Blank Space

Love Me.. Please !
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“ok.. waa waa..look at this. it's marvellous.. Urmm...I don’t know why.. but everything are getting done with my finger touch’s  will be purrfect…”, Dara be proud of herself.





Dara re-positioning back Bom’s veil on her head. Probably because the tear’s scene before this make this veil become messy. Bom just let Dara make all the re-touch up for her. Her mind is not in a good position now.



“ Cying over a guy? Nah, pick up your head up princess. ‘Your tiara is falling’. Let today be the day you learn the grace of letting go and the power of moving on.”, Dara smiled slightly at Bom. She showing her 'fighting' sign towards Bom.



“Yah Santokki, I hope we’re still friends until we die. Then, I hope we stay as a ghost friends and walk through walls and scare the sh*t out of people.”, Bom holding Sandara’s hand.


It’s when you know that you need to let go but you can’t because you’re still waiting for the impossible to happen.

But....just keep in mind.

Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laught at the confusion, smile through the tears , and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.







“I’m Seunghyun,  take you as  you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us. I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself. Bom, will you give me yourself?



“I do”, Bom said without hesitation.



"By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Republic of Korea, I now pronounce you as Husband and Wife."



Bom’s eyes getting rounded. She’s not in her state of mind when she says that ‘I do’ thing. She just woke up from her reverie. Why that harsh memories comes back in inaccurate time like this..



She just closed her eyes tightly but the sound of applause from the guest awaken her about the actual situation. Now, whatever it is, she officially become the wife of Kim Jaejoong.




Bom let her hand out so, that diamond ring will be sheathed on her ring finger. Don’t ask her where she get that courage. ‘Fortunately’ her bridesmaid a.k.a Sandara Park can't stop poking her from behind to wake her up when her once again lose the moment.  



Bom just tilted her head slightly, taking a little peek to look at her ‘husband’.  

♬ Look at that face, you look like my next mistake ♬

Urm.. not bad but it’s just getting ruined  when this man wearing his stern face. From that moment, she’s getting it clearly, this Jaejoong also not agree with this wedding thing. It's not a suprising thing. 



Instead putting the ring on Bom’s ring finger, Jaejoong just put the ring on Bom’s palm. After that, he just made his cold face like nothing’s wrong happened.





 ‘Owhh you all getting wondered with our kissing thing after our vows. Well don’t let me start it, Huh..he just made an air-quick peck with me. I think it can’t be called as peck. When I can barely feel he pecked me. But who’s cared. Like I want it too. Urr plurrse…’, Bom just make an annoying faced.



One things that really turned out right towards her. After this, her life will be full of twists and turns. What’s funny. She had been expecting this from the beginning..


Although she never met in person with this man ,but she had heard some rumours about him. As far as she knows, nothing’s good thing that she heard about him. Besides having an attractive looks, other than that are K.O. Apparently the rumours are proven. She just smirked and shaking her heads.




Jaejoong leaning slowly toward Bom. And reaching closely at Bom’s ear. Bom just keeps static there. She don’t know how to react.



“ Hey sweet B*tch, just congrate, now you’ve officially destroyed my life.”, he whispered in Park Bom’s ear.. or more precisely Kim Bom.. maybe?



Bom straight her body. ‘Oh God, If you want to give me a super power.. now is the appropriate time.. Please give me a power that can producing laser from my eyes so this jerk can be burned down to ashes.’ She looked back at Jaejoong with her keen eye.



What!! Does he think she’s getting so desperate to be his wife?..urghh pleaseee…!!! Don’t he dare to think that he’s the only one who’s became a victim here. For the sake of argument, they’re in the same bot . Urghh..



What’s in that jerky minds? Like’s she have another option here...okeyy.. maybe she have, once she thinking about that. It’s running away from here... BUT! She don't want to make something that will ruined her dignity and her family pride.  Never..again. She let out a long sigh.



just getting itchy to fire back that jerky. But she keep that down when her eyes caught that jerk’s mom getting closer toward her. It’s okay Bom, maybe this day is his day, but tomorrow, another day, mon, tues, wed, thurs, Friday, sat and sunday will be yours day. She nodding her head approving her good mind.


Bom just sweeten her face when her mother-in-law embraced her. Her smile that she’s wearing now is not her another fake’s reaction. It’s truly sincere. Maybe for now ,all her hate she's put on that Jaejoong but not a bit for this woman.



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Hello chingu... *bow 90 degrees*. Oh maiii.. i'm really touched. My LMP still got a new subscriber although a decade still not have an update. I'm sorry chingu.


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meanbelon #1
Chapter 12: Hi Apple. I've been here..we all are here. I believe all of us waiting for you to update this story. Don't give up girl.
afourse #2
Chapter 12: please continue this story I will sub if u update next
Continue please authornim
shiniheiji #4
Chapter 12: Please update. Im waiting for you :)
mamasatan #5
Chapter 12: Still a reader if you want to keep updating!
bucy91 #6
Chapter 11: Update please
Chapter 11: Glad your'e back... please update soon
ckeerz #8
Chapter 11: Please update
meanbelon #9
Chapter 11: have done a very good work so far. Don't give up..I believe all of us waiting for you to update this story. Good luck dear!!