Pt. 1 Of “Maybe Another Failure To Add To Hanbin's Imaginary List of Failure's”

I Might Rip Your Petals [DISCONTINUED]

Stepping into the audition's room was like was stepping into Pororo Land on christmas day; It was packed. My eyes waver as I look upon the some soon-to-be trainees all resting on the outskirts of the room.

"Go get a name tag and write your name on it." I hear Jiwon say into my ear as my eyes continue to wander. I turn to look at him, only to see he was already gone half way across the room. 


I hesitantly walk towards the small desk set up against to wall with sticker name tags and pens scattered onto it. I grab a sticker, write my first and last name on it, then sit down with my back pressed up against the wood wall near me. I sit next to a boy that looked somewhat my age; our eyes meet as I adjust my body on the ground.  
"Hi." The boy smiles. I smile back nervously. 
"Hey." His eyes scan my body as I peel the thin plastic off the back of my sticker and stick the name tag onto my shirt. That's all we say to each other while we are sat together. 
I turn my face to ask him when someone important is going to come in and start the auditions when my question is answer. The room door opens and the one and only Yang Hyun-Suk walks in with two of YG's most renown artist's; G-Dragon and CL. 
I gawk at the three important figures before realizing everyone was standing up and bowing. I scrabble up from my sitting position to do the same. My eyes scan the room as everyone stands straight once again and the three nod before sitting down on the wooden chairs placed against the wall. YG clears his throat as CL moves her head around to stare at all of us while G-Dragon plays with his phone. YG glances at the two before slapping GD's hand to get him pay attention. He looks up startled before turning his head towards us. 
"So, today we are conducting audition and we would like to see you all give your best even if you don't pass." G-Dragon projects his voice while speaking so that the sound seems to bounce of the wall. CL nods , crossing her legs and intertwining her fingers on her knee.  
"So, who want's to go first?" YG looks up from the clipboard he came in carrying and looks at us all intently. The room was silent as no one moved or made a sound.
Suddenly, I feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I automatically go to try and find the source only to make eye contact with CL herself. I cough nervously before looking away though I knew it was too late now. 
"You." In the corner of my eye I can see that she points towards me. Everyone looks at me and I feel heat travel up my neck, into my face. 
"Uh—" I choke out before getting cut off. 
"Well, you might as well get it out of the way, right?" She says to me with a small smile. 
"Y-yes, you're right, sunbaenim." I begin to walk hesitantly towards the middle of the room and stand in front of the three senior's. 
"So," YG calls out. "What's your name and where are you from?" 
"Kim Hanbin and I'm from, uh, Seoul." I say stiffly. Why didn't they just read my name tag for 's sake?
"Alright, Hanbin, why are you here and what talent do you have to show?" G-dragon sits up in his chair and asks me. 
"I'm here by chance, to be honest..." I laugh quietly. "But I can, um..." I pause.
. What can I do? I can't sing unless the sounds a dying horse qualify as singing. I can't dance unless it's choreographed and I practiced beforehand. Can I rap? Well, I guess were going to find out. 
"Rap. I can rap and I would like to freestyle for you." I say with more confidence. Rapper's are suppose to have confidence, right? Be cocky and act like you're the best out, right? They all perk up and stare at me expectantly. 
"Well, go ahead!" CL exclaim's.
, here goes nothing.  
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Chapter 17: I'll admit your story was always unappreciated by people even though it was a blessing from the lords. Imma miss it but I'm also not as obsessed anymore. I don't know if it comes with age and being distracted with life in general. But Kpop isn't so fun anymore. I do tend to listen every once in a while but having friends that are now beginning to like it just makes me out the fun outta of it. Like I liked it since early 6th grade? Well I'm now about to wrap up 10th grade. So I understand where you're coming from, I barely like any groups anymore but the American in me with sports has always stayed because that will be a lifetime thing so I don't know. I mean I do come and read the fanfics that are worth reading every once in a while whenever I have the chance usually the weekends but like I rather read mangas. In general I understand where you're coming. Its better just admitting it instead of finishing it with no soul. That's honestly what I believe
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update, i love this story.
Chapter 15: Hey.... JUST KIDDING, YOU UPDATED YESTERDAY AND I WASN'T HERE!!! AH WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE, I'm always first. Always I repeat ALWAYS stupid school, stupid state testing, stupid memory You come back with my favorite fanfic that reminds me of my except I'm a talentless loser and well I'm not a boy nor am I Korean... I don't even have a dang love life, jisoos. BUT THIS JAEWON HOE IS HERE AND I SHIP #JAEBIN SCREW Y LIKE STEP OUTTA WAY YOU MUSTARD HOT DOG, LOSER BE ROTTING BECAUSE YOU NOW ADMIT YOU FEELINGS..LISTEN HOEBAG, DOUBLEB AIN'T COMPARED TO MY BRO JAEWON WITH HANBEAN DIP, I'M SHIPPING SOMETHING THAT'S NOT EVEN A THING BECAUSE I'M DONE WITH LIFE AHHH WeLl GoOdByE cHiLD fOr NoW
kiddo21 #4
Chapter 15: Yeah!You finally update,authornim.I like hanbin here.He's a bit creepy and funny being jiwons stalker at the beginning but still cute.What is his relationship with jaewon?Is there gonna be a love triangle?Cant wait..Fighting,authornim:)
Chapter 15: hallelujah author nim you finally updated lmao
Chapter 15: I'm glad this is updating again!! I really like this story, it's just, it's really interesting to me and im always left wondering what's happening next, each chapter never fails to surprise me and I love it!!
Chapter 15: OMG FINALLY! you don't know how happy I am when I see this story popped up on my subscriptions page T^T
I've been waiting for this story like forever xD
so... eum... I re-read this story from chap 1 cuz I thought maybe I forgot Jaewon has appeared somewhere in the other chapters, but I got nothing and then I remember the Mr.X... please don't say Jaewon is the Mr.X T^T ugh... what's his relationship with Hanbin? please don't be a third wheel Jaewonnie!
please update asap authornim T^T fighting!
larabishay #8
Chapter 11: Please update soon pleaseeee
Simonthova #9
Chapter 12: it is really gooood!