
a thousand reasons more (to love you)

Hello, everyone sorry I couldn't post on Sunday, I was too uninspired, but I am now. I hope you enjoy the story and comment below. thank you for the support.

If the world could explode right now, Baekhyun wouldn't mind at all. The news was not only shocking but was a betrayal, a few weeks ago they had just met and he was being the cheese that he was, no hint of guilt at all. So then, was he lying? Was he actually just playing with her? An extra baggage that was a figment of his past? 

"Baekhyun, are you alright?" Sunhwa asked yet she knew that Baekhyun was not. Snapping out of her reverie Baekhyun nodded, "I'm fine, it's a shock of course but i've always expected this to happen." 

Excusing herself, with the excuse to get a drink she left the building not caring about the vocal practice she'd have later. It was better to be at her home, surrounded by warm sheets, than in the SM building filled with memories of late night dates, training sessions that lasted more than a whole day and halls that were filled with laughter and silent kisses.

As she arrived at her apartment, she didn't hesitate at all to pull out her phone, dialing the number and saying the words she'd never say, "Hello, director. I'd like to quit being a trainee."


Chanyeol was annoyed, not just annoyed but frustrated, he had just come back from a personal schedule, in which he had to leave half-way for their group's schedule as well. Hoping to come back to the dorm, to indulge in a nice warm shower and maybe have a long talk with his girlfriend, he unfortunately was met with a mob of fans outside the door, TV stations trying to call his phone (he didn't even know how they got his number), hate messages and death threats  and news of him and his co-star whom he didn't have contact with for almost half a year, since his movie filming ended around that time. What the hell was happening? He quickly tried to call Baekhyun, knowing that she'd know about it soon, but her phone was unavailable and he tried for a very long time. Frustrated, he gave up for a while, opting to bury this face in a pillow.


His phone started ringing and it was from the person he'd least want to hear from, "Hello, Oppa. I think you heard the news, i'm sorry if you weren't told."

"What the heck, do you mean? I wasn't even aware of anything, We never did anything to make us even seem like a couple and i'm sure as hell never agreed to dating you." He said angrily, almost screaming into the phone. 

The voice on the line didn't seem fazed at all, "I'm sorry but you'll just have to deal with it, the company will earn more, you'll be more famous and i'll benefit as well, it's not so bad."

Chanyeol didn't even reply, instead he hit the end button and hurriedly left to for the building. Sehun was lingering in the doorway,when he saw his hyung leave. "Hyung, where are you going, didn't you see the crowd outside, it's dangerous."

"I don't really care, you know why i'm doing this."

"Baekhyun noona would understand, she knows these things happen."

Chanyeol turned to the younger, "It's not the same when she thinks i'm actually confirming it.I'll be back soon, tell Jongin that he should rest, you too." Sehun nodded, knowing he couldn't do anything.


Chanyeol opened the backdoor of their dorm, it was painted as like the wall, so it could not be suspected as a door at all. He arrived at the building, after a long fight against reporters, hiding in the shadows and looking as inconspicuous as possible. Chanyeol angrily stomped his way to the CEO's office, on the way to the room, which was at the end of the hall, on the fifth floor, he saw Junmyeon, the CEO's daughter. 


"Chanyeol?" She asked with a mixture of surprise and worry laced in her voice. She and Chanyeol were friends during their school days, and she even helped him become a trainee. He rushed to her, both hands grasping at her shoulders, "Junmyeon, what's going on? Can't you fix this, please?"


"I can't Chanyeol, it's something the company decided to do." 


He kept begging her, gripping her arms tighter as he asked for her to help him. "Chanyeol, please your hurting me. I really want to help you. I do but I just can't" She  tried to tell him, wincing at the pain.


Suddenly, Chanyeol felt him being pulled away from her. Jongdae, one of his bandmates, looked at him with concern, as he stood in between them. "Chanyeol-ah. why are you reacting so much? It's not true right? Just stay calm, you can fix this if you just slow down." He patted the much taller on the shoulder. 


Jongdae was right, Chanyeol realized that he should have handled it carefully, knowing that this was no joke, but he was still angry that he was not informed about this, and the fact that his girlfriend was probably hating his guts right now. 


"Thanks, i'll be back." He told Jongdae, placing a hand on the shorter's shoulder.  Then he turned to Junmyeon, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."


"It's alright Chanyeol, I understand that you want to at least want to know why." She replied with a weary smile, Chanyeol nodded at both of them and left to talk to the CEO.


Jongdae sighed in relief and turned to leave when Junmyeon softly called him. "Jongdae-yah. Thank you." She said with a small smile. Giving him his signature cat-like smile, he replied with a simple 'no problem'. As he left, he knew even after all these years she never ceased to make his heart speed up.


CEO Kim was sitting in his office going over the concept suggestions for SHINee's comeback, when he heard someone knocking on his door. Chanyeol came in face calm but his face still slightly red, from anger.


"Chanyeol, what can I do for you?" He asked carefully knowing fully what the latter wanted.

"What's this about me and Ga Young? We're not dating and I don't like her in that way." 

Taking a deep breath, CEO Kim started, "Chanyeol, please sit down we have a lot to talk about." The idol followed sitting in front of the CEO who had already moved to the sofa set on the side of his office.

"Chanyeol, Exo is topping charts, selling albums and are now a fan favorite, but Exo, they're boring in terms of fan service. We needed to do something about it, and I know you'd like to ask me if why you? Well this is why, Jongdae, he's known as a joker in the group, people would find you even more boring if people knew he couldn't make to many jokes due to his girlfriend, Jongin and Sehun are noona attracters, the reason why they aren't because people think of them as their boyfriends,  especially very young and older women, which are hard to sell your type of music to, but due to these two, they could. And you, you're in between, plus a lot of people find you and Ga Young find you as a good match and so here we are."

"But, I have a girlfriend. She's a trainee here as well."

"Then she has to understand. Her future also depends on this."


"No more, Chanyeol. Please do understand that this is for Exo's own good and for the company, now please leave before I have to resort to other ways."

Unable to say anything, Chanyeol left, slamming the door behind him.


Baekhyun quit as a trainee on that day and was officially released by her contract in the next two days, she left Seoul to find a job in Jeju. Having no experience and having only a degree in music, she found it hard to get a corporate job. It was a rainy day, and the water poured hard. She had settled into her apartment a month ago, it was jut a small apartment, with a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a good enough living room. It was another night where she couldn't find any jobs available. Not even a waitress job was available. It was difficult for her to sustain herself, living off some babysitting jobs, dog sitting and also the occasional maid jobs. Her parents sent her money, but she refused to use it until it was urgent.


She sat on on the slightly wet steps on a huge commercial building. Sighing, she picked herself up to go home, knowing how dangerous it was at night. "Hello, is anyone there?" A voice called out.


Baekhyun turned around to see a person she realized was so familiar. "Hello." The stranger said. "Do you need anything?" She just shook her head. The stranger nodded her head but quickly looked back, "Baekhyun?"


Baekhyun froze as she heard her name, "You know me?"


"I'm Yixing, we had almost all classes together and we were roommates along with Kyungsoo."


Suddenly, Baekhyun did recognize her. Yixing and Baekhyun had become friends for the first 3 years, until she transferred schools to pursue other endeavors. "Yixing, it's so nice to see you again." Baekhyun smiled with glee wrapping her arms around the other girl, careful not to hit her.


"I'm glad you still know me, what are you doing here in Jeju? Last time I heard, you were a trainee at SM?"

"I was, but I realized it wasn't what I want."

"Really then, so what are you looking to be?"

Baekhyun shrugged, "I don't know, I came to Jeju thinking that I could find something for me but I can't even find a job."

Yixing frowned hearing her story, "Well would you like to work for me?"


Baekhyun's ears perked upon hearing it, "Really? What job could I do?"


"Well, I am a fashion designer. After all, I do own this building." The Chinese girl pointed to the sign on the huge building.


Looking at the sign, Baekhyun saw the label that was very popular, even SM requested for their designs. ZYX, was the rising fashion label in Korea, it had designs that were different, and new and almost everyone was dying to have at least a couture dress from there.


"You own ZYX?" Baekhyun asked amazed at her friend, whom she knew as an amazing dancer but she also was a amazing designer.


Yixing giggled," Of course, ZYX are my initials, what did you think they were, XYZ backwards?"


"Of course not." Baekhyun's cheeks burned since she actually did think that it was XYZ backwards.


"So, are you accepting my offer?" Yixing asked hopefully.


Baekhyun just nodded, eyes forming little crescents. "Well then, welcome to ZYX, Byun Baekhyun." 




Exo topped charts, as triple million sellers, releasing 2 albums with in the span of a year and a half. They also rose to the top as well known fashion icons, charity idols and of course, perfect oppas. The quartet, composed of Jongdae, Jongin , Chanyeol and Sehun, were now also successful in their own personal way. With Jongdae becoming hosts of variety shows and award shows, Jongin who from become a successful dancer also transcended into a rising actor, Chanyeol became the band's representative on various variety shows, become both main cast and frequent guests. Sehun, became a model, for many brands, especially for ZYX, which was the best brand to be at. Both Exo and it's members, were reaching their peak. 


"Chanyeol hyung, we have a schedule to rehearse for now." Sehun called the tall boy, still looking out the window of the SM building, glimpsing at the soft rays of the sun hitting the same place he last saw her.


"I'll be right there Sehun." Chanyeol replied sadly fingers lingering slightly on the window sill. 


'I hope you're happy now, Baekhyun.'


ZYX flourished under Yixing and Baekhyun's direction. Yixing was able to make more design with Baekhyun's output, making the brand appeal to more to the Korean public, now they were expanding abroad, to the other Asian countries, Europe and hopefully to America by the end of the year.


Looking up from the sketchpad, Baekhyun saw Yixing smiling down at her. "You're awfully concentrated on that suit, I know Exo is a big client but don't beat yourself over it."


"I don't think I am, it's just they do pay us a lot and I want to give my best." She replied happily, adding more designs.


"As you say." Yixing nodded leaving the younger to her work. Upon seeing, her friend out of sight, she sighed dropping the pencil.


'It's been a long time, you still bug me, Chanyeol.'


Yixing pulled out her phone, as she wrote on a piece of paper, calling the number, she knew all to well. "Hello, Sehun. Are you sure this will work?"


"I know it will, trust me." Was the reply on the other side.


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Plzz update
Chapter 3: I really hope that you could update soon
Chapter 3: Plz update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zeyeol1527 #4
Chapter 3: Yassss....!!!! Want the next chapter hahaha Chanbaek are loveee....!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: omg i need baekyeol T___T
thanks for the update!!!! <333
aSHEdfghjkl #6
Chapter 2: PARK CHANYEOL AND MOON GAYOUNG? NOOOO!! Update please author-nim. Fighting! Too much feels for ChanBaek. <3
Chapter 2: omfg can't wait!!!!!!!
literatelamb #8
;_______; waiting for the next update because the sUSPENSE IS KILLING ME
please update please <33333 im in love with this story T____T