Chapter one

Reach the top of you

"Kris, you made it again?" said Chanyeol while giggling. They were giving a high five.

"I always win this game, I'm the master. so where's the money?" Kris showed his palm to Chanyeol. Chanyeol took out some money in his pocket.

"According to our agreement, buddy." Chanyeol smirk evily. And then someone opened the door roughly, it made Kris and Chanyeol a little bit shocked.

"Kris!!!" said the one who opened the door, she entered the class room and she bugged out at him. She walked approach then gave a punch to Kris' face. Kris seemed got hurt but still developed his smirk.

"You jerk! I was trust in you, but you disappointed me. I thought your feel is real... but I forgot that you're just a jerk!" said her with tears in her eyes, but Kris seemed heartless and doesn't care at all. "... if you repeat the same thing on other girls, I'll swear you'll got karma!" she pressed a tone in 'Karma' word. "Bear it on your brain!"



In other side, there are a sweet group of best friend, they are Eunji, Zelo, and Hayoung. They looked laugh for something that they got it funny.

"Look at this boy's picture. Look at his face, it's droll.." said Eunji while pointed at a picture of boy in her magazine. It's a picture of one of comedian.

Hayoung laugh while covered his mouth. She didn't know Zelo was spellbround on her laugh.

"Omg... he's so droll... I can't help...hahaha..." Hayoung keep laughing and she felt her belly was hurt.

Zelo still waiting untill they stop laughing. He were going to say something. "Guys.."

Eunji and Hayoung suddenly stop and looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Do you have a plan? I want you guys go with me.. there is a newly built cafe, if you guys want to go out with me?"

"Of course, we do." said Eunji and Hayoung. Actually, Zelo wanted to ask Hayoung only, but he didn't has a guts for it. He's afraid if Hayoung know that he crush on her, then she will no longer want to be his best friend.

"You know that we always here for you," said Hayoung while smile cutely and it made him blushed but he hides it.


Kris dribbling his basketball and trying to through Chanyeol and shoot the ball on the ring. Chanyeol tried hard to dissuade him but Kris made it, he through Chanyeol and shoot the ball.

Suddenly, Kris' eyes turned to something that has just passed. And it made him glued. He still starring at that beautiful scene till the silhouette is gone.

"What's going on, Kris?" said Chanyeol interruped his reverie.

"Uhm, nothing's serious."

But Chanyeol knows that Kris has just bowled on a girl, and she is someone who is not unexpected. "She is not on par with us, Kris. Ignore her."

Kris turned head to Chanyeol. "W, waeyo?" his cheek turned red and this is the first time for Chanyeol sees him like this.

"I think you just fall in love on her."

"What?" Kris chuckled. "No. I was just...spellbound. it was nothing. Let's just continue our practice."








(so, who is the girl that made Kris fall for her? is kris gonna get a karma?)

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