
You & I


"OW! That hurts Chanyeol!"

Chanyeol smacked Kai's shoulder one last time. "WHAT KIND OF MOOD WAS THAT HUH? YOU AND SOJIN?! HUH!?" Chanyeol threw a pillow at Kai's head. "WELL?! I'M WAITING!"

Kai held up his hands in front of his face for defense from Chanyeol's attacks. "What did I do?! I'm just an innocent young man hanging out with a friend."

Chanyeol scoffed. "Friend my ."

"What's wrong with that?" 

"Sojin kept glancing at you the entire time we were at the studio. I'm not blind."

"We're friends, is that a problem?"

Chanyeol crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes at Kai. "Then why did Sojin keep staring at you earlier? Does she like you? Do you like her?"

Kai stayed silent, taking in all of the questions Chanyeol was asking him. Kai couldn't tell Chanyeol about the agreement between him and Sojin because he doesn't want Chanyeol to know about his feelings for Ariel. 

"I'm waiting!"

Someone's mad.

"We're just friends."

"You're grounded!"

Yoon Sojin:

"For the billionth time, me and Kai are just friends. I don't think you and Chanyeol 'punishing' me by grounding me is fair. I didn't even lie!" I repeated again. It was the next morning and Ariel decided to eat breakfast with me. She wanted to continue to annoy me about the whole Kai ordeal. Seriously, we're just friends!

You guys believe me right?

"As much as I want to believe you Sojin, but something in the studio yesterday makes me think you don't just like him as a friend."

I raised a brow as I lifted my eyes away from my empty plate. "What makes you think that?"

Ariel stirred the leftover rice on her plate as she recalled the memory from yesterday. "You kept glancing at him every time he was talking to me." Ariel set her chopsticks down and leaned in closer to me with a concerned expression. "I love Chanyeol... but were you perhaps jealous that Kai was talking to me and not you?"

I choked at her question. Me? JEALOUS? "We're just friends." I clarified again. "There's nothing between Kai and I."

Ariel cocked her head to the side, scruntinizing her eyes on me like I was lying. But I wasn't lying! "I'll believe you for right now."

That's a damn lie. She does not believe me. But the conversation ended so I'll just let it pass.

Ariel suddenly stood up and placed her plate in the sink. "I have to go. Schedule. I'll see you tonight for dinner! I'll text you the address of the restaurant later. Wear the clothes I picked out! It's such a pretty outfit!" With that, Ariel left to fulfill her schedule. 

And I was left at home.... I have no life. 

It was 3:00PM, what could I do until 8:00PM? 

I could knit?

I could visit my .. no.

I pondered my thoughts, thinking of suggestions of what to do. 

Ah! I can visit my aunt! She lives in the Jungnang Disitrct of Seoul. She owns a flower shop which is called, Sincerely Yours. I remembered after school how I would come in and work with her. The memories.

I quickly washed the dirty dishes and got myself ready to visit her. It was the perfect weather today, not too hot, not too cold either. 

I couldn't find any of my comfortable shoes like my converses or my sandals. So I walked into Ariel's room to borrow a pair, only to see that the only pair left were:

Did she hide her shoes from me? I never borrowed any of her shoes before until now.

I sighed as I picked up Ariel's heels and slipped them on. I walked out of the house and caught a taxi to get to my aunt's flower shop. Once I arrived, I paid the driver my taxi fare and went inside my aunt's flower shop. 


I stepped inside and happily waved at my aunt. "Aunt Hyojung!" I quickened my pace and hugged her tightly. "Hi!"

"What are you doing here?" Aung Hyojung asked me after breaking our hug. "Where are your parents? I miss my brother!"

Oh yeah, she's my father's little sister if that wasn't cleared.

I tried so hard to keep a smile on my face and thank goodness she didn't catch my face faltering earlier. "Something came up. So I decided to come and visit you."

"Ah, that's nice of you! Do you remember when you use to come and work here?"

I nodded my head as I held onto the strap of my bag. "Yes, I remember. I miss being around your gorgeous bouquets."

"Honey, they're still gorgeous."

I laughed. "Is it fine if I stick around for a bit?"

"Oh that's fine! I'm running a bit behind so would you mind..?"

I laughed again. "You want me to help out?"

Aunt Hyojung sheepishly smiled as she led me to the counter which was filled with flowers. "Yes, can you just arrange these flowers? I trust you so you can arrange them in any style you think is hip."

She did not just say hip. I'm just gonna let that go.

Aunt Hyojung looked back and then looked at me. "I have to go cut some more flowers. I'll just bring them out and you can arrange them. It's been a slow day so don't worry about a lot of customers coming in. You remember where everything is right?" 

I nodded as I took off my bag and placed it underneath the counter. "I'll be fine. Thanks auntie!" I watched her jog into the back room where all of the flowers were stored. I guessed they were really busy with orders. I sighed and looked at the flowers in front of me in singles as I had to arrange them. So far I made around 10 different arrangement of flowers:

Ding ding

The doors chimed, notifying that a customer came inside. 

I turned around from the current flower arrangement I was doing to greet the customer. "Hi, welcome to Sincerely Yours. How can I help-" I paused as I stared at this person. "Kim freaking Jongin. What are you doing here?"

"Yoon freaking Sojin."

"Yah, Kim Jongin!"

"Yoon Sojin!"

I took a moment to calm myself down so I wouldn't throw these damn flowers at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to buy some flowers."

Out of all the damn flower ships in Seoul, he just had to pick my aunt's. "What would you like?" I asked, pulling out a notepad and a pen to write his order.

"I actually heard you can make your own bouquet here."

I slid the pen and paper to the side and waved my hand for Kai to stand next to me. "It's simple. Pick out whatever flowers you want in your bouquet and I'll show you how to wrap them together for your.. recipient."

Kai nodded his head as he stared at the endless amount of flowers in front of us. Needless to say, he looked like a lost puppy. I sighed as I noticed how lost he looked standing in a flower shop. "What kind of flowers would you like to use?" I asked, picking up a single stem of the white rose flower. I love white roses so I was admiring its beauty.

"What kind of flowers do girls like?"

I accidently bent the stem of the white rose. I calmly recollected myself as I threw the white rose aside to the trash bin. "Every girl's preference is different. Some prefer daisies, tulips, lilies, peonies and so on."

"I think I'll do.. white roses."

I had the sudden urge to dump out all of the white roses on the table. "Well, here." I pushed the bin of white roses closer to Kai. I awkwardly cleared my throat and picked up one of the flower arrangments I made from earlier. "I'm going to put some of these up for display. If you need me, just-"

"Say apples?"

"Yeah, apples." I repeated as a soft smile formed on my face when I walked away to display the flower arrangements.

A/N: What did that innocent white rose do to you Sojin?!

Lol @ Ariel & Chanyeol.

hey hey hey guys, okay so i'm currently THINKING about publishing a new story sometime soon? It's going to be a Sehun x OC story; My Sehun feels got me like alskdfjasdhf. So would any of you be willing to read it? Leave a comment below telling me your thoughts about it!

Love you all! Leave a comment below & upvote! Oh & wish me luck on my upcoming exams *cries


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l0vely_you to -brandyy


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Chapter 25: It’s been YEARS since I came here to read this, I don’t even know if you keep writing but if so hope one day this story gets its ending <3
Chapter 25: Ah! Come on! Tell me that you had not forgotten this story pleeeeease! I want to know how it ends ?
kiarrahmah #3
Chapter 25: Wow! Your writing is really good! Thank you for writing this universe of EXO x OC. I do hope you'll update really soon, but I also hope you do enjoy your life, doing all those kind of stuffs yoi haven't tried yet. Cheers ^^
Chapter 25: authornim, update please..
Giannarodz23 #5
Chapter 25: Amazing update soon
justkpopimagines15 #6
Chapter 1: i miss this story, please bring it back :( continue the story please!! i really want to know what happens to jongin and sojin ><
I miss this story so much :(
Chapter 25: Kai has some issue with girls lol. Like get your life together. Thank you for the update!! I really like the point of view thing you're doing. It really lets us see the whole picture from everyone's point of view. Update sooon!!!
Chapter 25: kai messed up pretty badly. lol idk if i should feel sorry or just neutral.
miyoonji #10
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: So, Kai had a feeling for Sojin and then met Ariel but when they didn't happened, he just turned his head for Sojin again? Wow. That's so low. Does he really like Sojin or just think he does because he's feeling comfortable around her?