
I Was Your King

I caught you watching me under light

Can I be your line?

They say it's easy to leave you behind

I don't wanna try







There used to be a time when everything was easy for Chanyeol, not having to do what he had to do. Not having to have so many responsibilities and dreams. He wanted to be free; he couldn't be free. Out of all his years as a teenager, he had never felt like he couldn't do what he wanted. But as he looked at himself in the massive mirror, he was wrong. There was still time to fix things. But he couldn't do it.

Why couldn't he do what he wanted?

He wasn't a kid anymore. Maybe inside he is, but on the outside, he is supposed to be that one person with all the maturity and wealth. He is supposed to be a prince, but in reality is he really a prince?

He felt as if things weren't supposed to like this.

And things weren't supposed to be so wrong.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see a small boy whose frame is merely petite and small, blonde golden hair shining like the sun, walking pass down the corridor, taking glances at the big portraits and old paintings that's be there since forever. Sometimes, Chanyeol felt that the boy was there to haunt him. Him being in this palace just didn't seem right, but the boy lived in the palace far longer than he did.

The small boy suddenly stopped and looked back as if he felt someone staring at him from afar. He could see Chanyeol looking at him with a blank face. He smiled the beautiful and cheeky smile, the smile Chanyeol knew was mischief. The boy turned back and continued walking out of sight.

In this palace, there is a big responsibility of taking care what you need to take care of. For Chanyeol, it was Baekhyun, the small boy from earlier. He is small and a little mysterious, a combination of sweet and evil. Baekhyun wasn't close to him nor was he even a friend, although they lived together since they were 15. Baekhyun was just someone he couldn't seem to understand and felt like he would never understand him if he was given a thousand years. He walked around like a ghost, like a piece of feather being flown around. Chanyeol felt drawn to the mysterious boy, he didn't know what he could do.

Baekhyun was exactly a year older than him. He lived in this palace since forever and he's the son of the owner of the palace.











Chanyeol looked at his mother, dressed in a beautiful blue gown and had her hair curled like a majesty. "Yes, mother?"

"Get ready. The party starts in a few hours."

The party where everyone and everything turns into a Disney show. Chanyeol can still remember the last time he was invited into a huge party for the big event of the new King, nearly 5 years ago. Chanyeol was pretty sure his father will be chosen as the new King this time.

He was dressed up in a formal black suit with slacks, yet he could feel the heaviness of his own tie. He smiled at way his dark brown hair was professionally styled back and walked down to see his parents. His dad was dressed in almost the exact same clothing as him and his sister was dressed in a coral pink gown. Baekhyun was dressed in a blue a suit that matched him perfectly, his hair was split off to one side, and eyeliner making him look more defined and awfully sophisticated.

The vast stars and moon shined above their heads as the big party started. Chanyeol admired the way the huge dance floor was covered in bright sparkly patterns and enthralling colors.

He watched Baekhyun smile at him before giving him a drink, which contained tea.

"You seemed bored," his voice was barely above a whisper.

Chanyeol ultimately nodded, glancing at his sister dancing with his dad. "I am."

Baekhyun shifted next to him and held his hands out. "Dance with me."

Cocking his head, Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a funny look. Dance with him? Baekhyun wasn't exactly that person he wanted to dance with. "Thanks, but no thanks."

Baekhyun's eyes stared at him for the longest time, almost scaring him. "One dance."

Before Chanyeol could say anything, one of his father's friend's daughter came up and patted his shoulder.

"Do you want to to dance?"

Chanyeol looked at her and then at Baekhyun, who was already going back for more drinks. Chanyeol took the girls' hand and led her to the dance floor without looking back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time of the year where we will announce your new king. We have made a wise decision and elected Mr. Park as the Kingdom's new King. Please welcome King Park."

Everyone clapped as Chanyeol's father walked up the stairs to retrieve his golden crown. His dad was finally the king of Shinee Kingdom.






Back at their palace, Baekhyun snuck into Chanyeol's bedroom at midnight and woke him up.

"What is it Baekhyun?"

"Open your window." Chanyeol opened his window and for the first time in his life, he saw a shooting stars, many of them.

"Come with me." Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol's arm and they snuck out of his room and into the top balcony. "Isn't this beautiful?" 

Chanyeol could see all the shooting stars passing by him in a matter of seconds. He just had to make a wish. So he did. His wish was for him to be king of this very kingdom in many years to come.

"What did you wish for?" Baekhyun's voice popped into his head a minute later and he opened his eyes. Baekhyun smiled at him and he felt a lot better.

"I wish I could be King. The king of this very majestic place. To be a king under my own kingdom."

Baekhyun hummed, nodding. "You know what I wished for?" Baekhyun asked quietly, looking up at the stars, loving how they shined up the black sky.

"What did you wish for?"

"To live my dream."

"What's your dream?" Chanyeol looked at him, watching the way Baekhyun's hair was blown by the breeze and eyes fixated on the shooting stars.

"I want to get married one day and live a life in freedom instead of under your guys' rule. I know it's a lot, but it's what I want. I know my dad owns this palace and everything; I feel like maybe I can never leave this place if I tried. This palace is just too much."

"Baekhyun," Chanyeol uttered, "you will get your freedom and you will live your life. You have many years to come. You're still too young."

"And you're young to be a prince too."

"Why am I too young? I'm only 25."

"And I'm 26 and I lived here way too long." Baekhyun looked away and wondered why he never left this place. The thing was that his dream wasn't to get married and be free, his dream was to leave the palace and that's all he wanted, but he felt like he couldn't do it. He lived here all his life and this is his home, but he would never call this home. It will never be his home.

After a while, they both walked inside and returned to their rooms, but not without saying goodbye to one another. Chanyeol watched Baekhyun disappear upstairs, feeling as if they could be friends, but something held him back from making that happen.

Chanyeol recalled that one time when he and Baekhyun visited a secret waterfall in Ashmill Valley. It was the most beautiful waterfall ever. One day, he hoped they could visit it again.

Ashmill Valley was Baekhyun's favorite place and Chanyeol's freedom.











Chanyeol woke up in a daze and watched the sun rise above his large window. He got out of bed, folded his blanket, washed up and went downstairs. He could see his sister talking with her friend in the gigantic living room. He never brought friends home except for Kris. Kris was his best friend and although Kris could be the next King, it was the last thing Kris wanted to be.

"Hey Chanyeol, can you pass me the remote?" Yura asked, pointing to the remote on the other couch. Chanyeol went over and grabbed the remote, but he found a black bracelet, not just any bracelet, Baekhyun's bracelet. He tossed his sister the remote and snatched the bracelet.

"Have you seen Baekhyun?"

"Did you lose him?"

"I don't think so."

"He's probably up in his room," Yura's friend, Boa said, shrugging. Boa was one the top 3 princesses, along with his sister.

Chanyeol nodded, looking up at the palace. He continued into the next room where the kitchen was. He saw his mother cooking and grabbed a muffin before heading upstairs. He went all the way up to the top balcony and saw Baekhyun playing his piano.

"Hey, Baekhyun." Chanyeol walked closer and tapped him on the shoulder.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and looked up. "Hey, Chanyeol."

"What are you playing?"

"I don't know. My mother loved playing this song, though."

"Oh, I see." Chanyeol didn't know a lot about his mother, except with the fact that she diedwhen Baekhyun was ten. "I have your bracelet." He took Baekhyun's hand and put the bracelet on.

Baekhyun didn't say anything and just looked up at the clear sky. "Do you ever wonder what's it like to live in the sky?"

Chanyeol chuckled. "You practically are. You live the highest out all of us."

Baekhyun's lips turned into a smile, but his eyes were different. "Maybe I guess I belong here."

Chanyeol frowned. "Baekhyun, are you talking about heaven? Don't do this. We have all our lives together."

Baekhyun looked up. "Do you want to go to Ashmill Valley?"

"Yes," Chanyeol replied, without really thinking.





They walked around the valley until they found the waterfall. They both decided to go swimming and took off their shirts. They swam while Baekhyun talked about random things. Chanyeol could remember the way Baekhyun's skin glowed under the light and the bright smile before he went underneath. They swam for what felt like hours, enjoying the freedom they have and the cold water seeping into their souls.

Baekhyun was the first to get out of the water and motioned Chanyeol to follow him to the highest mountain. Baekhyun ran up the mountain like it was nothing and he could see Chanyeol staggering behind. He breathed in the cold air, skin turning into a trail of goosebumps, and lips becoming a shade of dry pink. They both looked down from the mountain, watching the waterfall endlessly flow and they could see the beautiful scenery of the Valley. Baekhyun loved what he saw. He glanced at Chanyeol who was giving him a look and smiled.

"Isn't it beautiful? I feel like this is paradise. Our own paradise."

Lips spreading into a smile, Chanyeol nodded. He watched the way Baekhyun's eyes seemed to have glowed and his skin turned a little brighter. He didn't say anything, but Baekhyun's smile was all he ever wanted to see. They both sat down and stared at the horizon.

"You know, you ran up here so easily and it made me think you do this all the time. Running up this mountain," Chanyeol said, barely glancing at the smaller man.

Baekhyun shrugged. "This is actually my first time with someone being with me on here. I used to go at night and just watch the horizon and think about my future. I just think this place holds a lot of meaning."

Chanyeol stared at him, wondering how long he's been doing this, but he held back. "What kind of meaning?"

"Ashmill Valley was a place my mother hated. She hated the nature and she really hated the fact that I loved it. She said I would disappear a lot at times and when I returned, I would have a different state of mind. My mother says this place was dangerous, but we don't think so. I think this place holds a meaning of freedom and happiness."

Chanyeol nodded. He wouldn't have discovered this place 10 years ago if it wasn't for Baekhyun. He liked this place a lot and it was where he could have some peace. He realized what Baekhyun's mother said could be true. This place could be dangerous for them, but it wasn't. Not yet anyways.

"We've known each other for a pretty long time, but I don't understand why you're so mysterious. I don't get it. One minute you're there and the next, you disappear without a trace like you weren't there in the first place."

"You call that mysterious?" Chanyeol could see the way Baekhyun raised his brows and snorted.

Chanyeol shook his head. "No, not just that. Why are you like this?"

 "What do you mean? I was always like this and I can't change the way I am."

Chanyeol knew something was off about Baekhyun, but he didn't know what. It bothered him a lot and he knew that if he didn't find out what made Baekhyun so obscure, he would die. He just had to know more about Baekhyun.

He watched Baekhyun stare at the scene before him and he thought Baekhyun looked beautiful and peaceful. Baekhyun looked at him and something in eyes tells him to stop staring. He looked away and the next thing he knew, Baekhyun wasn't beside him. He automatically stood up because he knew Baekhyun disappears a lot like this. Once he got down from the mountain, he saw Baekhyun carving their names for on another tree. They of course carved their names on trees before, but this tree was a sycamore tree and it was the tallest tree in the valley. Baekhyun looked behind him and pulled Chanyeol so he can see their names on the tree.

"This tree is our ours and I want make a memory," Baekhyun's voice was so soft, Chanyeol had to bend down to hear what he was saying. "We have to climb up there and if we don't, this won't be a good memory to remember."

Chanyeol nodded, already helping Baekhyun climb up the tree. Once Baekhyun was safely on the branch, he tried his hardest to jump on the branch without falling, and he could already see Baekhyun climbing towards the top like he was meant to do it all his life. Chanyeol followed Baekhyun up the tree carefully and they sat down on the highest point.

It seemed as if the tree was taller than the mountain and they could see the palace and the town from there.

Baekhyun took Chanyeol's large hand into his and smiled brightly, but Chanyeol could see the difference in his eyes. His eyes weren't smiling with his lips. They both sat in silence for a while until Chanyeol decided he couldn't handle it.

"Are you happy up here?"

Baekhyun nodded, squeezing Chanyeol's hand. "Why wouldn't I be happy up here? This is so beautiful and I want to see this every day. Are you happy up here?"

It was true, he was very happy being up here with Baekhyun, although they weren't really friends. He looked down to see their hands entangled together and wondered why Baekhyun was holding his hand. He decided it didn't really bother him.

They sat there, holding hands, in silence and Chanyeol thought it was the best thing he'd ever done. They were adults now, not kids, but he felt like one. He knew Baekhyun loved adventures and would disappear to go on his own nature scout. Baekhyun's been to different places and he been almost everywhere. Maybe, just maybe, he wished Baekhyun would invite him to those adventures.

After a long while, Baekhyun spoke. "Is it okay to make one more memory on here?"

"What memory?" Chanyeol asked, turning to look at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun didn't say anything and pulled Chanyeol's neck down. They looked at each other before Baekhyun placed his soft lips on his. And everything changed from there on.









Baekhyun wasn't someone that was easy to understand. The way he talked and his motions are hard to differeniate. He was always in his own world, a place where no one could disrupt his own ideas. Baekhyun ran in circles, not sure where to begin and end, he disappears to places like he wasn't satisfied. It was as if Baekhyun wasn't meant to be here, and it scares him to point where he couldn't do it anymore. Baekhyun himself didn't know who he was and why he never understood the point of being here. He just didn't seem to find content in his life and looks down on what he could believe on.

He wasn't jealous of Chanyeol. He always thought Chanyeol was the most the gorgeous person, he was handsome and tall. But he himself wasn't handsome or tall. He was never friends with Chanyeol because he was too different and Chanyeol was a prince with a name to be remembered by.

Baekhyun hated the way he lived and he wanted to be free more than anything. He knew he didn't belong in the palace where dreams were shattered. Like a piece of broken glass and a kiss on the cheek, he found himself in the center of what he really wanted and yearned for.

He walked between the thin line of reality and dreams, believing that maybe if he could escape the palace, dreams could come true.

And maybe if he understood what freedom and love really were, he wouldn't have to look back to where it all began.

Baekhyun couldn't see what his future held and what he wanted in his future. He never wanted to just be a person living in the palace, he wanted to be known and make a difference. He needed to leave the palace and he'll do whatever it takes.

A few days after he and Chanyeol went to Ashmill Valley, he decided to go where his heart led and his heart just wasn't here. The paint brushes were smeared and the walls were the definition of failure. The years he spent his artwork on the walls were done and gone. He no longer wanted to partake in any artwork in his life because he spent his life painting on the walls. He looked back to where the ripped papers on the ground were and grabbed a paintbrush, dipped it a red bloody color and wrote.

Dreams are everywhere and dreams can lead to nowhere. I never loved living in a place where I felt like I should be somewhere else. I don't belong here and it's time to begin a new path in life. I believe it's for the best. We have know each for so long and I know you would stop me from accomplishing this, but I can't live like this anymore. I hate living like this and I want you to understand that this is not where my heart is. My heart is somewhere else and it's time to find it. Chanyeol, if you ever read this, just remember that you will always be a king in my heart. Farewell and live your dreams because dreams are meant to be lived. -Baekhyun







He looked at himself in the mirror once again. The fine lines in his forehead, big eyes, and plump dry red lips. He realized how much he hadn't slept when Baekhyun had disappeared. He disappeared after the day they went to Ashmill and everything just went downhill. Baekhyun wasn't supposed to leave and he felt so mad. Why would Baekhyun just leave out of nowhere?

"Chanyeol, we'll find him. He just can't disappear like this out of nowhere," his mother said, sitting down on his bed.

Chanyeol slowly glanced at her. "Baekhyun's not us mom. Baekhyun's different and he thinks differently."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean-" he stopped, glanced at up at the ceiling, and looked away. "I don't know, but I just know that Baekhyun is not like us. He wouldn't run away if he knew what it would cause."

"Honey, he's smart and I think he knows what he's doing. Baekhyun's a good boy and he will come back. Why don't you go up and see if he left any clues in his room? It's a good start."

It's been a week without Baekhyun and Chanyeol felt as if Baekhyun's disappearance had irked something in him he had never known before. Baekhyun was his responsibility and he felt the urge to want to find him as soon as possible, but how? He barely understood and knew the guy.

Although he didn't know where Baekhyun's room was, he had a clue. Baekhyun lived at the very top and he'll go to every room up there until he finds it. No one had ever been to the top except for Baekhyun. As he got up to the very top, he walked past the balcony and saw a small door to his left and right. The door to his right was on the other side of the stairs so he decided just to enter the closest one near him. The door creaked as soon as Chanyeol opened it. He could see a small bedroom with paintings, many of them, and what caught his eyes was the shooting stars. Everywhere in his room was stars and darkness, otherwise everything seemed empty. There was a table without a chair and paint brushes and papers scattered everywhere.

Chanyeol walked around the room into a door where he thought it could be the bathroom, but he held back. Something told him not to look and he quickly glanced behind him, into the ceiling.

Home is where the heart is was painted across the ceiling in bright yellow paint.

Chanyeol gasped. Where was Baekhyun's heart? He looked back at the door and an eerie feeling overcame him.

"I don't want to leave you Baekhyun. Don't make me do this."

He yanked open the door and what he saw was a big portrait of Baekhyun's mother.










Baekhyun never returned back.

It's been months and months.

"Chanyeol, when was the last time you saw him?" His dad had asked him when they were getting ready to meet with Kris' family. His father was best friend with Kris' dad.

"I don't know. It's been awhile. Why hasn't his father visited?"

"His father is still roaming around the countries and I'm not sure when he'll be back. He'll freak out if he finds about Baekhyun."

"We're supposed to take care of him while his father's away. He'll kill us."

His father sighed. "He doesn't need to know."

Sometimes there will always be that one time when you want to give up and Chanyeol's been through that. He could clearly remember the kiss on top of the sycamore tree and his cheeks turned pink. He didn't know what the kiss meant, but he had a clue.

It's been almost 6 months since the disappearance of Baekhyun and everyone in town was still hopeful that the boy would return. Everyone in town knows about Baekhyun and Chanyeol hoped that everyone would try their hardest to find Baekhyun.

Kris and he walked around the town to get some supplies and they both saw the picture of Baekhyun's face scattered everywhere, in markets and houses. Seeing Baekhyun's beautiful face sparked something in Chanyeol that he couldn't explain.

"You know, Baekhyun was a nice guy and I regret not getting to know him after all these years. I feel really bad," Kris said, barely glancing at Chanyeol.

"I feel the same, Kris. He's just so I don't know, secretive? He's always in his own world."

Kris nodded. "Hey, don't be so gloomy. We'll find him. I promise."

 Chanyeol arched his eyebrows. "How do you know we'll find him? For god sakes, he's been gone for six months and do you know how I feel about this?"

"Chanyeol, he's 26, he's not a kid anymore. I think he can take care of himself so just let him be."

Chanyeol watched Kris walk down the street and followed him. He was right. Baekhyun's a grown up and he can take care of himself. Kris had managed to buy some house supplies for his parents and a small bow for his younger sister, Min-Hee. Chanyeol on the other hand, didn't but anything. As they were walking futher down into a jewelry shop, something caught his eyes. He walked closer to the pendant and thought that he just had to buy that. It was golden and was shaped like a shooting star, but the best thing about was that it glowed.

"That is one of a kind and we recently were able to snatch that one up and put it on display." Chanyeol turned around to see a small man, probably around his age, with light brown hair. "The name's Jongdae Prince Chanyeol."

Chanyeol smiled at the man. "Oh please just refer to me as Chanyeol. I'm as human as you are. So how much is this?" Chanyeol pointed to the necklace on display, already getting to the point.

"Oh, that's 11,712 won."

"I'll take it," Chanyeol said without batting an eyelash.

Jongdae lips spread into a smile and nodded before taking the pendant out of the display. Chanyeol quickly got out his wallet and paid the guy.

"Why'd you buy the necklace?"

Chanyeol shrugged. "I feel like I was drawn to it. There was a time when Baekhyun took me out to see the shooting stars and when I saw the pendant, I knew I had to buy it."

Kris watched the way Jongdae and Chanyeol exchange a few words before leaving the store.

"Where do you think Baekhyun could have gone?" Kris asked once they were out of the store.

"He could be everywhere. Just like his father, I guess he couldn't stay in one place forever."

Once they arrived at the palace, there were loud screeches and shouting coming from the huge living room.



"Guys, it's okay. We'll find him if it takes a million years. We'll find Baekhyun." Chanyeol could hear his mother's soft voice speaking to them. Chanyeol felt sick.

"No, we won't. His mind is like a grasshopper, never stopping and he just keeps on going. He begged me if could travel with me, but I couldn't let him." Chanyeol and Kris watched Mr. Byun crunch into the couch. "Why didn't you guys lock him in his room?"

"We tried Nam. Baekhyun knows his ways out of here."

Mr. Byun looked up at Chanyeol. "When did he leave?"

"He left 6 months ago and we did everything we could to track him down. I tried searching for him everywhere. The Ashmill Valley, all over town, Winter Bay, Rose Hill-"

"When was the last time he was with you? Where did you guys go?" Mr. Byun stood up and walked up to him.

Chanyeol glanced at Kris. "Mr. Byun, I'm so sorry. We just hung out at Ashmill Valley and the next day he was gone. He seemed so fun though and I didn't think he would leave like this."

"Did he leave a note?"

Chanyeol froze. He didn't find a note in Baekhyun's room, but he knew he barely looked. "I don't think so Sir."

The next time he went up to Baekhyun's room was the following day. He knew there just had be more than what he saw last time. The thing was, he hated going up there because it left an eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach. He looked around more carefully, under the table, around his bed, in his closet, but nothing came up. He sat on Baekhyun's bed and let the feeling seep into his soul. Baekhyun was gone and he felt so alone. But at the same time, it felt just right. Something told him that Baekhyun never belonged here; he wasn't the type to live in a world of hierarchy and crowns. He laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.

-At  Age 16-

"Why are you here all alone?"

Chanyeol had found the 16-year-old walking around on bear foot, looking at the roses on the bush in the front lawn.

Baekhyun jumped back, startled. He looked at Chanyeol, eyes narrowing and lips pulled in. "You're talking to me."

"Well duh, so why are you looking at roses?"

"My mom loved roses. Especially these white ones."

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun puck the white rose gently before handing it to him. "Why are you giving me these?'

"Don't you like flowers? My mom told me you give flowers to someone you're very fond of."

Chanyeol slowly took the rose off the boys hand. "Uh, thanks?"

Although they were both sixteen, Chanyeol was exactly 3 inches taller and he wondered why Baekhyun was so small. Before he could say anything, Baekhyun touched him on the chest.

"Tag, you're it." And with that Baekhyun ran down the lawn. Chanyeol made a decision to chase the boy, but after he turned the corner, Baekhyun was gone.

"Baekhyun? Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol was startled when Baekhyun popped up from behind him. "Hey, do you want to play a game?"

Chanyeol could see Baekhyun's cheeky smile and that made him scared. "I thought we were playing tag."

Baekhyun shook his head. "Do you want to play hide and seek?"

"Out here?" Chanyeol raised his eyebrows at the boy.

"No silly, let's play in the forest."

"In Rose Hill?"

"Yeah. Let's play kay?"

Chanyeol shook his head. He hears stories that Rose Hill was haunted and if you go at night, you can hear all weird noises. And Chanyeol was a scaredy cat. "Why would you want to go to Rose Hill? Do you want to die?"

Baekhyun chuckled, slightly slapping his arm. "No, I have you there. Come on, it'll be fun."

It'll be fun. It'll be fun. It'll be fun.







Chanyeol's eyes snatched open and he ultimately cursed out loud. He remember that was their first adventure together and that was when Baekhyun received the biggest scar on his arm when he climbing up a tree. He also remembered losing Baekhyun and running out of the forest without him. He also remembered that Baekhyun didn't cry when he fell from the tree and earned the scar.

His eyes wondered up around the ceiling or what felt like hours until he found that something standing out. He thought it was a piece of paper glued on the ceiling to create the letter S. He grabbed a chair and stood on it. He slowly peeled the paper off the ceiling. He stepped down and flipped it over and read the red shot words.

His eyes grew big and he automatically rummaged through all of Baekhyun's things, finding hints on where he could be. He found none, but the biggest clue was the painting behind the door.

"Mom, dad, I think I know where Baekhyun could have been to first. Read this first."

He gave them the paper and once they were done reading, they looked up, confused. "Baekhyun went to find where his heart could lead to and the first place he would visit was his mother's birthplace. He even has a huge painting of her in his room. He admires his mother more than anything because I always hear him talk about her. He loves her and I think that's where he would go. He would go to his mother."

"I think you're on to something here Chanyeol. Baekhyun had a tendency to talk about her and I believe she was the only person who could understand him. Am I right?" His father patted his back.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yeah. His mother was his biggest inspiration. She hated the outdoors and she hated curiosity. Baekhyun must've thought that he could prove her wrong and he started doing the things he wanted, even if it hurt her to see it. Baekhyun wasn't like his mother, they were like the total opposite, yet she was the reason why Baekhyun wanted to sky rocket and become his own person. He hated living here dad. He doesn't belong here and it was so wrong to let him drown in his own dreams."

"Honey, we all know Baekhyun is old enough to do things on his own. When he comes back, from whatever soul searching, he'll let us know his decision. If he doesn't belong here, we can't keep him here and if you want to find him, we can't stop you either."

"Is it okay if I go after him? I want to be able to see what he's going through and help him along the way."

His parents smiled at him. "There's no one stopping you."

"Yes Chanyeol, what do you need?"

Chanyeol shallowed. Mr. Byun wasn't the nicest nor was he the meanest, but he did scare him a little. "I'm planning on going after Baekhyun. I did some research and I think if I can track him down, I'll be able to know the answer to his heart."

"You want to find him?" Mr. Byun's voice an octave higher. "Chanyeol, Baekhyun's isn't like you nor is he like me. When he begged to travel with me, I felt terrible for saying no because I know he wouldn't come back."

Chanyeol tilted his head. "Wait, you knew Baekhyun didn't like being here?"

"It was pretty obvious. He didn't even like staying in his room and I knew if he was given the chance, he would disappear like thin air. I hate it when he won't listen. He never listens and he's always doing what he wants. And it will be hard for you to even track him down. He comes and goes."

Chanyeol bit his lips. He knew that Mr. Byun was right. It will be hard to track him down, but he had to try. "Where was his mother born?"

Mr. Byun flinched. "Why are you asking that?"

"I just want to know."

"She was born in Seoul. And before you go, I have to give you something." Mr. Byun walked back to his room and grabbed a small book. "It's Baekhyun's book of favorite quotes. I thought that maybe it'll help you get where you're going. Just remember that you can always come home when you can't find him."

Baekhyun's dream was to leave the palace and Chanyeol's was to become king. But maybe they could create new dreams as life goes on. Chanyeol had a new goal in life and it was to find where his heart belonged. Maybe he always dreamt of becoming king, but there are always going to be new dreams to create. For Baekhyun, leaving the palace was what he always wanted. He didn't want to be the one just looking out the balcony to see the town and the stars shine. He wanted to be the one to make something happen. He's been looking out the balcony for years and years, he didn't hate it, it was just boring to him. He just kept on dreaming and dreaming, knowing that if he left this place, his dreams would stop.






-A few months later-

"You were watching me?"

"Yeah I was. What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you. You saw me earlier, but you kind of just ignored me. Do you like being a singer?"

Baekhyun smiled at him. "Yeah, I really do. I'm glad I left the palace and found something I really liked to do."

"But you were more the adventurous type." Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's arm and he could see the scar that trailed down to his elbows.

"I still am and I think I always will be."

"Why are you so mysterious?" 

"I'm really not. I'm just weird I guess." 

Chanyeol smiled. "I have something to give you, because I thought I wouldn't see you again. I really hoped you found where your heart is because I found mine." Chanyeol put the necklace on him and Baekhyun blushed. "You are the shooting star I've been searching for. If I didn't find you, I would die. We've have know each other for a long time and I believed that you will always be that important person in my life. Please never leave me because you are my dream and my inspiration to a new path in life."

Baekhyun smiled brightly. "Do you want to go on an adventure with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun into a hug.

After months of just searching for Baekhyun, Chanyeol knew he couldn't let him go. He felt too drawn to Baekhyun and if he didn't have him back, he wouldn't go back to the kingdom. He read all the quotes in Baekhyun's notebook and it was all about one dream. Escaping a trap. Baekhyun felt trapped and he couldn't breath. Baekhyun wanted to be strong so that was why he left. He couldn't stay where he never belonged. During his stay in Seoul, he found out that Baekhyun became a singer and he's living his dream. Baekhyun had grown mature and even brighter. They helped each other find themselves in the the world of love and freedom and Baekhyun had grown to known himself and what he really wanted in life, but Baekhyun will always be the same mysterious Chanyeol knew and the same boy who kissed him on top of the sycamore tree.









-5 Years Later-

Looking through the mirror one last time, Chanyeol loved the way his hair was finally golden and it made him look different and maybe that was what he really wanted.

"Are you ready Chanyeol?"

"Yes, mom. I think I am."

He walked down the stairs and smiled at his mother and father, at his sister, and lastly to Baekhyun. They smiled at each other as if they were meant to do it all his life.

The party was the same every year, only this time Chanyeol got to dance with Baekhyun.

"You know, maybe it was a good thing that you're becoming the king. You could change so many things," Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol nodded, looking into his eyes. "I could, but I won't. Nice try."

Baekhyun chuckled. "Thank you for everything. And I really mean it. You helped me find myself and thank you for believing in me."

"I'll always believe in you. And thank you for helping me create new dreams."

"Well, what's your next dream?"

"Getting married in Jeju Island? Or Japan? Or even Seoul."

"I'm fine with anything. I know I say this a lot, but thank you for finding me. I don't think I can ever thank you enough." He wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck.



"Please welcome the new King, King Chanyeol Park!"



"Let's go around the world and figure where we want to get married, is that a deal?'

Baekhyun smirked. "You bet."









Rushed and unedited. I am a terrible because i had months to write this and i totally failed. i guess it was lack of motivation (or laziness?) but the deadline was today so i did it. the ending wasn't orginally like this so I might change it when i have time, (this is the worst ending but my laziness caught up...) but thanks for reading this crap. lol.

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Chapter 1: this reminds me of paper towns. it had that type of mediocre young adult literature that kinda bores me tbh because of their way of selecting particular things to describe. not saying that i think this story is horrible, i'm sure it's enjoyable by many, but the plot and the characters are not my cup of tea. the writing has minimal amounts of grammar mistakes, so it's pretty much okay.