photoshoot kiss

Kiss and Tell

She was stupid enough to trip on the wire--


Her feet was twisted and her arms were flailing helplessly--


She crashed forward into his arms--


That wasn't even the worst part. Quite clearly, she could recall their lips mashing together, teeth knocking painfully against each other's, her nose squished against his--


It hadn't been pretty.


And to her horror, she heard the very distinct sound of camera shutters clicking.




“Look, this is my favorite,” Siwan grinned, holding up the polaroid between thumb and index finger. Eunji groaned, the embarassment that came from recalling that moment was still ever present.


“I can't believe the photographers took that. And I can't believe you refused to let them delete it!”


“It was our first kiss!” He argued, “It was a beautiful moment.”


“From what I remembered it was a very painful and humiliating moment.” She deadpanned.


Siwan leaned forward and kissed her on the nose. “You'll learn to love it.”


“That's what you always say when you take that photo out!”


“Because it's true.”


Eunji scoffed, “Oh, please.”


“Hey, trust me,” he tweaked her ear playfully, “Ten years from now you'll take that photo out and look at it with fond memories,” he turned her around on the couch, spooning up behind her and resting his chin on her shoulder. “And you can tell the story to our grandkids!”


Eunji gasped dramatically, “Our grandkids?”


His tone was light and teasing, “Why not?”


"I will not have your babies," she said with a straight face. Siwan poked her side and her poker face broke. 


"Gah! Stop it! I still hate this photo." Eunji wiggled out of his grasp and crossed her arms childishly. 


"You'll change your mind." Siwan said in a sing-song voice.


“Never,” Eunji swore with smile on her face. “Our children and children's children will never see it. I won't allow it to happen!”




And yet, three months later, the photo ended up on her fridge. Siwan had a very enjoyable time telling his lovely girlfriend of two years: 'I told you so'.


A/N: I have a test! I need to study! And yet I already wrote four chapters of this. Bad Kat is bad.

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Chapter 16: My BaekJi feels
Chapter 16: Ahahahahah Baekhyunnnnnnie
If there's another EXO I'm comfortable shipping to Eunji, it's Baekhyunnnn. He's gorgeous and pretty while she has instances when she acts like an oppa
Chapter 9: Indeed. They're both my biases.
Nation's boyfriend × nation's girlfriend = nation's couple
Okay. I'm deluding
Chapter 20: Best one shot of all kisses from our wonderful Eunji
Woah this fic is cute.. It has the same vibes with the webdrama 7 first kisses..<3
Ainur19 #6
mark mark more please
Chapter 3: I like this chapter very much too authornim *inserts evil smile*
Aya02Cancer #8
Chapter 20: eunji be winning it XDDDDDDDDDDD gahhhhhhh, it's so cute!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~

it's not 'yay' though!!!!! DDDDDDDDDDDX i want to make an angry face but i don't know how, so i'm going to be okay with just this TTTTTTTTTTTT<TTTTTTTTTTTT and i'll start rereading from the first chapt and reread anyone that i'm feeling like kakakaka XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
WhiteOceanPrincess #9
Chapter 20: I sad that this is over, this whole series is so cute. This chapter was really cute, I loved Eunji's personality in this. I can't wait to read your other stories.