The Beginning and The End

Of Supermarkets & Trains
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"Bye guys! See you in school on Monday!" Hyemi waves to her friends. After a day of hanging out at the mall and shopping for prom dresses and heels, Hyemi is dead beat. But she still has one more thing on her list of to-dos.


Grocery shopping.


Living alone means that Hyemi has to do her chores and go grocery shopping regularly. Not that Hyemi minds.


The mall in town happens to have a supermarket that's twice the size of regular markets. Hyemi decides it will be more convenient to just get it done with at the mall than to go home, change into comfortable clothes, and leave the house again.


She hums a little tune as she takes the escalator to the basement, where the supermarket resides. She opens her "Notes" application to check her grocery shopping list.


Eggs, pancake mix, detergent, juice, green tea, fruits, kimchi...


“I could get this done in an hour, and still be able to catch ‘You Who Came From the Stars’,” Hyemi murmurs happily to herself.


Hyemi quickly gets a trolley and and roams around the supermarket. Half an hour later, she is almost done with her shopping. The only thing left on the list is kimchi.


Hyemi finds making kimchi from scratch quite a hassle, so she always buys pre-made kimchi. She makes her way to the frozen food section, and spots the last packet of frozen kimchi. Hyemi makes a dash for it, almost banging into several people at the same time.


Just as she extends her arm to reach for the kimchi, another hand beats her to it.


Hyemi frowns. “Hey, what the hell?” She curses and turns to glare at the perpetrator.


The boy, who is cladded a baggy, red-and-black basketball jersey, matching shorts, and a matching snapback, gives her a cheeky smile. The nerve of him to smile like that after stealing the kimchi from her!


“First come, first serve~” He teases, wiggling the packet of kimchi in the air.


“But I came first!” Hyemi retorts, hands on her hips. “Finders’ keepers!”


The boy smirks back. “Losers,” He points at her with a cattish grin, “Weepers. Annyeong~”


And he disappears as quickly as he came, leaving Hyemi with no chance to fight for her frozen kimchi. Hyemi huffs loudly. She definitely can’t survive a week without kimchi. She sighs.


I guess I’ll have to make a detour to the market near home. Definitely going to miss my drama. Stupid, stupid boy!


Hyemi angrily pushes her trolley as she mumbles inaudible curses at the male from before. Not that he could hear her anyway, since he should be long gone now.


But Hyemi couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was somewhat familiar. It was almost as though she has met him before. But from where?


Hyemi raps her knuckles against her temple twice, a frown etched on her face. Usually she had a pretty good memory. Why was it failing her this time?


… But it doesn’t matter. If she can't remember him, it means he can’t be anyone important anyway.


Hyemi dismisses that thought carelessly and continues on her way to the cash register. She comes to a sudden stop when she hears a loud crash from the aisle next door.


“Aigoo!” An elderly woman’s cry is heard after the crash.


Curious, Hye

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asyilasa #1
Chapter 1: Dis is cute!!! Hahaha and big yes for Jimin is bias list ruiner!!
Chapter 1: This was too cute! It's just ordinary life but this would definitely depict my day IF there was a cute boy. IF only.. ;-;