Chanyeol the TV and smiled when 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 (The Return of Superman) came on. He watched the show with loving eyes. A show about fathers and interacting with their kids would never fail to make him happy. Chanyeol wished he too could become a father one day. Work was rewarding but the thought of having a family of his own never slipped away. He briefly looked over at Suzy who was in the kitchen chopping onions for tonight’s grilled burgers.

“Babe, are you sure you don’t need help?” Chanyeol asked whilst still having his eyes focused on the television screen.

Suzy could hear Chanyeol but decided to ignore him. She had tears in her eyes from the onions. She took a break and placed her knife down.

“See? I knew you’d cry.” Chanyeol made his way into the kitchen and took over the chopping.

“Thanks.” Suzy smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Tears began to form for Chanyeol and it made him laugh. Suzy came back with tissues to wipe his eyes. The two lovers laughed and ended up cooking together. The two of them were surprisingly very good cooks despite being in the showbiz (most idols would be too busy to learn how to cook). After everything was finally finished, Suzy placed the plates onto the dining table.

“Are you watching that show again?” Suzy asked with a blank face.

Chanyeol placed the forks onto the table and looked over to the tv screen. He could see how Suzy had those eyes whenever she sees children. Even if she saw them on television. No matter what mood she was in, the topic of children or family would make her anxious. Chanyeol had noticed this and he was dying of curiosity. He wanted to know what exactly goes in his girlfriend’s mind. He had a slight worry that Suzy didn't want to have kids in the future. Suzy looked away from the television and smiled at Chanyeol. She waited for him to take in a bite of his burger before she would touch hers.

“I don’t want to watch this show.” Suzy looked down and took small bites of her dinner.

“We can watch something else. It’s okay.” Chanyeol grabbed the remote and changed to a sports channel.

Maybe next time. He'll ask her when the time's right.



Early morning and Jackson has already left Youngji’s apartment to find a place of his own. Jackson's original plan was to bring Michael along. However, Jackson wanted to surprise his son. He wanted to make sure that the place he chooses will be the place that they can call home. Jackson didn't tell his son about all the trouble he has to go through. Renting a place in Korea wasn't an easy task but it must be done. 


Michael ran off into the bedroom without finishing his breakfast. After seeing Jackson off, Youngji went to comfort Michael while holding his plate of food. She knocked on the door twice before opening.


The sight shocked her in all different ways. Michael was carefully folding the bed sheets. And by judging the entire room, it looked extra tidy and smelt really nice. He was just a little boy yet he knew how to fold the sheets and clean a room. She remembered when she was his age, all she thought about was playing. Michael sat in front of the bed. He took out his phone from his backpack and put his earphones on, a subtle way of telling Youngji he wasn’t in the mood for a conversation.


Youngji walked over to the window and watched the cars drive past. She would sometimes look over at Michael by her shoulder and catch him looking at her. Youngji giggled and walked over to Michael. Kneeling down, she took his earphones out from his ears.

“How about I show you around my neighbourhood?”

Michael looked at the window and had a few thoughts before answering. He nodded his head before giving Youngji a cute smile.


Youngji’s neighbourhood were full of friendly folks. Even though it was a fancy apartment, not much celebrities would live around here. It was indeed a calm place. When Youngji had the capability to afford her own apartment for the first time, she had already promised herself to pick a place that had a calm neighbourhood. A home didn't need to be lively or full of people. She picked a place that would have a lot of elderly folks because she felt a sense of “family". There was plenty of little restaurants and bakeries to check out too. It was also suitable for her since she didn’t want paparazzi to follow her.


Her family were all in Europe for a five month vacation. She was too busy to go and decided to stay here alone. At least she could go to out and talk to some grandmas if she ever felt lonely. Michael ran over to cake shop. He took out his wallet which only had toy credit cards and paper money. Youngji was a little surprised that Jackson didn't even give his son some money to keep. She rolled her eyes when she realised Jackson relied on her a little too much. But she didn't blame the boy for craving some dessert.

“Let’s have some cake then.” Youngji gently grabbed Michael’s hand and walked him inside the shop.



The two sat by the front glass window. Michael had a strawberry cream cake while Youngji had the mango cake with a cup of milk tea.

“Is the cake good?” Youngji giggled at the boy who took huge bite of his cake. She knew the cake was amazing but she wanted to hear the boy's response.

“It’s yummy. Much better than the ones I had in Hong Kong.”

“It’s yummy because the chef who made this has been in the cake business for over 50 years.”

“Whoa... 50 years is a very long time!”

“Yes it is! He’s very passionate about cake making and it took him this long to make the perfect cake.”

“It’s a perfect yummy cake!”

“That’s right,” Youngji took a bite of her cake and her fork clean. “It’s perfect.”

Michael wiped excess cream from his mouth.

“Is my Korean good?”

Youngji laughed and nodded her head enthusiastically with both her thumbs up in response.

"Your Korean is very good! Your father must be proud."

Michael's smile faded when he looked out the window. He saw a father and son walk past. They were holding hands and laughing along the way. Youngji noticed that Michael was still upset that his father wasn't by his side. She was always surrounded by her family when she was young. But ever since she became busy in the media, she had little chance to catch up with her loved ones. At least she was lucky that she spent her younger years with her family. She felt sorry for Michael in the sense that he was alone in a foreign country on a bright sunny day like this.

“I miss daddy.” Michael whispered to himself.

He pouted his lips and rubbed his eyes. It was normal for the boy to miss his father and Youngji didn’t know exactly how to comfort Michael. She could only promise him that his father would come back very soon.


Youngji looked at the clock and stood up at the sight of 9:45am. Today was filming day for the third episode of Youngji TV. There was also another camera person she had hired to help film. Chanyeol was going to come by at 10:00am for a workout and he was going to stay for two hours. After paying for the food, Youngji and Michael walked back to the apartment.



Jackson opened his checklist app on his phone. Ten places were already crossed off and there was only one more. Jackson grew frustrated as he knew this place was the most expensive out of the previous ten places. Even though the other places were much cheaper, it wasn’t a location Jackson wanted to stay. Some places were scary looking, smelt bad, noisy or too small. He could have afforded a goshiwon (similar to a dormitory room) but Michael hated small spaces.


Jackson walked up the stairs to his next apartment with the ajusshi walking in front, holding the keys. The moment he stepped foot inside, he knew this was it. This was what he was looking for. Jackson took off his shoes and walked on the wooden floor. He brushed his fingers onto the beige wallpaper. The kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room were perfect.

“Ajusshi, I’ll take it!” Jackson said in excitement.

The ajusshi nodded his head and took Jackson downstairs to do some paperwork.

Jackson’s smile disappeared once he realised how much the rental cost was. With his current financial background, he simply couldn’t afford it.



Youngji changed into her exercise outfit and tied her hair in a high ponytail. While waiting for Chanyeol, she did some video editing on her laptop in her studio. Her eyes widen when she clicked on her crying scene in the bedroom. Last night, when she was crying about Jackson. A slight embarrassment thought came to her. If Jackson ever watched this, she would be so mortified.


The doorbell suddenly rung. She expected Chanyeol and her VJ to be there but when she opened the door, it was Jackson. It hasn't been a day yet and he was already back. Michael ran out from the kitchen and into Jackson’s arms.

“Daddy! You’re back!” Michael cried.

“Yes. Daddy will be staying here from now on.” Jackson patted his son’s head.

Youngji scoffed and folded her arms.

“What exactly is going on?”

Jackson had planned pay for the rent and move in as soon as possible but he couldn’t even afford the place he wanted. He didn’t have enough money to even pay two week's worth the stay. So Jackson had no choice but to return to Youngji’s apartment. Jackson carried Michael into his arms.

“I’m so sorry… Youngji... but can we both stay here for longer?”

“Didn’t you find a place to stay?”

“I did.”

“Then why here?”

“I can’t afford the place I wanted.”

“Then get a job to pay for the rent-”

“But I need a place to stay too.”

“Ugh… Wang Jackson… you do realise how annoying you are?”

“I’m so sorry! I just need to work for two weeks and I’ll be able to pay off the rent! Please!”

Youngji slightly gritted her teeth, she was stressed and once again, she gave up. 

“Fine! Get inside.”

“Thank you so much!”

Jackson and Michael went inside the master bedroom. Youngji went inside the kitchen to grab a glass of water to cool herself down. She felt so annoyed with everything that’s going on. She really didn’t want Jackson to stay here but where else would he go? The thought of Michael crying in the streets made Youngji feel bad. She groaned and rubbed her forehead in frustration.  Her phone rung and she ignored it. It rung again and she picked it up.


“Hey! It’s Chanyeol! I’m actually on my way. So sorry for being a few minutes late.”

“C-C-Chanyeol!” Youngji nearly dropped her phone from the surprise.

“Haha! Did you forget I was coming or something?”

Youngji patted her chest in order to remind herself to calm down.

“Ha! Of course not!”

“Good. I’ll be there in ten minutes! See you!
Youngji's phone slipped out of her hand. She looked over at the master bedroom. She didn’t want Chanyeol or anybody (including the VJ)  to see that there was a grown man and a little boy in her apartment. Things could get too complicated.


Youngji marched to the master bedroom and knocked the door until Jackson opened the door.

“What is it?” Jackson asked while taking his jacket off.

“Put that jacket back on! You need to leave!”

Jackson slowly wore his jacket with a confused face.


“Chanyeol’s coming, my fitness trainer, and things would be really bad if he saw you and Michael here.”

Jackson scratched his head and looked over at Michael.

“Oh… so… should I leave now?”

Youngji nodded.

“Yes! Just take Michael to a restaurant or the park for like, two hours. I’ll call you when you can come back.”

“Okay- just let me go to the bathroom first.”

Youngji moved out of the doorway for Jackson to run past. Michael climbed on the bed while playing on his phone. As soon as Jackson closed the bathroom door, the doorbell rung. That could only mean one thing. Chanyeol has arrived.


Ready… set… action.

Here comes chaos.




author's note | youngji's apartment

Since it's going to be important in the upcoming chapters, I decided to make a map of the apartment and post it here:




So hopefully this will give you a better idea of what the place looks like.


LMAO ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ROOMMATE EPISODE 25 IS JACKSON, YOU HAVE A SERIOUS CRUSH ON YOUNGJI AND EVERYBODY CAN SEE THAT HE HAS A THING FOR YOUNGJI. Fandom, I know everyone thinks we're all delulu but we are not 100% delulu. Simply because jackji is no "sibling" couple. Well okay, they used to be but! NOT ANYMORE. Jackson has a thing for Youngji AND HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW IT. Or!!!!! he knows but he undertstands he can't date because he is an idol and he doesn't want the kind of relationship that you have to hide emotions. He knows that if he starts dating, then what about GOT7? What about the "girlfriend" who has to be paitient with him? He knows it. I'm laughing because it's so obvious that he said something to his mother. I bet you she asked him "son, do you like her?" and he's like "i think i do" GUYS I AM SO SURE ABOUT THIS. And his mama is like "well son, i ship you two" and then starts liking jackji photos on instagram. Why else would a mother do that? If she doesnt ship JACKJI then why??? lol seriously though the Wang family is quite honest, don't you think? Anyways, even if they aren't dating then something's seriously going on. His mama ships jackji, Jackson's best friend in hong kong ships them, bambam knows something; I CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS SHIP BECAUSE IT IS SAILING BEFORE I CAN EVEN HOP ONTO THE SHIP ITSELF OH MY gOD. It's pretty obvious that Jackson has mentioned Youngji to EVERYONE he is close with lol.

Youngji on the other hand... she's brilliant at hiding her emotions. But thank god for body language. She may be nervous when he's super close to her and being all serious. But Jackson's all about skinship and likes to express with words. Youngji does the subtle things. Expressing how you feel isn't all about skinship. I know Youngji is very dedicated in her work and she knows she shouldn't get too carried away with "romance". But she really sees Jackson as a cool guy. I don't know. As fans, we can only enjoy with what we see on TV but the full story really does happen behind curtains.

So we'll probably will never know (unless Dispatch catches those two but that'll never happen, right?).







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yartzel #1
Chapter 2: I love the's different...waiting patiently please update soon...
ashhh30 #2
Chapter 3: i was searching for some stories about jackji and i found this was different from the others so i wanted to give it a try ...i read all the three chapter quickly but now? i was disappointed to not found any updates...are you going to stop it here? I hope you can find the time to go on with this story, it worth it ;)
Chapter 3: how cud Jackson become irresponsible.. even in the future i don't think Youngji deserves that kind of man.. even Michael's adorable n i ship JackJi as well.. i still hope better things for Youngji..
Chapter 3: I think Michael is super adorable to think its Jackson's genes. Ha!!! One question? Are you an architecture student? You really spend time doing Youngji's apartment it's really simple yet organize. A perfect place to stay
KiBelle #5
Chapter 3: yes! The ship is sailing! Finally someone who thinks the same: that Jackson does have a crush on her and he has told those he is close to! Cause I have no other explanation for when SeHo introduced Youngji as Jackson's girlfriend and Jackson's dad said: "yes I know".
Chapter 3: OMMGGG. I HOPE THIS SHIP SAILS. LIKE OMG. IT MUST. IT NEEDS TO. And yaass, i love how even his mom ships them! I didn't know his friend did too! EHEHEHEH, YAS. What if...they're actually in a legit relationship tho...:D *fangirls* CUZ LIKE, IN ONE OF THE CUTS, JACKSON WAS LIKE "We're over!" When Youngji chose Jackson. Ommgggg..too many feels now. I gotta calm

BUT OMMMGGGG. HOW'S CHANYEOL GOING TO REACT!? Why not have Jackson appear of Youngji TV, and yknow, maybe he could pull a Kangnam and get money! XD IDK, BUT I FEEL BAD FOR JACKSON AND MICHAEL. POOR BABES.
Chapter 3: here comes trouble /well sounds familiar hahahaha/ can imagine how panic youngji now hahahaha XD
ah btw do u made those map by urself?

p.s: /helping u got into the ship so we can sailing together/
Chapter 2: This story totally not "sweet like a candy" but i love it XD

p.s: did u see in c-radio when younji and jia focus to eat orange? Jackson so busy taking care of youngji T^T