
Birthday Prank

Your POV


Waking up early is usually a chore for me, today is a TOTAL exception. Guess what? It’s Kyungsoo’s birthday! Hold your horses, I’m not going to do the mainstream pranking, acting as if it wasn’t his birthday. It’s borrrring…

I’m going to prank him, tricking him that I’m leaving him for good. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA just at the thought of it-----

 ARGH I can’t control my laughter HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

I started with packing my luggage, trying to be as quiet as I can, lazily throwing all of my clothes, shoes and other stuffs into it. It’s a good thing my Kyungie is a heavy sleeper, heh. Right after packing, I sneakily took a piece of paper and pen, scribbling untidily:


Dear Kyungsoo,

I’m sorry, I’m very sorry. I recently found out that I got tired of you, your constant nagging, the overprotectiveness you have of me. Plus, you think you are caring for me when you cook suppers for me? No, u don’t understand what I really want, that is to lose weight. With all those suppers, I bet I’ll soon into a fat pig. No, you can’t have another chance, you blew everything up. Anyway, I’ll be a responsible ex- girlfriend, telling you that I’ve developed feelings for your best friend Sehun. So, don’t bother looking for me anymore, I don’t love you.




HA. Done writing. I hope he’ll pick up the hints in the letter, I specifically included Sehun name, so he will head directly over to Sehun’s house. EXCITE.

Heading out of the house, Sehun was all ready there to pick me up, grinning, he asked me “Did you give him the sleep medicine I passed to you?”

“Yep!” I excitedly said. “Perfect, he’ll wake up around 3pm”




Kyungsoo’s POV


It’s finally morning, I knew it is my special day. WOOOHOOOOOO~

I turned towards my right…

*empty space*


I planned to wake up earlier than her to give her a surprise kiss.



While walking to the toilet to wash up, I spotted my alarm saying 3.30pm… Due to my bewilderness, I walked towards my phone to confirm the time…



Immediately, I ran down to the hall to check where Eunyoung is, looking left and right, she is nowhere to be found!

Suddenly, a note on the fridge caught my eye, I grabbed it and hastily read it. As I read the note from Eunyoung, anger builds up in me. I can feel steam coming out from my ears. I could feel my heart literally sink, tears threaten to fall from my eyes. Although I know it was partly my fault for not being an understanding boyfriend… ARGHHHHHHHH WHAT THE ?? EUNYOUNG LEFT ME???? FOR SEHUN?! THAT BASTARD!

I then ran up to check if Eunyoung belongings were still there, panic starts eating into me. OH NO THIS IS NOT HAPPENNING!! She’s gone… Nononononono I haven’t called her yet, maybe she went for vacation, maybe it’s just one of her pranks, maybe she just wants a break, maybe maybe maybes ran through my head.

*RIINGRINGRING* Bitting hard on my hards, I silently made a silent prayer that she would answer the phone and explain that this is all a joke. However, “the mobile customer you have called is not available, please try again later” MAYBE… maybe Sehun is not with her? Sehun always answers my phone calls right? I tried dialling his number *RINGGRINGEIGN* “The number you have called is not availiable, after a—“ I hanged up at once…

My tears were finally let loose to flow down freely down my cheeks…

I quickly rushed to wash myself up and hurriedly put on some clothes, my mind wandering to Eunyoung and THAT BASTARD.    

Driving there, on the way, many questions arises. I’m nervous… What happens later? What if… they are in the middle of making out?? OR WILL I HEAR THEM DOING THAT?? I just… could not contain my feelings I had at the present moment, wild thoughts caused my brain to feel giddy, my heart tightening against my chest.



Your POV

“Chanyeol ah!! Don’t play around!! He’s coming soon… YAYAYAYAYA!!!!”

“My dongsaeng Eunyoung ah, jebal, relax a bit can you? I know you’re worried about him, it’s okay. I’m sure he will come here soon”

Chanyeol’s right, I’m being too uptight here, but I’m still worried, I checked my phone

*39 miss calls*

*106 new messages*

Right, I was excited for this, but… thinking back now, isn’t it somehow ‘dangerous’ playing this prank on him? I know Kyungsoo don’t really like nasty surprises, but will he scream at me afterwards? Or even ‘better’, not talk to me at all? The last time when I pulled a prank on him he got so pissed that a cold war broke out for 3 days until I apologised on the fourth day, promising that I will never prank him again. But that prank was just on a minor scale… now this, even I think it’s just too much, it is an understatement if I said it is on a major scale.

“GUYS!! PREPARE!! NOW NOW. I can see his car from the other window already!!” Sehun frantically said in a fusion of both shout and whisper.

The whole of EXO suddenly got down to business, I held onto the cake while exo scrambled to get a party popper each with other party accessories.

*ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong*

I could already feel the tension in my throat…

As I open the door, gosh………….

Kyungsoo is a big mess.

His shirt buttons are buttoned wrongly, his eyes were totally swollen, before me or Kyungsoo could even say or do anything, lights were suddenly “HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAY!!!” then suddenly silence broke out…

I guess they’ve already noticed Kyungsoo and wasn’t expecting him to be turning up like this. As I peered towards him again, I could see the amount of pain accumulated in his eyes, as if telling me how much he had gone through for the mere one hour.

Out of a sudden, he broke our eye contact, and dashed straight out of the door, tears flooded my eyes.

Not caring about what exo thinks, I immediately ran after him, with my eyes blurry. I was too late, I looked left and right, looking and shouting his name, but to no avail. On a spur of moment, I instinctively knew he is at the playground nearby. He told me once that he would go to playgrounds when he is feeling dull. Happily, but with a heavy heart, I immediately ran towards the direction of the playground, hoping that he would be there.

Upon arrival, I finally spotted a familiar figure, sitting on the swing. He… is crying. Did I hurt him that bad? Guilt-stricken, I gingerly walked towards him and squatted down so that we are on an eye to eye level.  He slowly tilted his head up, looking at me, then looked down again.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it…”I started.


There was no reply from him. Inside, I was already feeling frustrated and guilty. Having that mixed emotions, I awkwardly stood up and stand there for the next minute.

I knew I was in the wrong, however, apparently the “irritatedness” in me took over the other emotions I had and I finally decided to break the silence, “I SAID I’M SORRY ALREADY! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT? IT WASN’T EXCATLY MY IDEA, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO DAMN SENSITIVE??”

Tears started rolling down my cheeks once again, why was I so harsh on him? It was evidently my fault, what am I doing?

At the corner of my eyes, I also spotted Kyungsoo tearing up. Unable to stand this situation any further, I decided to leave and calm down before confronting him again.

Turning around, every step I took became draggy, as if there are heavy chains clinging onto my leg… until I suddenly felt a back hug.



Kyungsoo’s POV

I knew that she knows it is her fault, she must be blaming herself for doing this too but when she said “sorry”, I was just too devastated to answer her. Yes, I admit I am also pissed on one side but I just couldn’t help it. I was just too annoyed to answer her.

However, I just couldn’t bear losing her. I was afraid of her breaking it off with me. I really do not want to feel the pain of losing her again, after the prank. It was just a small little prank to begin with afterall, and shouldn’t be blowing this matter up. I quickly ran and back hugged her before she walks any futher. Snuggling my face on her shoulders, I can perfectly smell her scent.

“I’m sorry too…” I began. “I was just afraid of losing you… I’m sorry for overreacting…”

Seeing her sobbing harder, I quickly turned her around holding her tight in my arms.                                                 __________________________________________________________________________________


Your POV

A HUGE wave of relief was felt when he apologised, I thought we were over…

“I’m really, really, really sorry” I mumbled, finally. “I promise I won’t overdo my pranks next time…”

Kyungsoo then gave me a peck on my lips as I look up towards him, I have never felt so relieved in my life. EVER. Just at the thought of us almost to a point of breaking up made me shudder, causing myself to tighten the hug further, burying my head in Kyungsoo’s chest. That sense of security from him made me feel so much more at ease. <33333 

“YAH!” Kyungsoo suddenly exclaimed, releasing me from the hug. “What do you mean you won’t overdo your pranks?? There better be no pranking at all!”

I laughed and ran for distance yelling back, “We’ll see about that!! Let’s go back and celebrate your birthday!”

And continued running back to Sehun house, with him at the back,“YAH! You! Wait till we get home and see how I will punish you.”

I’m excited for the punishment though…: ))))))))))) Can’t wait till we get home <3 

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