Stupid Post-Apocalypic Death Scene

Stupid Post-Apocalyptic Death Scene

The sky was on fire. The flames at the trees and buildings nearby, and everything was too hot. Yoongi looked up at the sky, tendrils of smoke swirling through the air and swallowing the city whole. He gulped, his impending doom distracting him from even wanting to escape. Resistance was futile, and death would take him no matter if he wanted it to or not. It was a fact and he accepted it. So why did he feel like he was missing something?


Running through the alleyways between collapsing buildings, his heart constricted in grief and tears stung at his eyes. He didn’t understand what was making him feel this way until he saw it. A body laid on the ground before him at the very end of an alleyway, the only one that he could see that wasn’t completely engulfed in flames yet. But, Yoongi didn’t care about the flames and the end of the world right now. His thoughts were focused only on the body before him. 


He looked so peaceful, as if he were just sleeping. Yoongi wished he were just sleeping. His face was so serene, his mouth curled into a smile and his eyelashes pressed against his cheek. He was barely smaller than Yoongi but he looked even more so, curled up on the pavement, wearing a white sweater and ripped skinny jeans. 


‘Gosh,  bet he’s burning up in that sweater…’ Yoongi laughed humorlessly at his own mistake. Suddenly his laughs became sobs as he, too, collapsed to the ground. Tears cascaded down his cheeks and the only thing he could bring himself to do was the boy’s face, repeating nonsensical apologies that didn’t even make sense to himself. 


“Jimin, I’m so sorry. I-I should’ve been th-there…” With his breathing was being interrupted by hiccups by now. “ I could’ve protected you. We could’ve left the country, or something. I was just- I was so angry and I left you all alone… I’m so sorry..” 


This once, he wished his friends were here to for crying. He wished Hoseok was here to hug and comfort him and he wished Namjoon was here to tell him to pull himself together. Instead, he had the empty shells of his companions, staring straight at the dead body with such intensity that if he weren’t already on fire, he would be set aflame by the stares. 


As he whirled to face the people that he used to call his family, he saw one of them finally react. Namjoon suddenly doubled over, spilling the contents of his stomach onto the smooth black pavement, and all over another boy’s shoes. Taehyung, who would’ve normally been in a shrieking tantrum by now, stood silently, tears covering his face in a shiny, wet haze. In fact, everyone looked shiny by now due to the intense heat causing the to sweat out what they thought to be all of the moisture in their body. Being so focused on the two, Yoongi didn’t notice that Hoseok had fainted and if Jin were there, he would’ve surely been panicking. Jungkook simply stared, his face vacant of any emotion.


All of a sudden, he stood up and in a blind rage, and slapped Yoongi on the cheek, hard. That seemed to break everyone out of their trance. The remaining two, Hoseok wasn’t counted because he wasn’t conscious right now, gaped at the younger, their faces the image of shock. 


“No. You don’t get to lose your cool. You don’t get to mourn.” Jungkook could see Yoongi’s face turning red but at the moment he could care less, he couldn’t stop himself because he had been bottling up his emotions for far too long. “ We have all lost someone and the whole time you had kept a straight face and told us to keep moving, and that’s what I’m going to do to you now. You don’t get to contradict your own rules, its not fair. We all loved Jimin. Just because you two were together doesn’t give you an excuse to lose your mind.”


Jungkook was near tears at this point and the newly awakened Hoseok was staring at the two with fear on his face. 


“Guys, stop.” He said, his voice trembling. He was ignored, as he thought he would be. He knew what was going to happen, and he couldn’t help but watch as Yoongi swiftly grabbed the gun from the waistband of his jeans and blasted a hole straight through Jungkook’s left eye. The bullet, somehow, went straight through his head and into Namjoon’s temple. Hoseok and Taehyung could only watch in silent horror as everything they knew fell apart at the seams. Everything felt as if it were happening in slow motion, tormenting the only one who had enough sanity left to care. Hoseok watched as Taehyung, too, was shot and slowly fell to the ground, his orange hair a shock of color on the bloody pavement and growing darker as his blood turned the hair a sticky burgundy color near his ear.


His soulmate was dead. He had nothing to live for anymore and he knew it. They were the only ones that they knew of still alive in Seoul. Yoongi was shaking violently as he stared at his work. Then he just stopped, collapsing to the ground once more, animalistic cries leaving his throat as a new wave of tears flowed down his face, mixing with the blood that had splattered onto his face. 


He had promised Jimin that he’d never do this. That he’d never be the cause of something as truly horrific as this. He shakingly held the gun out to Hoseok, crying harder as the younger took it from his hand. 


“Hoseok, i know you never wanted to kill anyone, but please… please just kill me.” He couldn’t even stand to look at the other. He just sat there in silent prayer as he heard a faint shriek - and then nothing.


Hoseok ended his own life soon after, but not before taking in the beauty of Taehyung, his love, his life. Even in death, he was strikingly beautiful, and Hoseok thanks the universe for his time with him, before bringing the gun up to his forehead - Taehyung’s favorite place to kiss him. 


'I thank God for you. You have made this living hell worth existing in. I can only hope to be reunited with you in another life.'


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