on their grades or skills, but on the blood that flows in their veins. Since its establishment, the school’s has been a shelter for those whom are dubbed “gifted”, born with a superhuman ability. Having to live their day-to-day in a human-centric society can be difficult, for opinions and ideas are still very closed to anything out of the ordinary and while witch hunting is not as practiced as before, every interaction with the common race is a risk to their safety. Thus, the school has been built to offer them a roof, an education specific to their needs in a safe environment where they can be what they really are.

[[welp that was a long summary]]

WELCOMING[5/10]: For many of us on AFF, twitter or facebook are the common platforms. I have to admit, that trying out a forum platform was very intimididating, but I'm very glad that I persevered. You don't get the kind of welcome on 1st POV facebook RPs, and there is a little bit of learning to navigate a new platform. Like I said before, the plot qualities are excellent and the writers are good. It's worth it, just try to chat the admin and friends up on the OOC chat log.
thenoob9 #4
Chapter 1: [pt 2]

Then, what had attracted so much attention towards this school? What did this school have that others did not own? Although it is simple and clear, the answer to these questions remain as complicated and blurry.

It had been observed by surrounding neighbors that the direction was extremely picky when it came to the types of students that were allowed in their establishment. If ten students were to send in their application at once, only one out of the ten would be accepted and the nine others would see their chance of entering decreasing to a saddening minimum, for re-applicants never managed to get in on their second try and not more on their third or fourth. The rare appliers accepted brought curiosity to both learners and parents of students and all presumed, by logic, that perhaps the direction had adopted the tradition to teach small classes for so long that they refused to extend their standards. It sounded reasonable… And interesting. Where there is little to no chance of success, many had the habit of seeing there a challenge that must be grasped.

One after the other, sons and daughters of mathematicians, scientists, lawyers, doctors and engineers had tried themselves, but merely a few of them truly got in while the rest had to deal with rejection when some had grades that couldn’t be competed. What the administration exactly saw in the teenagers they accepted was intriguing and naturally, words were exchanged from villages to cities. Slowly followed a series of rich families visiting the private high school to promote their child’s potential and get them a spot. Several crafts were used, but not a single bribe worked which was seen as a disappointment to those whose mere chance of joining relied on their parents’ economy. Even so, the direction was reported to get out of their way to personally invite some.

Neither after wealth nor intellectual, Swan Empire’s goal is unknown…
thenoob9 #5
Chapter 1: Name of Roleplay: Swan Empire Roleplay
Link to Roleplay:
AFF link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/931075/swan-empire-academy-boarding-school-for-the-gifted-new-generation-roleplay-auroleplay-schoolrp-supernartural
Actual site: http://swan-empire.boards.net/

Supernatural Powers/School Themed
Platform: Proboards/Forum
Activeness[8/10]: I should elaborate a little here, since I think that this place is active considering the quality of the plots and posts that are going on. Replies come every one or two days, but sometimes a few days longer. For many rpers, this may not seem active at all, but a lot of thought goes into these posts, and there are always people online to chat OOC, and there is also an IC group chat for everyone.

Summary: Among the hundreds of schools that were built on the surface of the South Korean peninsula, one of them had taken on the very image of absurd. Situated on the known island of Jeju, Swan Empire Private High School has the exact exterior any scholar establishments are expected to possess: walls made of bricks, glass windows and frequently watered, healthy plants. If anything comes out of the ordinary, it is the undoubtedly noble atmosphere and imposing stature that has barely changed since more than century as proved from the photographs that show the building’s evolution (or rather lack of) throughout time.