All I'll Ever Be

Love Me Until The End

Leeteuk:Kyu...*looks down at him*

Kyuhyun:He's locked the door *sighs*

Leeteuk:*worried jiggles the door knob*Hyukkie come on open the door

Eunhyuk:Just go away please *crying hard*

Kyuhyun:No not until we know your alright...*jiggling the door knob*

Eunhyuk:Kyu ill be fine don't worry....*sighs leans his head against the door*

Kyuhyun:Baby please don't shut me out again please *tears fill in his eyes*

Eunhyuk:Ill be fine trust me...*fighting back his cries*

Kyuhyun:Ba-*gets cut off*

Leeteuk:*hand on his shoulder*Kyu just let him be for now 

Kyuhyun:But hyung *tears in his eyes*

Leeteuk:Come on *helps him up*

Kyuhyun:*sighs whispers*I love you hyukkie never forget that 

Eunhyuk:*half smiles tears roll down his cheeks*I know kyu...i love you more

Kyuhyun:*smiles plants a kiss on the door and leaves with the members*

Eunhyuk:*peeks out the door sees the members leaving wipes his eyes*

Jaejoong:*sees him worried cups his face*Hyukkie are you alright

Eunhyuk:*fakes a smile*Ill be fine jae hyung

Jaejoong:Are you sure *worried*

Eunhyuk:*faking his smile*Of course your talking to me 

Jaejoong:Eunhyukkie...*shocked and worried*

Eunhyuk:Excuse me i have a meeting to attend too *bows down hugs jaejoong and leaves*

Yunho:*wraps his arms around jaejoongs waist*Is he alright

Jaejoong:I don't know.....i don't have a good feeling about this *worried looks over at yunho*

Yunho:*sighs looks down*

SM Building

Secretary:Lee Soo Man-sshi Eunhyuk-sshi is here for his emergency meeting with you today *smiles*

Lee Soo Man:Let him in *smiles*

Eunhyuk:Lee Soo Man Songsaengnim *bows down*

Lee Soo Man:Eunhyuk-ahh its good to see you 

Eunhyuk:You too sir *faking a smile*

Lee Soo Man:So what can i do for you today eunhyuk-ahh *looks at him*

Eunhyuk:*nervous hands him a letter*

Lee Soo Man:*confused grabs the letter reads it shocked*Whats the meaning of this eunhyuk-ah

Eunhyuk:My resignition letter songsaengnim

Lee Soo Man:What is this april fools day don't fool with me eunhyuk-ahh *drops the letter on his desk*

Eunhyuk:It's not a joke songsengnim *serious fighting back his tears*

Lee Soo Man:I do not apprive and neither would your members especially leeteuk and kyuhyun they wouldnt let you leave

Eunhyuk:Just because leeteuk is my bestfriend and kyuhyun is my boyfriend doesnt mean they make my decisions in life 

Lee Soo Man:You know no matter what they will do all it takes to bring you back none of them will let you leave

Eunhyuk:Then ill go somewhere none of the members Leeteuk and Kyuhyun will never ever be able to find me 

Lee Soo Man:Why are you doing this *shocked*

Eunhyuk:Because all ill ever be is a burden to the group and they deserve for more better than a face like this 

Lee Soo Man:Eunhyuk-ahh they need you this isnt about looks they need a pure golden heart like your in the group your the glue that keeps them together

Eunhyuk:*sighs*Im sorry i don't know where that eunhyuk went 

Lee Soo Man:Eunhyuk-ahh please reconsider this i beg you if not for me or your members but for you 

Eunhyuk:I already made my leaving super junior 

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I hope you guys enjoy this story...DANG i have to many ships but now im going crazy over KyuHyuk


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973 streak #1
Chapter 9: I am just in this chapter but you made me really tear up since the start.
Even with very simple words, you were able to convey your message.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 17: I never thinking if hyuk ugly...
Why people called him ugly...
I really can't understand...

Thanks for the update..^^
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 17: EEhhh he isn't ugly...based on what he is called ugly??? looking forward
Exoodose #4
Chapter 2: never got why people think Eunhyuk is ugly or why looks should matter so much even in the music industry, he is a great dancer! that should be enough! ^^ <3 love elf!
Chapter 9: Hyukkie , kyuhyun will protect you don't be sad baby .
luckygo123 #6
!!!! Hyukjae dont break down!!! Fighting!!! Kyuhyun will always be there for u!!!!! Dame you siwon n shindong!!!!!
luckygo123 #7
I loveee it!!!! More!!!!!
Sigh......siwon and shindong they are such an
Chapter 4: Hyukkie is really sensitive , I would get angry whenever they make fun of him . In my eyes Eunhyuk has a cute and beautiful face , he has the purest heart and he is the kindest . He always thinks about other more than himself . Eunhyuk is the best .
hyonalee14 #9
Chapter 4: yes, I was depressing too, I can't imagine if this's happen :(
stay strong hyukkie..