Chapter 1 (and only)

It's Just Me This Time

It's been a week since he first felt it. He'd woken up suddenly, breathing ragged, from one of his many- he doesn't know whether to call them dreams or nightmares. He wants them to stop haunting him, but at the same time he dreads the day they cease for fear of forgetting. The dreams come in many forms, but this day something was distinctly different. When he woke up he’d felt a lingering presence.

At first he ignored it. It couldn't be real. Luhan was long gone (along with their powers) and Sehun had come to terms with the fact that he wasn't coming back. There's no possible way that Sehun could be feeling the faint presence of Luhan's power. It wasn't possible, it shouldn't be possible. But it was there.

After three days Sehun had had enough. The feeling wasn't going away. He was finding it hard to concentrate. Sleeping was harder than ever, images of the past flashing beneath his eyelids as soon as he closed them.

He had to find what was causing it and that's how he found himself, several days later, wandering the streets of Edinburgh. The presence of Luhan's power was strong and Sehun felt a small amount of hope rising in him. He scowled and tried to suppress the feeling. There was no knowing what he would find, if anything at all.

He ended up standing in front of an unassuming house, seemingly as ordinary as the ones to its left and right. But Sehun could tell. This was the place. He crept around the house and found a side door. Looking through the windows he could already see it – a child’s toy suspended in mid air, seemingly held up by nothing at all. Sehun looked down and took a nervous breath before grasping the door handle, slowly opening the door and cautiously stepping inside.

The feeling of being surrounded by Luhan’s power hit him strongly, emotions and memories started to surge but he strived to shut them out. He needed to be watchful and on guard. Looking up at the toy he tapped the wooden aeroplane and watched emotionlessly as it spun in mid air. His gaze then moved down to the floor of the next room.

There were two boys sitting on the floor. Both were blonde, one had straight hair whilst the other’s was wavy. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him but he was cruelly reminded of the two that they’d lost. The boys were calmly staring at their toys as they floated above them. Even though he’d thought he had not dared himself to hope, Sehun’s heart still sank as he realised the truth. Luhan’s power had come searching for its owner, but failing to find him had wandered aimlessly and somehow ended up holing itself up in this house. Luhan was not here, and he never would be.

Sehun felt the pain welling up in him again. Though consumed by his grief, he somehow still managed to hear a familiar noise outside, the wind was picking up.

Looking out the window he saw the wind speed increasing at an alarming rate. His heart rate increased and emotion finally started to show on his face. His power was coming for him too; he wondered why he hadn’t realised that until now. The sky started to darken and through the debris the raging wind was throwing around he saw an eclipse forming. He remembered a time years ago when he had looked up to the sky and witnessed the same occurrence. Last time he and Luhan had stood side by side and made the journey together. ‘It’s just me this time’ Sehun thought. But as he felt Kai’s teleportation power flicker in the distance, he realised he wasn’t really alone. There were a lot of things that weren’t making sense, but he knew in that moment it was time – he needed to find the others.

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dinanabanana #1
this was nice i love it!!
Chapter 1: Is it only me that think otherwise? I think it was.... time control in the teaser..?
Chapter 1: this is what I have in mind when watching sehun's teaser. why SM put luhan power in sehun teaser and eclipse too T.T
loel19 #4
Chapter 1: Why it break my heart??
exohunhanselu #5
Chapter 1: omg awesome!!