Clues + Announcement

The Golden Hotel 2 (골든 호텔 2)

Note: The Golden Hotel 2 is unedited. There will be technicalities and grammatical errors along the way. I don't have any plans of editing this since I moved to Wattpad. The revised versions of 1, 2, 3, and 4 would be posted there (but not Kpop anymore). My account name is RedZetroc18. Support me by clicking the Follow button and putting my stories into your Reading List. Kamsahamnida!


MUST WATCH : LOAD AND PLAY (Pause to read the Clues)
I'll re-upload the video soon. I'll update this so you guys would know I changed the video :)


I Sometimes Update This For New Readers To Stumble On This Story :) Lastly, I haven't watched any Movies that is kind of like TGH. Saw Movies? NO. NONE. ZERO. Final Destination? After I read a comment about it but TGH 2 is still my original idea. None was taken from any Movies. Just based on my Dreams or Ideas.

Fact: While in the process of updating TGH3,
a friend linked me to Henry Howard Holmes,
the 1st American serial killer. O_O
Does that make me the 2nd Serial Killer?
V I R T U A L L Y? L O L!


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TGH 2 : I will update next week because it's our SEM BREAK! if you want TGH2 to get featured, click the ARROW next to the TITLE :)


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22 streak #1
Chapter 25: If only the video is working...
Chapter 26: It's true the new generation of kpop fans have changed things quite a bit coming from someone who's been with it all for about more than 6 years now- I'm gonna miss the fun this series brought me esp with this one and the SHINee/boyfriend one. The golden days with the golden hotel! I wish you luck on your writing endeavours :^)
I'm so speechless!! I start to guess that he is the killer when he said that he had no particular reason killing s and he just weird.

And guess what? I'm right!! I really had goosebump when he approach Heechul. It's so heartbreaking when he is the killer because he is the last person that I suspected in the beginning!!

And I'm really glad that Ryeowook still alive when I really thought that he's dead.. It's a relieve when he showed up and help the others..

But what about Eunhyuk?? Is he dead? his last word is just like he is dying..
Anyway, nice story author-nim.. I've saw ur fanfiction countless time when I browsed SJ's ff and I never bother to read it.. I should give a big clap to you for writing this story.. you are a genius author-nim!!
Chapter 24: I love this story
I will read ver exo
hanbilu #5
Chapter 25: can't it all be a dream like in TGH 1
How can the rest of them die? *sobs*
bts_kookievhope #6
Chapter 25: The video is not available in my country TT____TT
Chapter 25: when i play the youtube, it says that the video isn't available in my country
Chapter 19: who's the killer????