If I Ain't Got You

Love's Playlist

Song #2

If I Ain’t Got You


Based on the Song: If I Ain’t Got You   by: Alicia Keys

Pairing/s: SuLay

Point of view: Third Person

Length: 4k+ words

Rating: PG

Genre: romance, businessworld!au

Description: Suho is a filthy rich businessman. But he wants nothing but to find his happiness, which he’s sure money can’t buy.





“Mr. Kim,” his secretary, Victoria, with a planner on her hand, approaches him. They are on their way to the elevator and they both entered when the doors opened.


“Have you informed the Zhang Corporations about the meeting to be held here next week?” Junmyeon asks, pressing the button 24, which is the floor where his office is.


“Already did, sir,” Victoria answers beside him, “They would be sending their marketing director for that matter, sir. You would be talking to Mr. Huang Zi Tao. On the other note, the construction of our factory in Hongdae was delayed for a week. There was a bit of misunderstanding between the engineers and our people. But there’s nothing to be worried about, sir.”


“Alright then,” The elevator doors opens and the two went out, heading to their respective offices.


Junmyeon sits on his chair, loosening his tight tie a bit. He grabs a random document from his desk and stares at it blankly. After a few seconds, he placed it down again and releases a sigh.


He hears his office door open and in comes Kris Wu, the Kim Company’s marketing head.


“What did I say about employees entering my office without knocking?” he nonchalantly asks, twirling a pen in his hand. It’s not the first time Kris just come and barge in. In fact, he goes in without warning every time.


“Oh, please,” Kris scoffs and takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of Junmyeon’s desk, “I’m not just an employee, actually. I’m your friend.


That made Junmyeon smile because Kris can’t emphasize the word friend more.


“What do you want, Kris?”


Kris chuckles a bit and looks at Junmyeon tauntingly, “Don’t you mean, what do you want?”


Junmyeon raises an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”


Kris places his leg on top of the other and clasps his hand together on his lap, “I’m planning on giving you a break.”


“What? You’re the boss now?” Junmyeon mocks, “I’m the COO here.”


“I know that,” Kris can’t help but roll his eyes, “All I’m saying is, you can be free for the next week. Take a rest. Go to a vacation. I know you’re stressed out by all of this,” he gestures to the folders on top of Junmyeon’s desk.


“Get to the point,” Junmyeon says, somewhat irritated.


“Okay, gramps,” Kris chuckles, “What I mean is, I can handle the meeting with the Zhang Corporations for you if you want.”


Junmyeon raises a brow again, this time skeptically, “Really?”


Kris nods, “Yup.”


Junmyeon seems to ponder the idea. But after a minute of silence, “No, thanks. I know I need to repay you something every time you do me a favor.”


Kris looks at him, face serious, “I’ll be the one to tell your father if you ever wanted to have a leave. And no. I promise, I won’t ask something in return,” Kris says in a reassuring tone.


“No Rolex watch?” Junmyeon asks.




“No half a million cost of gift certificates?




“No all-expense-paid trip to Macau?” Junmyeon asks again. Kris glares at him in return. He raises his hands up in defeat, “Okay, okay. I’ll take your offer.”


Kris reclines his back on the chair and smiles, “So it’s settled. You get to have your most awaited vacation while I’ll be the one facing Zhang Corporations next week.”



Junmyeon was still hesitant but when Kris literally pushed him out of his office and told him to just enjoy his upcoming ‘vacation’, Junmyeon gave up and complied. How odd. He’s Kris’s boss yet he was the one being thrown away. (Well, not really.)


So he’s in his house, packing his luggage. Before Kris kicked him out of the Kim Company’s building, Kris gave him a ticket telling him that it’s a trip to Jeju Island for a whole week. Junmyeon is really getting suspicious. Something’s fishy about Kris Wu.


But he let that slide for the moment. Kris was right. I really need this vacation to unwind for a while. Might as well enjoy this.


The ticket states that his flight would be tomorrow, at 5:45 in the morning. The next day, Junmyeon is driven to the airport by their family driver, Mr. Kang.



From Incheon Airport, the flight to Jeju took about an hour. When Junmyeon arrived, he is surprised to see his name on a placard raised by a middle-aged man in a black suit.


The man approaches and bows before him, “Good morning, Mr. Kim. I’m Mr. William Jeon, and I will be the one to you to the resort you will be staying at.”


“Good morning, Mr. Jeon.” Junmyeon greets with a bow, “Did Kris sent you?”


Mr. Jeon nods, “Yes, sir. Mr. Wu was the one who told me to fetch you.”


“Oh, okay.” Junmyeon suddenly feels the urge to use the restroom, “Excuse me for a while, Mr. Jeon. I’ll just go to the restroom.”


“Okay, sir. I’ll be waiting here,” Mr. Jeon takes his luggage and Junmyeon makes his way to the restrooms of the airport.


Junmyeon is searching his phone on his pocket, intending to text Kris that he has arrived when suddenly, somebody bumps into him, which cause Junmyeon to fall on the ground, -flat and his phone to fly off somewhere.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” the culprit apologizes, which Junmyeon found out was a guy. The guy then picks Junmyeon’s phone and turns to the latter to help him up.


Junmyeon is still writhing in pain when he sees a hand reached out in front of him. He looks up to see to whom the hand belongs to. And boy, isn’t the owner of the hand attractive. He felt his lungs somewhat being deprived of air. What the hell.


The guy furrows his brows because the fallen man seems not to budge.


“Sir?” The handsome stranger asks, hand still reached out for Junmyeon to take. Very handsome. Don’t be surprised, though. Junmyeon knew his ual preference was out-of-the-norms (according to the judgemental part of society) when he was still twelve.


Junmyeon may have gained his senses back, so he takes the stranger’s hand and stands up, not missing the spark he seemed to feel when he made contact with the stranger. An attractive one, at that.


“I’m really sorry,” The stranger apologizes again as soon as Junmyeon was back on his feet.


“No. it’s fine,” Junmyeon smiles, hoping for it to pass as somewhat breath-taking.


“I’m really, really sorry,” the stranger smiles back sheepishly, making his dimple show, “Here’s your phone. I’m really glad I didn’t damage it. But if you want, I can replace it with a new one.”


Junmyeon shakes his head, a smile still evident on his face, “Oh, no need,” he says, clutching his phone. The stranger just held it.


A phone ringing suddenly interrupts the two.


The stranger reaches on his pocket and takes his phone out, “I’m really sorry. I must go now,” the stranger bows and makes a run, away from Junmyeon.


Junmyeon feels the urge to call the stranger back, to ask even just his name. But that would be ridiculous, he knows, considering the fact that they just met. And the stranger seems to be in a hurry.


Junmyeon then suddenly remembers his slightly forgotten bladder and goes to the restroom quickly.



After he had arrived at the resort, which Junmyeon found out the name was El Dorado, he checked in and wasn’t surprised when he found out that there was already a suite reserved for him. Kris planned this well, didn’t he?


Junmyeon then goes upstairs to his suite and places his luggage beside the bed. Since it was still noontime, he goes down from his room and headed to the resort’s lounge to have lunch.


While he is waiting for his food to be served, he’s slightly distracted by the way the person is laughing on the table behind him. He casually turns around to know who it was only to find a pretty lady, maybe younger than he is, on the phone, talking to somebody like it was nobody’s business. She might’ve sensed eyes on her as she looks at Junmyeon and when she realized that she’s been too loud, she meekly smiles and lowers her voice.


Junmyeon turns around and made himself busy with his phone. He finally texted Kris that his in the resort and thanked him as well.


“YIXING! You’re here!” the girl behind him erupts, which makes Junmyeon turn to her again. He sees her hug someone, a grin on her face. When they pulled away, Junmyeon could swear he was like air-deprived again.


It is him.


“Here’s you order, Mr. Kim,” Junmyeon turns to the waiter and thanked him. As soon as the waiter left, Junmyeon then turns on his back and sees that he and the girl are now seated.


What a pleasant coincidence.


While Junmyeon was eating, he was a bit surprised when somebody tapped on his shoulder from behind. He looks up to see that it was the lady from earlier. And she isn’t alone. Standing just beside her, is the stranger who Junmyeon expects to see again.


The stranger seems shocked when he saw Junmyeon.


“Hi there!” the girl chirps, “Um…. I’ve noticed that you’ve been here alone so….” She grabs the stranger’s arm and hooked it with hers, “Can we keep you company?”


Junmyeon smiles at her, “Oh, that would be fine,” He then turns to the guy beside her, “It’s nice seeing you again.”


The girl seems taken aback, “You’ve met each other before?”


The male beside her rubs his neck, “I…. Uhm..”


Junmyeon’s smile widens, “Actually, we just met earlier. At the airport,” he eyes him with amusement.


“Oh, really?!” The girl exclaims, “That’s great! Oh, I’m Krystal, by the way. And here’s my friend Yixing.”


Junmyeon finds himself looking at Yixing while Krystal introduced themselves to him. So he’s Yixing. A nice name for a handsome guy.


“Can we seat here with you?” Krystal asks.


Junmyeon nods, “Of course.” The two then took the seats in front of him.


“We haven’t known your name yet,” Krystal chides.


Junmyeon chuckles, “Oh, my bad. I’m Junmyeon.”


Krystal smiles, “Oh, okay. So, Junmyeon. How did you and Yixing met at the airport? Airplane seatmates?”


“Actually,” Yixing speaks up, “I…. I bumped into him while I was running.”


Krystal has a scandalous look on her faces, “What? Yixing, how dare you bump into him?” she asks her friend.


Yixing scrunches his brows, “Excuse me, I was running because you told me to hurry the hell up. And then I bumped into him.”


Junmyeon just looked at the two, purely amused.


“Oh. Is that so?” Krystal then cleared and turns to Junmyeon, “I’m sorry to be the reason why Yixing ran and resulted for him to bump on you carelessly.”


Yixing rolls his eyes at his friend. Junmyeon chuckles, “No, it’s fine.”


“Okay then,” Krystal beams, “So… You’re here for a vacation?”


“Oh. I’ll call it a one-week-leave-from busy-life type of agenda,” Junmyeon answers.


“So I’m guessing you’re a businessman?” Krystal inquires.


“Yep,” Junmyeon nods with a smile, “How about the two of you? You’re here for a vacation?”


She looks at Yixing, “Uhuh. My gay friend here seemed to be drowning himself in work, so I have to let him relax for a while.” Well, Krystal does sounds a lot like Kris.


“Wait, gay?” Junmyeon finds himself asking, “I didn’t mean it in an offensive way but…. you are?” he turns to Yixing.


The said person just nodded, “Yeah. I am. Are you too?”


“Are you gay?” Krystal asks Junmyeon cautiously.


Junmyeon smiles, “Isn’t it obvious?”


Krystal’s eyes widens while Yixing chuckles beside her, “It’s okay, Krys.” Yixing pats her arm.


Krystal abruptly stands up, “I… I need to go to the washroom, please excuse me,” she turns and walks away.

“Uhh…. What was that?” Junmyeon asks, puzzled as to how Krystal acted.


Yixing just chuckled, “Oh, she taught you were straight,” he smiles, “She was hitting on you.”


Junmyeon seems a little shocked, “Really? Oh, I’m sorry. Should I feel bad for her?”


Yixing smiles and shakes his head, “Nah. She’ll get over it. She might find someone later on. She’s really into white and handsome guys.”


Junmyeon nods but then caught unto something, “Wait, you think I’m handsome?”


There’s a visible blush on Yixing’s cheeks, “W-what? N-no. I mean, yeah. I….”


Junmyeon can’t help but chuckle, “You’re handsome yourself,” Yixing looks away from embarrassment, so Junmyeon decided to change the topic, “Are you a businessman also?”


Yixing looks at him again and nods, “I didn’t know being an heir to a company can really exhaust someone this much.”


Junmyeon nods in understanding, “Always being pressured, right?”


“Yeah,” Yixing smiles sadly, “Financial reports here, merging deals there. Grand parties anywhere. Sometimes I just wish to find another job. One that’s not complicated and would at least make me somewhat happy.”


“Money can’t really buy happiness,” Junmyeon states with a smile.


“I totally agree on that,” their conversation was interrupted when Yixing’s phone beeped. He unlocks it and sees that he got a message from Krystal, “Great,” he mutters after reading the text.


“Is there something wrong?” Junmyeon asks worriedly.


“Uh, no. it’s just that Krystal told me she left and went somewhere else,” Yixing sighs “I guess I’ll go after her. Thank you for—”


“Wait,” Junmyeon held Yixing’s wrist when the latter was about to stand up. He then removes his hold when he sees Yixing’s surprised reaction, “Um… I say we should let her be. You can still accompany me. I don’t really mind.”



The following days consist of Junmyeon and Yixing having a conversation in the resort’s bar and if not, they’d go to the beach and watch as people have fun around. Junmyeon found out that he likes Yixing’s company. He seems to be fond of the latter even. And Junmyeon likes to think Yixing feels the same way, too.


Junmyeon found out a lot of things about Yixing. He knew Yixing and him are on the same age, only that Junmyeon is months older. Yixing is the only child of his Chinese family, explaining as to why he is the sole heir of their company. Just like Junmyeon, Yixing doesn’t really like to live an extravagant life. “People around us are somewhat suffocating, they seem to point out every mistake we made,” he recalls what Yixing stated. They also share the same interest in music. Junmyeon found out that Yixing plays the piano and that he writes songs whenever he has the time. Yixing likes dancing, too. He said it serves as a way to express himself freely. He also found out that Yixing is single, to which Junmyeon is internally grateful for.


And Yixing doesn’t waste the chance to know Junmyeon more, also. The latter then shares his sides, even making Yixing laugh a couple of times. As cheesy as it sounds, Junmyeon thinks he’ll never get tired of listening to Yixing’s voice. The more Junmyeon knows about Yixing, the more he finds himself liking the latter.


On their fourth day, Junmyeon asked Yixing if the he wanted to explore outside the resort and is glad that Yixing agreed. They went sightseeing and hiking. He was happy to know that Yixing is a nature-lover, also.


But even if Junmyeon is enjoying his little escapade (he enjoys it very much), he still wants to check on what’s happening back in the office. Maybe he’s been programmed to do it, considering that he has worked there for almost five years already.


After another day spent with no other than Yixing, Junmyeon returns to his room. Before he takes a shower, he dials Kris’s number. After a few rings, Kris finally picked up.


“Hey,” a deep voice says on the other line.


“So how was the meeting earlier?” Junmyeon asks, currently on the veranda of his room. The night view of the island is beautiful, “The one with Zhang Corporations?”


Junmyeon can hear Kris sigh, “They are still doubting us. They still don’t think we deserve the partnership. Tao said he’ll help us get this by convincing his cousin.”


Junmyeon nods. Realizing that Kris can’t actually see him, he replies, “Okay. Thank Mr. Huang for— Wait. Did you just refer him as Tao? Are you that close?”


Kris might’ve choked from something he’s drinking because he produces a sound close to a crying pig. After he has recovered, he clears his throat and answers, “My relationship with him is none of your business.”


“Relationship?” Junmyeon is then suddenly intrigued, “Oh. Is that why you’re so persistent to be the one holding the meeting? To see him?” Junmyeon teases, “So that explains why you sent me away. You didn’t tell me you already have a—”


“Bye, Junmyeon,” Kris cut him off and ends the call.


Junmyeon looks at his phone’s screen and chuckles. He didn’t know Kris can be capable of planning something that’s somewhat, well, cunning.


Not for long, he received a text from Kris.


From: Kris

                Tao said his cousin will go to the building to have another meeting again. This time, with you. We can schedule the meeting the day after you’ve returned here.


To: Kris

                Thanks, okay then. And you’re still referring to him as Tao. *grins*


From: Kris

                Whatever. You’re not welcome.



Even though how much Junmyeon wanted to prolong his stay in the resort, he still needs to go. Besides the fact that he’ll only be staying in the resort for a week, he also needs to go back to work.


During the last day, he already has his things and luggage packed up. All he needs to do is say goodbye to Yixing. Yep. He can actually do that. (Note the sarcasm.)


Junmyeon went out of his room to look for Yixing. He finds the latter sitting on a log on the seashore, alone. It’s already late in the afternoon, and the sun is about to set.


“Hey,” Junmyeon greets as he approaches the younger, “You really like staying here, don’t you?” He then sits on the spot beside Yixing.


Yixing turns to him and smiles, “Yeah,” he looks at the view in front of them, “I love the view from here.” Noticing that Junmyeon got quiet, he looks at the latter, “You’re leaving now, aren’t you?”


Junmyeon just nods, avoiding looking at the other.


Yixing chuckles and nudges him lightly, “Hey, don’t be sad. Rest days are over, you’ll probably going to miss it, but I guess you’ll enjoy being back to work.”


“That’s just one of the things I’ll miss,” he turns to look at Yixing and smiles sadly, “The other one would be you.”


This time, it’s Yixing’s turn to refuse looking at Junmyeon, “I’ll miss your presence, too. I really enjoy our time together. Even if we only had a week,” he replies nonetheless.


Junmyeon can feel his heart somewhat beating faster at what the younger said, “I enjoyed it, too,” this time, there eyes met. Neither of them had the want to look away. This might be even the last time that they’ll be seeing each other.


Several faster heartbeats later, Junmyeon breaks the eye-contact and clears his throat, “Yixing, can I ask something from you?”


“What is it?” Yixing asks, “A sports car?” he joked. When Junmyeon shoots him a confused look, Yixing chuckles, “Okay, what is it then?”


The older seems to be embarrassed for he turns his attention back to the sea again, “Can I…. Can I a-ask for your number?”


Yixing laughs heartily, “Junmyeon, really?”


Junmyeon smiles at him, “What? Well, it might be my only contact to you.”


“Alright,” Yixing beams sweetly, “Give me your phone,” he reaches out his open palm.


Junmyeon takes his phone from his pocket and hands it to the younger. He watches as Yixing enters his number on it.


“There,” the younger chirps, “You might want to check my contact name there.”


Because of curiosity, Junmyeon did just that. Unicorn.


He can’t help but chuckle, “Unicorn?”


Yixing shrugs, “It’s what Krystal named me on her phone, also,” he explains, “She told me I look like one. I still don’t get how, though.”


It’s because you’re your graceful and gentle, Junmyeon thought.


“Oh, speaking of Krystal,” Yixing says, “She would miss you too. She’s currently with her newfound friend, though.”


Junmyeon chuckles, “Tell her be careful on knowing people.”


The younger nods, “Especially people’s ual preference.”


“Yeah, especially that,” Junmyeon stands up and dusts off his jeans, “Uhh… I guess I’ll be going then.”


Yixing followed suit and stands up, “You should. It’s getting darker and your flight’s at 10 p.m.”


Yixing is surprised when Junmyeon holds him by the waist and gathers him in a hug. He is startled at first, but then got the courage to wrap his arms around Junmyeon’s shoulders and hug the latter back.


“Thank you for letting me do that,” Junmyeon shyly rubs his neck when they pulled apart.


The younger smiles, “You’re welcome.”


“Okay, I’ll go now,” Junmyeon waves at him and reluctantly turns his back. He then starts to walk away.


“Junmyeon, wait!” Yixing calls from behind him. Junmyeon turns around and found the younger running towards him, “You forgot something,” he says when he reached Junmyeon.


The older is about to ask what he forgot when Yixing surprised him by placing a kiss on his left cheek.

When the younger pulled back, he chuckles when he saw Junmyeon’s startled reaction.


“There,” the younger says, “It’s with you now,” he smiles sweetly, “hurry up, you just might miss your flight.”


Junmyeon is still dazed, all he does is nod and walk away.


Yixing then chuckles at Junmyeon’s retreating back. He can’t ignore the heavy feeling in his chest when Junmyeon left, though.



The day after they parted ways, Junmyeon finds himself texting Yixing often. In fact, most of his phone’s inbox consists of his and Yixing’s messages. They’re that attached to each other. It's funny how every mere text message means a lot to him. Happiness isn't bought, after all.


So that may or may not be the reason why Junmyeon goes to his office with a bright smile on his face. He almost greets everyone he meets. Which is rare, since everyone in the building knows that their boss is grumpy as hell. Today’s different, though.


He’s in his spacious office, signing documents when Kris barges in, as usual. Instead of sitting on the chair in front Junmyeon’s desk, he takes a seat on Junmyeon’s couch, making himself comfortable. The couch, along with a glass table, is placed not far from Junmyeon’s desk.


“So,” Kris starts, crossing his legs, “I bet you enjoyed your one-week leave.”


Junmyeon raises an eyebrow, not looking up, “What makes you say that?”


“You’ve been the talk-about of our employees. They seemed surprised when you greeted them earlier,” Kris smirks.


Signing another folder, Junmyeon replies, “Then I guess you also enjoyed the meeting with Mr. Huang,”


Kris’s smirk drops, “Whatever,” he then stands up, “I’m just here to tell you that Ta— Mr. Huang’s cousin is already in the company’s lobby.”


This time, Junmyeon stops writing and looks up, “Oh he’s here?” Kris nods and Junmyeon stands up, “Let’s go meet him, then,” the two make their way out of Junmyeon’s office and to the elevators.


“I’ll be meeting Zhang Corporations’ COO, right? Mr. Zhang?” Junmyeon asks while they’re inside the lift.


“Yup,” Kris nods and stuffs his hands on his pockets, “Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang Zhi Wen’s son. You better not screw this one, Myeon,” Kris warns.


Junmyeon rolls his eyes, “Of course, I won’t.”


The elevator doors open and the two step out and walk towards the lobby. Just then, Junmyeon’s phone vibrated from his pocket. He unlocks it and found he got a message.


From: Unicorn

                I’m here :)


Junmyeon smiles, knowing to whom the text came from, but puzzled as to what Yixing meant. He is about to type a reply back when Kris nudges him, causing him to look at Kris.


“It’s him,” the taller states, gesturing in front of them.


Junmyeon is then filled with the emotion he felt just like the first time. Air-deprived.


Standing in front of them is Yixing, wearing a suit and is looking as attractive as the first time Junmyeon saw him.


Yixing bows before them, “Good morning. I’m Zhang Yi Xing, Zhang Corporations’ COO,” he smiles at the two, eyeing one of them longer, “It’s really nice to see you.”


Junmyeon wanted to smack his head. How could he not know that Yixing's the heir of Zhang Corporations? But for the meantime, Junmyeon can’t help but smile, “It’s a pleasure to see you, too.”


Joonmyeon's sure that whatever the meeting with Yixing would be all about, it would be worthwhile. Well, mainly because of Yixing's presence and Yixing's presence alone.






Here's the long overdue chapppp~ T_T  (hope ya like it) and sorry for the errors :/


Next up would be either a KaiSoo or BaekYeol one... .. ^^ Bye for now!


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Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute. I'm squealing so hard right now.
I LOVE IT. ♡♡♡♡