Chapter 5

You Found Me
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The morning air was cool and breezy. The sun was barely up, peeking from behind the cloudy horizon. The birds were noisy yet cheerful as they flew across the city in attempts to wake up sleepy office workers.

Baekhyun was whimpering in his sleep with a frown on his face. Lifting his index finger, Chanyeol smoothened the crease between his troubled eyebrows.

Brushing Baekhyun’s soft hair back, he traced simple lines along his face with soft feathery touches. Chanyeol felt like he could touch Baekhyun’s face like this forever. He could spend forever watch him breathe in and out while he slept so peaceful in his arms. He could spend all his life taking care of him. He could hold him like this for an eternity; if not more.

He kissed his temple softly before going to into the shower. He wanted to lie there with Baekhyun and watch his rhythmic breathing and hold him as he slept but he had important things to sort out first.

“Mom, sorry I called so early but I figured I could use a favor”







“Thank you Doctor Park for choosing us as your transaction medium. It was our pleasure and we hope to see you again.”









Chanyeol knocked on the enormous rusty door which quite frankly was very hard to locate despite its peculiarity. He didn’t even know that this part of town actually existed. It was in a dark alley lain in the darker corners of the darkest parts of the city. Ofcourse he had to make several phone calls relaying back and forth before he finally found out where he could meet this ‘Jin’ person.

“Seriously? Our clients don’t start working until evening hours.”

“I’m not a customer. My name is Chanyeol. I talked on the phone with someone who said I could meet Jin here.”

The man closed the door and disappeared for several minutes before returning back.

“Come on in.”

Chanyeol hated the dark and this place with the quintessential example of what darkness really meant. The room smelled like moss and thick air and it took him a while to adjust to the dim lights.

“Welcome to paradise lost, you can literally get your hands on anything or anyone --- wait." The guy paused squinting his eyes before speaking again. "Aren’t you the guy who hired Baekhyun a couple days ago?” The skinny guy was smoking a cigar the size of his hand itself.

“I’m here to talk to Jin. I have a proposition he might be interested in.” Chanyeol coughed as the smokey fumes slithered around him.

“Oh would ya look at that, Mr. fancy here, using his fancy words.” The skinny guy mocked Chanyeol.

He then leaned in close a few inches away from Chanyeol’s ear and said in an explicitly teasing tone. “You’re in big trouble fancy boy”

Before his body could react, he felt his arms being twisted behind his back. Crying out in pain he saw sturdy men with blatant grins on their faces, pull him into a room far deep into the dungeon like place.

With a loud thump, Chanyeol fell face-first onto the dusty unfinished floor. It was like the construction of this place was never completed and now there he was kneeling on the half-cemented floor, pain shooting up his spine from the impact. Sat in front of him was a man with an almost woman on his lap.

“So I’ve heard you’re the one my Baekhyun has been running to, is that right?” The man, presumably Jin, spoke as his voice reverberated in that empty room.

“Are you jin?” Chanyeol knew that he could sense fear in his voice which he couldn’t be bothered to hide.

“Where is Baekhyun, city boy?” Jin asked his voice a louder than earlier.

“I’m here to pay off his debts to you. Whatever amount, just tell me.” His voice shook.

“Whatever amount huh?” Jin got up and came closer to Chanyeol

“Yes, if you promise to never contact him ever again, then yes.” Chanyeol felt his heart racing as sweat beads rolled of his forehead. That place was a furnace burning up from within, it clouded Chanyeol’s thought process, leaving his mind in a foggy haze.

“You know what I absolutely love about you city boys?” He grabbed Chanyeol’s chin bending his neck a painful angle. “You’re all so naïve”

“Wha-what do you mean?” Chanyeol stammered as he felt his windpipe choke.

“Baekhyun is mine, city boy. Not that I’m not gonna take that money you’re offering.” Jin laughed shoving Chanyeol down on the floor.

“But if it’s not the money—“ Chanyeol pushed himself up off the ground covered with dirt.

“Oh it is the money. Trust me. But I think we both know how those pretty lips can hypnotize anyone. Since you’re under his spell as well, you should know how good he s. No woman can have that effect on me, god those smooth hips—“

“Stop.. Stop it. What do you want then?”

“I want Baekhyun”

“You’re ing sick, you can’t just own a person. They can’t be bought with money.” Chanyeol reprehended.

“Sure they can be bought. Especially when their own brother sells them off.”


“Like I said I find rich city boys very amusing.” Jin smirked running his hands along the curves of the lady who was draping herself all over him.

“But- but Baekbom is dead. His brother is dead.” Chanyeol said, his tone more questioning than stating.

“Not really. He is a close friend of mine. Plus he owed me a lot for his gambling failures, so the easiest thing was to sell his brother t

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im writing a really gross fluffy cheesy epilogue. it'll be up in an hour!!! uwu


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hard start but very sweet ending!! I wonder what happened to the kitten??
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 1: Poor Baek - can Chan help him?
Itseln13 #3
Chapter 7: THIS STORY IS SO FUJKING AWESOME!!!! I'M CRYING thankyou so much for your hard work author-nim?
Chapter 7: This is the cutest! Such a heartfelt story!
Black-roses03 #5
Chapter 7: sooooooo sweeeeeeeetttt

I love it :)
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 7: If the sequel would be longer then that. I want to see more like how they'll grow as a couple, baek's college life, maybe a little bit of jealousy and maybe some and mpreg ;)
Chapter 7: its so fluffy... i LOVE IT AHHHH
toyadoya #8
Chapter 7: ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: A sequel maybe?