chapter 1

Can you smile?

As any other day, Sunggyu sat in one of the empty tables in that small café that he used to frequent. It was late, around 8 p.m, and it was a sunny day, so Sunggyu was wearing a dark blue t-shirt of his favourite rock band, even though he hated showing his arms.

He waited for the waiter to arrive.

Sunggyu had got used to all the people that were in that café. It was a small place, lost somewhere in the city, so the people who used to frequent it were always the same. The owner was an old man, friendly and with a warm smile. His wife was a small pompous woman, who was always wearing bright colours and a pink bow on her head.

The staff consisted in two waiters: a blonde girl, clumsy and cheerful; and a tall boy, a bit grumpy, but he always made people laugh.

That day, surprisingly, the usual waiter wasn't there.

Sunggyu frowned at the sudden change in his monotonous routine, and he looked at the new waiter, deciding that it was too soon to say that he disliked him.

He was also a tall boy, but with reddish hair pulled to one side, and a straight, sharp nose.

He was handsome, Sunggyu had to admit it, but he wasn't of his interest.

He waited for the waitress to take his order, but of course Sunggyu wasn't so lucky.

“What do you want?” he asked, his voice deep and sweet.

“A latte, please.” said Sunggyu, nodding slightly.

The boy wrote the order down in a notebook, and turned away, heading the bar in order to make it.

He took a bit longer than usual, and Sunggyu started thinking that maybe he had forgotten it.

When he came back, he put the cup on the table, and Sunggyu muttered a thank you before grabbing it and moving it towards himself.

He frowned again when he saw that, in the coffee foam, there was a smiley face drawn with cinnamon and, in the napkin, there was written in a fast and careless handwriting “I don't like it when you're sad, I bet you've got a beautiful smile.”






The days passed and these subliminal messages didn't cease, which caused that Sunggyu was confused.

Every time he tried to talk about it with the waiter, he completely changed the subject, alluding to how nice the weather was that day or about the news said the day before.

“Good morning.” greeted the waiter, when Sunggyu went this time a Sunday morning.

“As usual.” he said.

He always used to order a latte, though sometimes, and just sometimes, he let the waiter decide.

Sunggyu took his coffe this time directly from the boy's hands, a bit thoughtlessly, which ended up burning his fingers, and he made a face.

“Are you alright?” asked the waiter, looking at him worried, and Sunggyu nodded.

He looked away, to the coffee, and he saw that there was a little heart made with marshmallows, which were floating cutely over the foam.

Sunggyu cracked a tiny smile, a very small one, barely perceptible, but for the waiter it was more than enough.

“You have smiled!” he exclaimed, unable to hide his joy, and Sunggyu frowned.

Had he really smiled?

“I don't know why you look so surprised.” murmured Sunggyu, pouting.

“You never smile, and I don't like that. Someone as gorgeous as you should always do it. As I said, I bet you've got a precious smile.”

Sunggyu blushed, and he felt how his heart began to race.

“You don't know anything about me.” he said, looking down to avoid the boy's gaze.

“I've got a lifetime ahead to do it.”





Sometimes, Sunggyu asked for a dessert to eat along with his coffee. He didn't use to be very hungry, but lately his appetite was returning. What seemed to be getting more lost and that didn't want to come back was his mind, because all the time, almost the twenty-four hours of the day, his thoughts revolved around the waiter, and he didn't even know his name.

Sunggyu ordered a chocolate dessert, and a radiant Woohyun brought it, leaving it on the table.

Unlike other days, there was no smiley face or marshmallow in his cup, and Sunggyu felt his stomach sink. Was the boy already tired of him?

He opened the napkin where his dessert was, and the familiar handwriting made that a wave of relief spread through his body.

Wanna go out with me tomorrow after I finish my turn? I know I sound like an stalker, but it will be in the afternoon and we will go to a place full of people, so you don't have to worry about me trying to kill you or something like that. Will you say yes? >~ <”

Along with the last sentence there was drawn a small puppy, and Sunggyu cracked another little smile, because that drawing did really look like its creator.

Sunggyu looked up, shyly, and his eyes met the boy's, who seemed really nervous, waiting for his answer. Sunggyu nodded, and he saw how the waiter smiled wide open, which made Sunggyu's heart skip a beat.





Sunggyu didn't mind that the boy could end up being a serial killer. His life had lost its meaning a year ago, when he lost his family (his dad, his mother, his little sister) in a car crash, and the only thing that had brought a bit of happiness to his life was the waiter.

Sunggyu couldn't help comparing the boy, bright and full of life, with himself. He was everything that Sunggyu was once, and he felt longing.

He had never felt his heart beating fast or the palms of his hands sweating, and his mind has never revolved again and again around someone before, but there it was the image of the waiter, smiling and willing to give it all.

The boy appeared, looking nervous, as if he was scared of what would happen.

“Are you okay?” asked Sunggyu when he was almost sure that the waiter was going to throw up at any moment.

“Yes.” he said, smiling shyly and he ran a hand through his hair. “It's just that I didn't expect you to accept my proposal, and I don't know, the truth is that I'm a bit afraid of things going wrong because I like you and....”

Sunggyu cracked a little smile and he saw Woohyun doing the same after seeing him, his eyes turning into crescents.

“First, you should tell me your name.” said Sunggyu, raising an eyebrow.

“Nam Woohyun.” he smiled. “Yours?”

“Kim Sunggyu, nice to meet you.”

They both sat on the grass of the park, very close to each other, and Woohyun caressed Sunggyu's hand with his index finger.

“Do you have something to tell me?” Sunggyu finally asked, tired of seeing how Woohyun opened his mouth to say something but then, at the last second, he always stepped back.

“I really like you.” he said, directly.

Sunggyu felt his cheeks blushing, and he looked down, to the ground.

“That's why I'd like to get to know you more. I d-don't know, there's just something there that makes me want to protect you over all costs and...I don't know, I just want to make you smile every day of your life.”

Sunggyu covered his face with his hands, a bit embarrassed.

Could he let this boy become the center of his universe? Could he let Woohyun, as the hurricane that he was, destroy his sorrowful world, turning it upside down completely?

Sunggyu looked up, his gaze meeting Woohyun's, and he knew that yes, he could perfectly let that happen.

“I like you too.” he said, slowly, and he felt how Woohyun entangled their fingers together as his lips rested on Sunggyu's in a shy kiss.

It was just a few seconds, but after they broke the kiss, Sunggyu smiled. And, this time, it was a wide open smile.


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Chapter 1: awww so sweet
Chapter 1: Aww so cute!!!! :")
blacksea04 #3
Chapter 1: Orz... cutenesss overloads. ㅠ ㅠ ♡
metis87 #4
Chapter 1: OMG fluffffffffff, tengo las mejillas ardiendo y una sonrisa permante. No puedo dejar de imaginarme a Woohyun y sus pequeños saltitos de felicidad ^.^
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWWW!!! Gosh....I like it so much. These kind of fics whit a slow but sure way of love are great! °●▼●° ♥
puleun #6
Chapter 1: awww so cute
Drhr13 #7
Chapter 1: Soo cute ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Chapter 1: Cute story :)
Chapter 1: It's beautiful. Really. The way Woohyun helps Gyu to open up to him ;) I love shy Gyu. Thank you ;)