
White Day

It was 0700, you felt him cuddle you and plant soft kisses on your forehead, waking you up from your sleep. You turned over, pulling the blanket over your head as your eyes stayed close. “5 more minutes…” You mumbled, not wanting to wake up yet. “Hey, sleepy head, it’s time to wake up.” He called, peeling the blanket away from you. You groaned, finally sitting up. “What time is it?” You asked, but your eyes were still closed. “It’s seven. Wake up or we’ll be late~” He whined, pulling you out of bed.


… Late? For?


“Wait, late for what?” You asked, sudden realization hitting you as you stared at him. He grinned, “Get ready and you’ll see. Now hurry up, hurry up!” He hurried you, gently pushing you to the bathroom. “Okay, okay!” You quickly got ready and put on something casual. As you comb your hair, he hugged you from behind. “Hmm. You look nice~” He smiled at you, nuzzling his nose onto your nape, his grip a little tighter. “Too tight, too tight!” You said, turning over to look at him. He loosen his grip, chuckling. “Sorry,” he smiled apologetically. “It’s alright…” You mumbled, leaning into his arms. “So, where are we going?” You asked, tilting your head. “You’ll know when we get there.” He replied and added, “But I’m not telling you, okay?” He laughed, softly your hair. “Meanie~” You pouted, he laughed again. “Come on, we’re going now, alright?”




You sat in the passenger's seat while he sat at the driver's seat. He then started the engine, driving you to that "secret" place. He the radio and music started playing. You and him hummed along the music happily in synced. After a few minutes, the car stopped. "We've reached." He told you before turning off the engine and stepping out of the car, walking to your side. He opened the door for you and you stepped out, thanking him. You two held hands as he brought you to the destination. "Can you tell me where are we going?" You asked for the nth time, resting your head on his shoulder. "Hmm… Okay, I'll tell you. We're having breakfast." He replied with a small smile plastered on his face. "Sounds nice~ I am hungry." You said, smiling along.


You knew you've reached when he suddenly stopped and opened the door for you to go in. You walked on before him and looked around; it was rather peaceful and gave a pleasant feel. “Do you like it here?” He asked and you nodded, humming as a reply. It feels nice. I like it. He simpered, feeling slightly proud that his angle likes the place. “We’re actually a 5 minutes early.” He chuckled after checking the time on his watch. He then went to the counter and told the recipient that he had reserved a table for two at 0800. The recipient nodded and told a waiter to bring the two of you to the reserved table. You sat facing him and vice versa as the waiter gave you two a menu each. You started ordering and when you were done, the waiter said, “Please wait for a moment. Thank you.” before walking away.


“Why didn’t you tell me you had booked a table for us?” You asked, puffing your cheeks. “I want it to be a surprise~” He smiled, holding your hands as you held back, tightly. “Were you always so full of surprises?” You said, laughing. “You’ll always need the element of surprise! Especially when it’s not expected~” He winked, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Pfft.” You laughed, covering your mouth with one hand. “Hey, don’t laugh. I’m serious here!” He said, flicking your forehead. “Ouch! It hurts…” You mumbled, rubbing your forehead. “I’m sorry.” He leaned forward and softly pecked your forehead. “Better?” He asked, tilting his head. You nodded, blushing softly.


As the both of you continued chatting, the food and drinks came. The waiter placed it on the table carefully, “Enjoy.” He said and walked away. The both of you ate happily, filling your stomach with the delicious dishes. After finishing, he paid for the meal and you two walked out of the restaurant. You walked to the car with him and got on, driving to random places as you chatted.


Soon, you had lunch. It was as casual as breakfast, talking to each other, fooling around for a bit before the food came. When the food arrived, you ate with him, feeding each other too. He paid the bill after you were done and brought you back home.


By the time you’ve reached home, it was night. He went in the house with you while holding your hand. The both of you sat on your bed, hugging each other comfortably as you felt the warmth of one another. “Hey.” He called out; you hummed and look up at him. “Happy White Day.” He said and planted a chaste kiss on your lips. You kissed back, smiling. “Thank you.” You smiled, “I love you, Baekhyun."



This is a little rushing, so I apologize! But nonetheless, enjoy!

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