
Enchanted(One shot story)

[A/N] In case you forgotten this story was inspired by Taylor Swift's "Enchanted" so I will put some lyrics above some paragraphs

There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles

{Ji Ri's POV}

Another lame prom again, don't get the wrong idea. I love prom, especially being able to dress up and buy a dress plus doing a makeover. It's just that I am always dateless, no one has ever asked me out before. Even worse no one has asked me to dance before. Every single BFF of mine already has a boyfriend except me. They always say to me that I shouldn't worry about this at all and that I am actually "girlfriend material" HA! I know there are just trying to console me but I feel that this kinda hurts even more. Every year during prom I always head straight to the buffet table cause you gotta admit the food caterer is amazing. Everytime there is always a different menu but the food is still simply delicious. Guess I'm the only one who always taste and analyze the buffet.

So I was already ready when my friend, Minah came and picked me up in her limo. In there were just loads of couples and I felt like the odd one out. Minah and her boyfriend kept on kissing in limo and I just had to look away. So when I felt the limo stop I thought that we had arrived at the venue and wanted to get off cause I couldn't stand being in there but Minah's boyfriend,Luhan, stopped me. "Just a moment Ji Ri, we still have to pick up my friend first before we reach the venue." I nodded my head and got back to my seat. Not noticing who had just entered the car. For the whole limo ride I was just looking out the window not wanting to look at all the couples in there kissing and stuff but I did seek a peek and Minah and Luhan, they do look together. I really wished I had a boyfriend though. I'm already 16 and have never dated before, most the the students who are my age probably had 3-5 boyfriends by now.

While I was daydreaming, I finally felt the limo come to a stop. I quickly opened the door and headed straight in, so that I could be with my so-called prom date, the buffet table. I grabbed a plate got some food and sat alone at the table to eat. Looks like this year is going to be the same.

Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vancancy vanished when I saw your face

{Kris' POV}

It's prom again, you would think that I Kris Wu, the most popular guy in school would love prom, when in fact I don't. Everyone in school always wants me to pick them as my prom date so that they could enjoy the "Kris Wu experience". I am always surrounded by "fangirls" and guys who always want to be me. If I had the chance I would gladly give someone my position. People also expect me to have dated hundreds of girls beofre when in fact I haven't dated a single one. So by 5 pm I was already waiting for my buddy Luhan to pick me up. Normally I would drive myself to prom so that I could go home when it gets boring but he said this was his first renting a limo with his girlfriend. What was her name again? ..Ah yes Minah. So he literally begged me to join him, and I couldn't say no to his deer eyes. When I opened the door of the limo I saw her. Kim Ji Ri, I have no idea why but whenever I see my heart flutters and I have huge butterflies in my stomach. I have no idea why I would be attracted to a girl like her. I barely even know her but I know that she isn't one of my fangirls. Seeing her in the limo I thought she would be taken already since all I see are couples in here so I did feel quite down.

When we arrived at the venue, I lost her. I thought maybe she and her date already wanted to get on the dance floor. I gave a huge sigh and went it to fins my yearly date, the buffet table, but when I saw a familiar back I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Ji Ri, she was grabbing a plate filled it with food and went straight for the table. OMG, is this my chance, can I finally have a chance to eat with her.

Your eyes whispered,"Have we meet?"

{Ji Ri's POV}

I was just enjoying my dinner, well sort of. When suddenly someone sat beside me, I didn't bother to see who it was maybe a couple who was already tired with the dancing until I heard,"May I sit here?" I looked up to see Kris Wu standing there, wait the Kris Wu the one that every girl in the school wants to date well except me I don't even know him. I just nodded my head and said sure. He sat there eating his "dinner" too and started conversing with me.

"You're Ji Ri right?", he asked.


"Hi, I'm Kris."

"I know who you are, everyone knows but have we meet before?"

"Oh I see well yeah we used to have art class together so what are you doing here and not dancing like everyone else?"

"I should ask you the same question. Why would the Kris Wu, not be dancing during prom?"

"Hey I asked you firt so you have to tell me."

"Fine, I don't have a date. It's always like that every year. You?"

"Same here."

"Wait you are kidding the Kris Wu doesn't have a date?"

"Yeah, cause I haven't meet the right girl yet."

And just like that Kris and I kept chatting with each other non-stop. We lost track of time until the DJ announced," Whatsup people, I see many couples tonight so why don't we slow things down a little." he started playing Enchanted by Taylor Swift. When the song started playing, Kris stood up and held his hand forward , "Miss Ji Ri would you like to dance with me?"

This night is sparking don't you let it go

{Kris' POV}

Ji Ri is really a nice girl we kept chatting non-stop. I found out that she has a sense of humour, she can laugh to any of my jokes and she knows good ones too. I also found out that her favourite colour is pink, no wonder her dress is pink tonight. She does like a princess in a way. I really wanted to get closer to her so when the DJ started playing slow songs I knew this was my chance. I held out my hand and asked her to dance with me. I was afraid she would be reluctant to do so but she just grabbed on to my hand and said,"I accept your offer Mr. Kris"

I led her to the dance floor her again against my shoulder and my hand on her waist and we clasped our hand together. When we clasped our hands I saw her looking at our hands and her face was red. "You ok?" I asked, I didn't bring up about her blushing cause I was afraid she wouldn't wan to dance with me anymore. She just shook her head and said"It was nothing, just lost in thought." We kept talking agian after that, we just talked about random topics, family life and stuff. Little did we know that we actually danced our way to the couple section but who cares all that mattered at that moment was us dancing together under the disco ball and I hope that she doesn't let go of my hand.

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

{Ji Ri's POV}

When our hands clasped together, I could have swore I felt electricity going through my hands. I mean we have often heard in fairytales and stuff that they can feel electricty going into their bodies. I didn't believe it at first but after that moment wow. I stared at our hands for a moment and probably looked weird to Kris, that was so embarrasing. Thank god the lightning was quite dim, I hope Kris didn't see my face become red. 

We kept on dancing the whole night and I never felt so alive before.

This was the very first page not where the storyline ends.

And I hope me and Kris could have more moments like this.

I was enchanted to meet you

{Kris' POV}

Ji Ri and I had the best night of our lives, before the night ended we had to cast out votes for prom queen and king. I wrote our names even though I know that we couldn't win but I just wante to enjoy the night while it lasted. I remember the song we danced to "Enchanted" it said I was enchanted to meet you which is what I wanted to tell Ji Ri so much.

Another 15 mins later, the head of the prom comittee who turned out to be Luhan went on stage to announce prom king and queen. He gave a sly look to me before he announced it which gave me a weird feeling.

"Thank you guys, it has been a wonderful night and I hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. And now time to announce our prom king and queen. Drumroll please." ........................."Your prom king and queen for 2015 is......Kris and Ji Ri. Congrats."

What?!! Did we just win OMG.. I walked on stage with a stunned look and so did Ji Ri. We both got cute crowns and tiaras and just held hands again.

After that it was the prom king and queen dance, it was weird though only the 2 of us dancing and I can tell Ji Ri was stressed out. "Hey, calm down Ji Ri remember what you said just now? Enjoy the night while it lasts. So relax and lets dance." And I guided her through the dance floor.

This night is flawless

{Ji Ri's POV}

Wait did we just win prom king and queen?! OMG I am so not prepared for this I mean like we just got to know each other and now we are prom king and queen. I was really tensed and I could tell Kris knew too. So when it was time for the prom king and queen dance, he held my hand and tried to calm me down. Which worked. But when we were dancing around and him looking into my eyes and me looking at him. I knew one thing that I had fallen for him.After the dance, prom had ended. Kris and I held hands as we went back to the limo and when he dropped off at my place he gave a kiss on my forehead and said"Thanks for the evening, I had a wonderful time. See you at school."

We kept on chatting after prom and kept on referring back to that night, both of us fell in love with enchanted.

Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you

{Ji Ri's POV}

2 months after prom, Kris and I lost touch. He said he was going to visit relatives in canada and we didn't chat but the next thing I know he posted on instagram a picture of him with a girl that say "with my bae" I was shocked. He told me he liked me before and this is how he treats me like this. As soon as i liked the pic he chatted with me

Kris: Hey

Me: Hey

Kris: You ok?

Me: I'm fine why shouldn't I be

Kris: I mean about bae, it just happened. She was my childhood sweetheart and when we met again we just clicked. I didn't ask her to go out with me she did and I just couldn't decline even though I thought of you.

Me: Look you don't have to explain ok? I respect your decision stay sweet with bae, we still friends?

Kris: Friends..... and Ji Ri?

Me: Yes?

Kris: I was enchanted to meet you

Me: Me too kris, me too  

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Chapter 1: wahhh this story is great..Good job authornim.. I can't imagined myself dancing with Kris. I think my soul will say bye2 to me..hehe.. owh i'm also write a story with Kris as my main character. I hope u can take a minute to read my story.. ヾ(^∇^)